3 Post – 29 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

The new one is just a web UI with options for streaming music. There were talks of the old original Winamp going open source though, which bought nostalgic memories to many. Eithercase, with so many music players on both Windows and Linux, I doubt Winamp would a niche case to fill.

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He was entrusted with protecting Google's privacy; not it's customers!

Same here. I have Prime but only for their Amazon Prime delivery services, not for their video or audio thing(Amazon refuses to unbundle their stuff in my country). To make it worse, Amazon Prime Video, Atleast last I tried didn't go to full HD(or even 720p) on Firefox on Linux, so there is no point to it.

And there is hardly an ethical concern to it. I am paying for a service but getting my hands on the material; just via a different supply chain because Amazon sucks.

Gone with the Wind was backward looking even for it's time frame. It's depiction of the South as a happy place for everybody wasn't agreeable by many films even then. Meanwhile, Star Wars is just a science fiction film, set in a different universe with little direct connotations.

I do not know why browser makers like Opera or Brave(and now apparently Firefox) is going hey ho over AI. I don't see a proper benefit of integration of local AI for most people as of now.

As for vertical tabs, Waterfox got it just now. It is basically a fork of Tree Style Tabs and very basically implemented. I am honestly happy with TST on Firefox and while a native integration might be a bit faster(my browser takes just that few extra seconds to load the right TST panel on my slow laptop), it'll likely be feature incomplete when compared to TST.

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Yes, I installed Sponserblock too on Desktop. Also, had to disable Shorts via uBlock Filters.

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I have Prime but mainly for delivery stuff rather than streaming. I did finally download their Prime Video on phone. I still pirate their original content and stuff that's available on the high seas because honestly I would rather see it on my laptop than the smaller screen of my phone(and Amazon won't let me see even in 720p on Linux legally).

I wouldn't be renewing my subscription once it expires. I mainly used YouTube Music from it but Google still hasn't managed feature parity with either Spotify or with it's previous incarnation Google Play Music either. I mean, they shoved the cast button that few people use replacing the next button used to skip to other track.

Play Music had a much cleaner interface on both desktop and mobile.

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Which instance are you talking of? Hexbear, by any chance?

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You can still upload your own music files (50k is the limit, I think) via web interface.

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Huh. I rented couple of old films and they previewed at full HD. Upon purchasing, they were viewable at 1080p. I was at the worst possible combination from these companies point of view(Firefox on Linux). I could be wrong but is it possible that it has something to do with the company renting out the movies themselves? YouTube Movies just acts as an intermediary, I think, and the main company providing the source is listed in the description.

I have used Termux, even have it installed right now but apart from the odd cron job, I never used it for something heavy. You, sir, are basically running full fledged Linux with it.

Wasn't there a minimal phone that made the buzz recently that was ironically, retailing for the cost of a mid range Android smartphone?

Simple suite of apps used to be good until the dev sold it to some company, I think. The versions on F Droid are still clean, but on Play Store, they are riddled with ads until you pay, I think.

I think the greatest hindrance to /e/ is the fact that so few devices are supported. The article lists Fairphone as a supported device but that doesn't retail in my country. Most Chinese OEMs (that form the bulk in my nation) won't be supported by it. I have had a Nokia and a Samsung but even those two models are nope. One would need to go with the express purpose of installing alternative OS's and then purchase supported phones like Pixel probably, if they wanna indulge in this. But normal people aren't gonna do this. They are going to purchase the phone that fits the price vs performance ratio for them rather than alternative OS criterion.

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Mobilism also has a huge case of magazines/newspapers updated on its site daily. Not every magazine is available, but most popular ones are.

How much exclusive content is there on Nebula? I was always under the assumption that it's pricing would be higher than YouTube's. If they have done localized pricing, maybe that might be better than giving stuff to Google once my YouTube subscription expires.

Also, off topic, but some companies just convert dollar values to local currencies. I think a year of Reddit Premium in my country is as expensive as YouTube, Google Play Pass and Netflix COMBINED.

HowtoGeek used to be a legitimately good site back in the day but now has a proliferation of low quality articles. Also, uBlock Origin by default blocks it's links sometimes since they redirect via as well.

There is clearly merchandising on some videos which constitutes an advertisement in my opinion. Also, a useless Thanks button that only exists(on certain videos I think) to tip large creators more money. Sure, I can ignore it, but why not give the user the option to completely disable it from settings?

I opened the same video in NewPipe and both of these atrocities weren't there.

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I just checked Google support site and apparently the limit is 100,000 songs now, which is quite great. The problem is, they don't tell if and how much, is the music compressed when uploading. Even flac is listed as a supported format but if Google starts storing bit perfect flac without compression, they are gonna give way way more than 15 GB before a power user can hit halfway their song limit.

It officially supports 250 variants including many going over a decade back. If one were to include all smartphone models/variants released during the previous decade, it won't even hit the 10 % mark.

Skullcandy customer support/warranty sucked for me as well. My left earbuds started keeping barely half the charge of the right ones within couple of months of purchasing them. I had only used both buds simultaneously, so it was weird to have more drain in one. However, the support folks just returned my product as-is saying nothing was wrong.

I actually checked Nebula and it's the opposite of cheap in my country. It is THRICE as expensive as YouTube Premium on a yearly basis. I mean, even Netflix is cheaper than Nebula here, it's so expensive.

I don't think they have done localized pricing and have just converted dollar values to local currency. I doubt they even care if anyone signs up from India for their service.

Recall does things that weirdly, a malware would have done back in the day.

Your original comment made couple of days ago is visible. It was just duplicated couple of times more in the thread and the mods deleted the duplicates.

Yes, the feed can be janky for some though I liked the new video recommendations it sometimes gave. It reminded me of another gripe on their mobile app. When you go to the Subscriptions page, it shows polls, comments and videos all in a bunch instead of just the latter by default. This behaviour can be toggled off but seems to revert back every few days in my case.

Either way, subscriptions page should be for videos only, not other forms of data.

Yes, but those modded clients still do not have 320 kbps streaming, I think since that is server sided. Plus, if someone wants to use 3rd party apps Spotify apps like ncspot, one needs a Premium subscription.

It is honestly better than YouTube Premium. Watt Google should offer as part of its paid suite, an open source software does it.

Iceraven can too but it's not available on Play Store.