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Joined 4 months ago

The term would be a Duopoly.

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Get the ones with the strip LEDs that look like they're trying to emulate a glowing tungsten filament. I can't remember where I got the information; it was like the Technology Connections YouTube channel or something, but I remember them saying that since they put the LED lights in series on those bulbs, they have a much higher voltage requirement to drive them, and much less circuitry is needed. It's the circuitry that burns out, and many of these filament-style LED lights literally only have a resistor as their main component.

I've swapped to these kinds of LEDs like...5 years ago, and haven't had one burn out yet. Probably have like...15 of them across the entire house. -- YEP -- Found the advice. Starts at 23:09 BigCliveDotCom also says the same in his episode about Dubai Lamps:

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MythTV solved this long ago. We already have the tech to bypass this shit.

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Sorry, but chalk this up to lesson learned. It's almost always been this way. Domain squatters will do this all the time. In fact, some domain registrars will use you searching their site for an 'available' domain, and if you don't buy it up right away -- will buy it and hike the price and sit on it for years in order to lock it down, knowing you wanted it.

btw, Namecheap says Sunglocto dot com is like $10 - so just register a .com. Not through that Epik piece of shit that you used before. Legit, use Namecheap; they've never done me wrong and have been my registrar for more than a decade now.

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'hacked'. Eh. There was an API endpoint left open that allowed them to basically just spam it with no rate limiting. They used the lack of a rate limit to just pull the data out of the API that it was made to produce.

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Everyone is abandoning their safety advisory council just before elections...I wonder why...

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CenturyLink is doing this to their customers too -- Their contract says "If we raise the price, you can cancel the service with no penalties"

Doesn't that fucking negate the WHOLE purpose of a price guarantee?

The purpose of the price guarantee is to guarantee having that service at that price. The guarantee is guarantee of service too.

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Bernie had this right. Despite being pretty progressive, he wasn't for outlawing semiautomatic firearms because they were black and looked scary. He believed that the right to arms was justified. This "AR Ban" is a great way to lose a lot of independents, and even some hard D voters like myself. There are a lot of dems who carry, and a lot of them who own the very firearms he wants to ban.

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I know basically saying this is some Nazi Germany style shit always turns into hyperbole, and isn't taken seriously. This is the kind of shit that leads to genocides and authoritarian nations

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That's what you get for trusting Microsoft with anything...or Google...or Apple...or Facebook... stop tying your communication to these companies, they can pull the rug at any time.

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Pretty sure QC is down at 0,0 right now. They haven't gotten it to work in the way it's been envisioned yet. The theory is there, but until something is quantifiably working, there's basically no hype behind it.

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I mean, if it's gonna happen - she's gonna be the best bet. She has funding from the same campaign, and at least she's not going around claiming that trees randomly explode.

I'll be happier to vote for her than I would have been voting for Biden.

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Translation: When not accountable to greedy-ass shareholders, they don't have to do the whole "If you're not growing you're dying!" bullshit; and can just keep the employees they need without constantly expanding and enshittifying their services.

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So do all of you, all of the time. So do I. Not in a direct way though; we're inundated with untruths from every direction and even if we're not directly interacting with that information - it gets embedded in our subconscious. That's why ads are so fucking terrible, because you're basically being mind-raped by them everywhere you go...and for some reason, society accepts it.

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I mean, they've been all over Reddit running accounts for decades at this point, no? At this point I feel like 75% of my interactions on mainstream sites are going to be from foreign agents and/or bots.

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Are you really asking "What kind of business keeps business hours"?

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At $700 you could build a pretty decent PC that would last a lot longer (3060 12gb, Ryzen 5 5600, 16gb of DDR4), and build a steam library that you'll have 20 years from now. I've had the same monitor, keyboard and mouse for an easy 10; controllers don't last that long. They're reaching a point where there's less and less of an actual argument for owning one.

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Also the legal benefit of scraping the site without the YouTube API is that you haven't had to accept their terms of service.

There's an Android app called GrayJay that got a C&D from Google, and they told Google to kindly fuck off, because they hadn't used any of Google's APIs. Google had no leg to stand on.

A buddy of mine taught his 5 yr old daughter to tell people "One time, at band camp...I stuck a flute in my..." *long pause* "nose".

And he gets joy remembering all of the people go wide-eyed waiting for that next word out of her mouth.

You know they are, but legitimately I'm pretty sure a large percentage of them actually have solvable/manageable mental illnesses. I'm starting to pity them more than anything now.

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  1. No, you're not missing out on anything. You can have multiple accounts if you wish, you can have one. Short of an instance going down that you have your account on, you can interact with it all.

  2. Official as in a centralized server with all the "main" stuff? No. Each server might have its own News community.

  3. There isn't yet, but with the way Lemmy mods are going, it won't be long. Starting to get some whiffs of mods banning people because they've voted wrongly on posts. Lemmy is unique in that it lets mods see what you've up/down voted.

  4. Use the ability to block entire instances, communities, or users as much as you want here. There's not some low-number limit like there was on Reddit. You'll stay much more sane that way. Like if you don't want your whole front page filled with furry porn daily, blocking lemmynsfw is a good option, without nuking all nsfw content, etc.

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I guess calling everyone an antisemite can only shield you from genuine criticism for so long.

Yeah, because we've let foreign nations litter our social networks with their infosec agents.

Nobody who is saying they'll withold their vote for Harris was EVER going to vote D in the first place. But don't ignore them; call them out on their shit.

I wanna know how to get one of these damn jobs; I currently play with shit like Proxmox and high availability clusters at home just for a laugh, and because I enjoy it; but with no formal education - and I'm making peanuts at work rn. I wish I could break into this somehow.

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Just because you don't have a website up at [XYZ].com doesn't mean you're not using it. You could have a domain controller on the back end doing file services, or you could be using it for network auth, etc. Not all .coms exist for the purpose of putting up a website.

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This is what we're headed toward: Any government official can do anything as a government official and get away with it because they were just following orders.

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xfce is fine, generally for most things.

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Well, when Russia is killing people who say mean things about them in other nations and not just on their territory, and China has a similar history...

Then you're talking about putting a device with questionable intentions that you can't verify on your home network? On your work network?

China has been specifically caught in the past, installing things on their devices meant for out-of-country shipment, specifically for the purposes of espionage.

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Exploit. The system worked as intended, just without a rate limit. A hack would be relying on a vulnerability in the software to make it not function as programmed.

It's the difference between finding a angle in a game world that causes your character to climb steeper than it should, vs rewriting memory locations to no-clip through everything. One causes the system to act in a way that it otherwise wouldn't (SQL injections, etc) -- the other, is using the system exactly as it was programmed.

Downloading videos from YouTube isn't "Hacking" YouTube. Even though it's using the API in a way it wasn't intended. Right-clicking a webpage and viewing the source code isn't hacking - even if the website you're looking at doesn't want you looking at the source.

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"But muh family and fwiends use it!" or "I have an autistic cousin twice removed so I can't stop because it's the only thing he'll use!"

Any excuse to keep huffing that copium.

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I used to run the 3D printing community on G+ at around 500k strong, (about 10k weekly active users according to Google's stats) and I ended up actually pissing off a lot of my European users because of this. My viewpoint on it, was as an engineering exercise -- it's an amazing thing. It's not advocating for guns, and guns aren't only used to kill other people. So I stood up for the guys posting about their engineering challenges, and their work making 3D printed parts for a machine with high impact loads and loads of cycling issues.

Unfortunately, it lost me some friends, like Gina Haubage and Tomas Sanladerer -- as they disagreed highly; and wanted to ban anyone posting firearms related 3D printing content.

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It's because they aren't installing the correct bulbs. Some dimmers work by cutting the 'pulse' that goes to the light early, some of them work by lowering the voltage/current.

When you install a direct LED to one that cuts the pulse, you get flickering. Incandescent bulbs don't do this because they're white-hot and don't change luminosity fast enough for you to notice.

Basically: If they're flickering -- they did it wrong.

Because the biggest enemy of someone on the left, is another person on the left with slightly different viewpoints than their own.

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The web needs ways to establish and convey trust signals which show that a user is who they say they are

Because it's just a convenient way to track people, confirm they are not bots, so that information can be sifted and sold.

I run a business repairing consumer-grade 3D printers.

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Just sounds like Florida to me.

100% humidity all the time. Temperatures in the 100's (F) (>38C). Feels like the air is thick and heavy constantly. It'll rain just long enough every so often to keep these attributes true almost all the time. Doesn't matter how fit you are, just walking to your car is enough to make you feel like you just crawled out of the swamp. Worst of all, Florida doesn't get Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter; We get Summer, Simmer, Summer, Fall.

Then you have to pay for double the employee hours. And you may not necessarily make double the profit in doing so.

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If Odysee wasn't filled with so much racist, misinformed, crypto-slinging bullshit, maybe normal people would actually use it. Right now, the best solution is joining someone's patreon.

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I...saw nothing of the sort. No mention of Trumps legal woes at all...

I mean, sure - some light jabs his way, but none of that could have been considered 'targeting his legal woes'

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Wrong. Hung is correct in the same manner.

I reject your bullshit English rules that are outdated and churlish.

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