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That is a valid criticism of Trump that is not true for biden. What op said was that any valid criticism of biden would also be true for trump, not the other way around. So trump has all the bad stuff that biden has plus the whole traitor, convicted criminal, narcissistic cult leader thing

for when you want to rock a Jesus' cosplay?

Vaccines. the original against smallpox was revolutionary, probably one of the most important discoveries of human history. Smallpox was a horrendous disease but we found a way to save the lives of millions of people

And know we have outbreaks of diseases like measles because the vaccines were so effective that people starting to believe that the disease was not so bad and that the risk of the vaccine was greater than the risk of the disease 🤦‍♀️

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i'm going to stop calling it twitter when redirects to, and not the other way around

at that point i would stop talking about it, because X is just too stupid

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If they are using GPT-3.5 and Claude, that means that they are sending the chats to Open AI and Anthropic, right? How can they assure that the chats are private and not being used in training if they don’t control what other companies do?

Edit: ok, they claim to have agreements with them to delete chats within 30 days and they hide the user IP

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RPS already has an article “celebrating Alices in games” as a sneaky attack on this.

Who are you, who is so wise in the ways of science?

Or like the blockchain 5 years ago

Or like VR 10 years ago

Or like 3D 15 years ago

It is the hot new thing that you have to use for the VCs to fund your company and for investors to buy your stocks, regardless of the actual utility. AI does seem to have at least more possibilities of usage than those technologies, but it also have an incredibly higher possibility of misuse that is being completely ignored by these companies

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The diet that we evolved to consume (fruits, lean meats and fibrous plants) was much less damaging to our teeth than the current high-sugar, high-fat, highly processed foods. And human lifespans was shorter, so less time for teeth to damage. So there wasn’t a strong evolutionary need to regenerate them (unlike an animal like sharks)

Red Team is a hacking term that refers to people who try to sabotage or use the system to create harmful content, as a way to test and discover problems before it is usable by any external users.

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At this point, i partially believe they are pushing it to the point that enough sensible people will leave the state, making those states republican stongholds for the congress and electroral college

Well, if you want faster change, you should probably stop blaming the lack of progress on the people who are trying to make changes and start blaming the people who block the changes

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i entered to see how it was, and it seems that there are only like 8 colors? so it is worse than the last time? like, the trans flag can't be done correctly, and probably the pixel art is going to look much worse. truly enshitification for literally no reason

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i wish that they would also reschedule lsd and psilocybin to schedule III, but at least some progress is better than no progress

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Literally all the benefits you mention are benefits of advancing science. All of those would still exist if there had been a global communist revolution in 1917…

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I like that the fireman was so polite and whisper, so to not disturb him during his relax time

I still use DDG (for search, none of the other bs they’ve been adding) because they are definitely better than Google or Bing. Is there a better alternative?

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94% of the population of China lives in east of the heihe-tengchong line, which means that for 94% of the population the timezone is at most 1 hour off of the "true" time, which is pretty normal.

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f***. i came out to my manager literally today (as non-binary, so maybe I'll be spared?)

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also, having the document was not the issue. it was the intentional hiding and lying about them when the gov went to recover them

several years? he is speedrunning Argentina 2001

Maybe smoking more? I would say that smoking (tabaco) is more common for my European friends, than my American friends. But most of my European friends are French, and most of my American friends are from the Bay Area, so it is more probable a California vs France than American vs Europe

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I doubt it honestly. People calling for stopping the genocide are on the left, which should see trump getting elected as a worse option in everything (including Palestine) than Biden is

I don't think he ever was a great person, but social media also has the power to radicalize people. It doesn't matter if you are rich or smart or anything, using too much social media exposes you to being radicalized, in any direction


wasn't ketamine schedule III already?

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It’s interesting, because for my iPhone that is true. I was a bit concerned with the walled garden, but made the switch from Android because of privacy (not that Apple is perfect, just much better than Google). I can’t recall a single time when i wanted or needed more than what the iPhone offered.

But with my iPad there are multiple times when i wished i could run a local web dev environment, or run MacOS apps (it is using the save M1 as my computer after all)

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the famous french motto of "the law applies differently to different people", right?

It wasn’t within reach; republicans control the house; before midterms, the decisive vote in the senate was Manchin. Democrats introduce bills to legalize weed, but unless they get a big majority those are not passing, and a law from Congress is needed for legalization.

This is the best you can expect until more progressives are voted in.

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i agree with your general idea, but not with all the reasons. war, crappy economic conditions and inflation have all happened multiple times before (and much worse that the current situation), but I've never heard that there were large portion of people choosing not to have kids before (please, correct me if I am wrong)

i think that the current mental health crisis (which is caused by all those problems + the housing crisis, destruction of middle class, climate change concerns + social media) makes it different this time

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from the article:

Black and Latino people are “much less likely to get arrested because the stops are bogus from the get-go,”

so, no. the disproportionate number of stops is not because of differences in crime rates. but also, it should be pretty obvious that white people (who are around 30% of the NYC population) should account for more than just 5% of crimes, even considering that more crime will be committed by poor people, and that poor people will be disproportionately non-white.

the more they remove, the more i'll be using my plex server (or Jellyfin if Plex also enshitifies itself)

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there is a lot to criticize Disney for, but at least they are not pushing hateful and harmful content like Fox News (which is the only part of Fox that Disney doesn't own), the Sinclair Group or some state-owned media like Russia Today does

it is. quiet quitting is a bullshit word that corporate created to make people feel guilty for just doing their jobs, because you are supposed to live for work or something. it is all bullshit

As soon as a company sells shares it takes the route of infinite growth which is impossible

yeah, the stock market makes that a company that is stable and generates a reliable income each year is seen as bad, but a company that has large grow in obviously unsustainable speed, which doesn't have plans on how to ever become profitable is good (i am not specifically taking about netflix here)

are you arguing that he shouldn't be sent to prison if he is found guilty? or that having him in jail until trial is a mistake?

the first one: yes, if he is found guilty, he definitely should be sent to prison. he is accused of committing fraud for billions of dollars.

for the second: yes. his bail was revoked because there was reasonable cause to believe he was attempting to tamper with witnesses

there is a lot of nuance in the discussion, but a lot of people just want a quick black and white answer. you can use AI to supplement other artistic projects (like using AI to create images for a comic you wrote), so i don't agree with the premise of the post

but i also don't agree with people who say that AI is just another tool. i think that it is a paradigm changing tool, that is going to make us have to rethink how we interact with art.

True, but anonymized search queries are much less personal than chats

When you move, you actually stay in the same coords (0,0,0) and the world is moved around, avoid bugs with lost precision at large values. Twinkling stars? Glitches in the rendering of far away objects

Even if people were thinking “i want to just harm someone in a way that they can still make a full recovery”, modern medicine also tells us much more about ptsd and other mental health issues that can happen from violence. So even if the while premise of “let’s get violent, they can heal” was true, it would still lead to less violence

i used fdroid when i used Android, but now i feel like it is a false sense of security. like, yeah, the apps themselves might not have telemetry, but the whole OS itself is a giant spyware made by the largest ad company in the world, so unless you are using a rooted, custom rom that has taken all the google apis out of the way, i still feel that my data is safer in ios than android with fdroid. the only real way to have data fully safe is too minimize the use of apps completely thou

i would use apps from an ios version of fdriod, if i had the chance, thou, so i think your point is valid