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Joined 10 months ago

One of many reasons I'm on Linux now and have been for years. I got tired of the bs and the increasing need fo reinstall often they forced on me....At least when I do it, it's my fault or I'm jumping distros lol

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I just wish there was a alternative for us introverts. Being a younger millennial(zillenial??? Idek), it's rough finding people. Esp being audhd and moving right before the pandemic and just not being able to predict people and catch their interest sigh

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I just wanna say this is irony that it came up on a work machine tho. Like they really trying to get you out of there 🤣

Bc it's always been probirth or pro forced birth. They're infamous for naming things against what they actually do. But people vote and empower them all the same bc they fall for it

Its been there awhile with these people....I wish I was kidding but they believe Mexico and other countries that way are so evil this is reasonable. Their stereotypes just seem to get more and more crazy that they believe....

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Our systems are just so unbelievably broken. They gerrymander and destroy other systems to keep themselves in power and its just sick.

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Capitalism at work. Why pay when you pay politicians to avoid needing to through fines?

Nah should be Dopamine attention variability executive disorder(I'm misremembering it I'm sure somehow). Otherwise known as DAVE

Cue the "God >!FUCKING!< DAMMIT DAVE" Audio lol

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Ironic seeing as that bench has hostile design to prevent anyone from sleeping there. Couldn't just work on the reasons kids or anyone goes homeless and yknow provide people with housing. It's a human right for that, food, and Healthcare but we can't provide it bc the rich need their TaxCuts sigh

I mean he's always been considered a moderate. The voting system encouraged him through since we can't get voting reforms to pass. What I wouldn't give for ranked elimination style voting or something.... I'm so tired of being continually screwed by the system and it encouraging the gerrymandering that happened in my state despite our own laws against it

Now if only local queers and allies in my state state would pay attention. We just passed some of the same shiz not too long ago and it sucks. Esp bc someone decided to flip and give them a supermajority here.

I'm scared as a bi, nb, and AuDHD person for my life. If people in my community knew I'm sure I'd become another statistic 😭

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This....this is just my adhd 24/7....I swear I can't win for losing with that shiz 😢

Wish more did that tbh.....esp as a tech person who MS and apple ran off with choices they made. Plus I like having more freedom on shiz to customize things more without risk it'll break that easily(without a major yearly update withstanding but still not as often as windows....)

Yea and also water is wet. We're kinda powerless unless somehow we turn a miracle out of all the gerrymandering. I'm just so done with this bs and being unable to fix anything....

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Yep....always about having a scapegoat to distract from the big plan 😭

Wish they'd fix this all over....I'm in one of those rural areas that doesn't have access to good reliable internet. Instead it's the bare minimum the fcc agreed was adequate but was already outdated at the time(25/2 or something like that, and it's abysmal got much out here). I know there were talks to increase the standard but it seems so far fetched that anyone left behind like me will get upgrades without moving(and that's impossible on what I make and have made)

That almost makes me wanna switch but I enjoy fish too much....even if it's probably got issues above my level of use bc idk what I'm doing most of the time 😆

Tbf he's done a lot to disenfranchise those he doesn't agree with or make it harder for them to vote. All bc that side can't believe they're not popular anymore.....

Yea which is why I wish it was easier to take them down when they threaten violence to send us into a war. Since I know I can't get things done to show I'm not capable myself for that or a lot of things(the audhd panics and meltdowns are oof with his stressed I stay....). Like the fact they won't believe they're in the minority sucks 😕

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Being without a job same unless there's something super cheap on my wishlist I really gotta have....I can't even make a decision of what to play out of my library half the time lmao

I mean I doubt it. Hall effects have been on the market for ages(notably the dreamcast as a few other comments reminded me). They can't possibly stop hall effects and mods that allow them at this point XD

Taf.....why is up Florida but cranked up. I'm so tired of this bs happening so much 😭

I can see them forced to have some form of resellable media Ala switch maybe. But disc's as others have stated I think are on the way out. Esp bc they're so easily scratched and everything good for a time but should've had something else come in once cartridges caught back up in price. They were always quicker by a long's just that memory prices weren't there in the 90s or until now even really. If I don't like or don't want a game I want some way to sell it off and can't do that digitally bc they won't equate it to the same thing as selling a used copy XD

3 more...'s that whole "they came after this group and you said nothing" bc we ignored the red flags. People ignore the signs until it hits them and its too late despite those like me doing what we can(which isn't much) to fight it....

That's probably true....just wish it wasn't so hard dating in the south. I had to make it harder being like 75% gay on top of the AuDHD since I'm always fearful of the rejection whether it's dating or anything else at this point oop....

Seriously....idk why they are so....obtuse to fixing shiz sometimes. Granted we are talking about the same company that won't embrace fan work the same as Sega so they're kinda backwards imo. Esp since that stuff usually isn't making money or is free promo for the real shiz Ala streaming and reviews. They're not very smart imo on a lot of things and seem to punish fans for having fun with shiz too much...

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Yea which is rough bc I live in a highly red rural area. I think all of them are completely fine with that too bc they'd rather I not exist. It's so wild the things I hear and see here....maybe not as bad as some but it's getting there...

Don't yell or be abusive. And yknow generally not a dick....

Big plus if they're not toxic af, and kinda understand shiz I deal with being audhd. Like I'd love not to need special shiz but I do. But also fights for us to have better wages. Shiz most bosses don't do in one way or another lol

It's almost like they didn't have a leg to stand on 🤣

My experience on hinge and most dating apps is weird bc of where I live. 20mins either way to the next major city and I think it's a turn off that I'm a bit chub and still live with my mom which I can't do anything about bc genetics and trouble maintaining jobs 🙃

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Would think they'd invest in public transit, trains, and other stuff to lessen the burden on the road, but that's asking too much. Esp for people like me who are slowly losing the ability to want to drive despite the necessity. It's just rough being audhd let alone anything else where that causes issues but you can't get anywhere without driving or walking distances that just aren't possible bc sidewalks and other pedestrian friendly things don't exist now 😭

No one should be earning that much money period anyway. It's excess while those below you suffer. I'm sure their board members make a nice sum too that is beyond excess of what anyone needs too. Max wages for the top and living wages for the bottom that make sense shouldn't be that hard. Everyone should make enough to live and punish those at the top for pushing these conditions with skeleton crews.

I could say the same for it over here in the states bc geezus. Esp as someone who absolutely hates driving bc of audhd and so many other reasons. Not to mention everything is so far away when I need it and shopping online isn't always ideal(and I'm still wary of buying certain things online....)

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Seriously....need to do that with mine but it's just sitting deactivated. Don't feel like messing with it....

Nah its got like a 2% chance approval which is even giving too much credit imo 🤣

Same tbh....

Oh I know....part of what's not in that comment is I have played it on free but ended up paying until I couldn't bc life sucks. Was on the second expansion too but yea life has been weird....

No one should ever earn that much and that doesn't include the stocks and everything else. Your arguments are defending the corporate elite. Stop being a bootlicker and believing all the propaganda that they deserve that much in pay.

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No one needs that much and that doesn't include other compensation that they get in stocks and such. Someone else said after all.of it thru make 20mill. No one needs more than maybe 600k. Even a ceo. They don't deserve that much. Stop being a corporate bootlicker, again bc that's all you're doing and it's gross.

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Actually it's not. Bc thats basically what they're asking for, but they need pay raises too. I'm sure thr board members get insane compensation too. You're so close to the point but still missing it acting like that's not that much money to be making. No ceo, board member or anyone else should be making more than 600k a year maybe 750k at the very max. If you can't afford to staff these places better, have living wages but SOMEHOW can pay ceo and board exorbitant wages and raise prices to the point of greedflation, somethings extremely wrong. There's so much wrong with your arguments that stray into defending the rich and how much they get paid and missing the point elsewhere.