1 Post – 35 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You're just trying to get the device into a known good state.

The truth is that it's rarely worth trying to find the root cause of an issue unless it's a frequent problem.

Something somewhere went wrong. We don't know if it's a hardware or software issue, so we'll try a solution that covers both.

Powering the device off stops the flow of electricity, and waiting a few seconds makes sure that any capacitors (think of very tiny, very fast batteries) bleed off the power they've stored. Then turning it back on makes it go through the full startup process which is likely to result in a working state.

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Their entire goal is to repeat history. They want non-white people back in the fields and women back in the kitchen. They want to go back to a time where only rich white men have rights.

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This is actually really, really good advice for adhd people. Telling people your goals gives you a dopamine hit like actually completing the goal does, so it makes your brain less likely to continue since it already got it's fix.

And like the other 10 companies that own pretty much every brand in the country.

That's the point that's being made.

I mean, I've been diagnosed for like 25 years now and I still have to do this.

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I blame my parents.

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Yup, they want it to shut down so they can somehow blame it on the democrats.

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Their base is still buying their bullshit, though, and they're brainwashed so that won't change soon.

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Good riddance. Less bullshit to uninstall when I get a new phone.

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One of my wife's friends just had her trip to Japan delayed by 36h and she just got an email saying she'd have to go through the CTA even though they promised her the money at like 3 separate points.

I think you might need to clear your cache.

It's also a symptom of autism and mania.

I mean, true AI isn't really a thing yet. People have been using AI wrong for a very long time now. Even ChatGPT isn't real AI.

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Yup. It's a developmental disorder instead of a mental illness (like autism). Our frontal lobe or prefrontal cortex didn't develop properly.

I think ADHD is a horrible name for it. Executive Functioning Disorder is a much more accurate name.

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Because telling people about your goals gives you a similar dopamine hit as actually completing them, so it makes you less motivated to finish.

A few months ago I was tasked with translating a script from one IBM emulator program to another because the owners of the first program wouldn't respond to requests to purchase a new license.

The scripting language used on both was unique to the software, and the documentation was basically non-existent. Plus, the script was written over a decade ago, and the guy who wrote it was long gone.

For weeks I banged my head against the wall trying to figure out the logic flow before I realized that it was essentially BASIC, which I haven't touched in over 20 years.

I'm not sure what they mean by "payrolls". Is it talking about the number of people on the payroll?

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I really think we need to amend the constitution to allow a true democratic vote of no confidence for all federally elected positions.

God damn, I guess there really isn't such a thing as an original thought.

Yeah, you might as well not vote. You're never going to sway enough people to vote independent to challenge one of the big two, especially since the choice right now is between old people or people trying to establish a fascist theocracy.

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You're making the mistake of thinking that people who care about what the admins did are the majority of reddit users.

I'd give it a month, maybe 6 weeks, until everything is back to normal.

Yeah, tanking your valuation is the exact opposite of you want to do before going public. Not to mention that AFAIK pre-ipo stock buying isn't a thing.

It truly was humorous to hear people with absolutely no business education talk so confidently about how big of a mistake the execs made. As if people with advanced degrees in business and years of experience didn't know exactly what they were doing.

They knew they'd lose a few million subscribers, but they also knew the people they're losing were people that they weren't going to profit off of.

I also had a chuckle at people thinking that the current mod teams were the only people in the world who would be willing to exert control over millions of people for free.

Nah, the GOP has already washed their hands with Trump. DeSantis is their new tyrant.

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Yeah, I definitely phrased that poorly. I meant what you said, that they're both developmental disorders

Yes, but a neural network is just a collection of ML algorithms.

People actually read the article?

[I'm the dumbass who didn't read the article]


The reason those games are so popular is that they're inherently exploitative. I have no issues with predatory app developers being priced out of business.

They should probably also change their name to something that denotes their desire to create a fascist theocracy.

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When are you going to hook up to SageMaker or Bedrock? You're already using lambda calls, so it's a logical next step.

You are correct. Voting isn't going to solve this problem.

Are you high?

It's hard to care about people who develop games to encourage and monetize on gambling addictions.

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Or we could all just move to nano and be less frustrated.

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