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Joined 11 months ago


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Fruit: dehydrate, freeze, or alcoholic fermentantion. Some fruit have special methods, like sulphured apples or bletted medlars.

Vegetables: easiest thing is to pack in brine of 3Tbl per Qt, leave at room temperature or a little cooler for a week before eating. I alway throw in some onion and garlic because I like it that way. Lasts like 6 months at room temperature. Most vegetables have additional special traditional preservation methods, but that fermented pickle in brine works for pretty much all of them.

If you want to be more specific with which foods you need to preserve, I can provide more options.

I'm writing a book on food preservation, ama.

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Wait, someone paid more than $600 for a fucking concert?

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More likely is a background/credit check service that runs statistical analysis on genetic factors that correlate with late payments or property damage as part of their renter screening service.

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There has definitely been a renaissance of old school forums since social media started to decline. One advantage to them ia that to bother registering and tracking a separate website for one topic, you'd have to be pretty interested in that topic. So the tiny barrier to entry seems like it promotes deeper discussion and higher quality responses.

Simultaneously, some really cool new forum software has become available with useful and elegant features that the old forums didn't have, but without the attention traps and monetization of the corporate web.

If you have a hobby, look for a forum; you might be surprised at how may have sprung up.

Yeah so all shoes were uncomfortable, then I realized my feet are shaped too differently for mass produced shoes. I started making my own on a custom last, and now all my shoes are comfortable. Steep learning curve, though.

This comment is unacceptable behavior, even if you do disagree with someone. For your sake, I hope this is a phase you'll grow out of. It doesn't show you in a very favorable light.

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Try this tool to match a torrent file to its data:

Most likely your shoes don't fit and you should try another size. Are you wearing through the outside first or the inside first?

This is why you carry a lightweight cell jammer.

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Fluxbox is simple, flexible, fast, and beautiful. I've been running fluxbox/debian for like 20 years and couldn't be happier.

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No, because artificial scarcity is immoral.

or an assyrian

We still scroll "down" to the "bottom" of the page, so how is moving your finger up more natural? Maybe i'm just old now.

These are not mutually exclusive.

Yep, just lost respect for ya there, bud.

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Yeah but estadounidense is literally the spanish word for someone from the USA.

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wouldn't that be nice.

Ah good point, that makes more sense.

All the time! 4 eggs, a cup of milk, a cup of cream, some sugar. Actually according to my calculations an all ice cream diet would be cheaper than our current grocery bill (we have cows and chickens) and not that much less healthy.

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Public or private, it makes no difference to them.

Yeah, same age here. I'm easily confused by android aps and sometimes it's just not worth it to figure it out. Still good with the tech i grew up with though.

Me. There are some benefits, and you can sweep it clean. Still dirtier than wood though.

This is pretty much my approach as well. If I don't have agency over what's happening I stay deliberately months to years behind the news cycle. By then, I can study it as recent history, with less panic, rancor, and propaganda. That also gives me space to stay up to date on the few things I can affect, like decentralizing the internet, breeding locally adapted potatoes, and enjoying life.

A friend commented on how wonderful a life we must lead, to be unconcerned about the news. I don't understand it, because all you have to do is stop watching it.

y'know, you make a good point.

Another vote for protonmail. It's honestly not as good as gmail, but it works well enough for what I need.

I can definitely understand that. It's a wierd paradox, though, that getting exercise will actually give you more energy, and the mobility you gain will make injuries heal better. If you can do a simple bodyweight workout just for a couple months, you won't regret it.

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It's an angle grinder with a cutoff wheel. You can get one from any hardware store.

Firefox still isn't chrome.

This drives me crazy with ddg. When it happens I use searx instead.

This has been my solution as well. Searx by default, ddg when necessary, wiby for fun, resulthunter as a backup, google when all else fails.

Very nicely summarized!

dude you have time. you're posting on lemmy, it's a matter of priorities, not time.

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Alpha Centauri.

Not 200 BC-- that date is for an unrelated language.

Hittittes were around from like 1600-1200 BC, so a language lost to them is probably at least like 1500 BC.

Direct messaged it to you.

I get permission denied notices with a fully permissioned admin account on win7. I never got that with xp. That's unacceptable on a machine i own.

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Ddg is driving me crazy with correcting what i type to give more generalized results. Searx is my new favorite. It's not just a google reskin.

Ah, a fellow connoisseur I see. Do you add enough chili to make them spicy?

Have you tried onion, garlic, fenugreek, coriander, chili? I did a duck and a rattlesnake that way this summer and they were both indescribably delicious on crackers.