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Joined 11 months ago

As of now, the police are already involved. I'm just afraid it will be swept under the rug like it was 20 years ago. I was hoping I could do something to help their case against A.

Edit: Thinking about it more, if I can't get in contact with B, this is probably the best I can do in my current situation.

1 more...

Adopt who? The child? He has a loving mother who is fighting for him with everything she has. I don't think removing him from her is the right choice.

I'm not sure. That's a good question. I would guess no. His parents have been negligent to the point of being abusive with him. Based on the stories my parents have told me, they refused to take him to see a doctor when he wasn't talking as a baby. They did eventually bring him to a doctor, but years after they should have. They would usually pay other kids his age to work with him on learning exercises from workbooks. He never went to school. They didn't try teaching him sign language until he was a teenager, and even then they didn't stick with it or try very hard.

This is so heartbreaking to think about. Before this weekend, I had so much respect for this family. They are the kind of people who go help the homeless every weekend. They let homeless people stay at their house for months to help get them back on their feet. They have done this for decades. I feel like my world has shattered knowing that it's very likely that the worst of it hasn't even been uncovered.

That's exactly what I'm thinking. I would like to talk to B first to see if she's willing to help, since she had a firsthand experience, but I'm not sure how to reach out. If she isn't willing to go public with this, I don't want to be the one that makes that decision for her.

I will definitely do that. My mom is very much on the side of A's mom and wants to bury everything. But I think my dad will see reason if I explain what I explained here.

The other option is to ask for contact information without saying the real reason why. Or ask another friend. I'll bet I can get it without raising any unnecessary flags. I'm not afraid of being shunned. I'll do anything I have to. I'm afraid of people telling each other not to give me the contact info, making it that much harder to get it.

You coming out with a vague story from 20 years ago is not strong evidence in of itself.

Exactly. That's why I would like to get back in contact with B, who will have a lot better info.

The more I think about it, the less I think the police are really involved. I'll make sure to get them involved once I have something better than "when I was a kid I overheard people talking about this stuff"