6 Post – 35 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This is all coded language. When he says "thugs" he means black people. When he says "perverts" he means LGBTQ. This is straight up nazi rhetoric.

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Sounds like a lot of hot air coming from the guy who bypassed congress to float an extra $106,000,000 so the IDF can use more guns and bombs on civilians.

I used to be a vote blue no matter who, afraid of Trump fascism, but a statement must be made that this is not okay.

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It makes me feel sick that Biden is sending more money to Israel, with no conditions, knowing that all of that money will be used for genocide.

It's also upsetting (but not surprising) to see so many Israel apologists on social media.

bluesky is not that great. I can't recommend it.

Everyone feels like the economy sucks. But stock buybacks and ai have been great for the 1% who have the means to manipulate the stock market. Everyone else should just buy less avocado toast or something, I guess.

Honestly, this article, like many other articles just like it, is just gaslighting.

Wow. Someone got paid for writing that garbage.

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Too much responsibility, too many expectations. Even when I'm not working I feel it. I need a long vacation.

Those "Wealth Increases" are only meaningful for people who are already extremely wealthy.

For the rest of us, people touting "the economy" are just background noise; the reality is, housing costs are out of control; people with professional jobs can't even afford a one bedroom apartment. Food prices have skyrocketed; the other day, I noticed a gallon of milk cost me $7. A sandwich or a burrito costs $15. That's nearly a half hour wage for me, which is about the same buying power I had when I was making $7.25 in the late nineties.

We need a sea change, and it needs to start with a wholesale replacement of our congressional body.

Comments like this make me wish we had a downvote button.

  1. Because I have transformed in a similar way and have wrestled with this exact issue.

  2. Those feelings are normal: capitalist social conditioning teaches us to dehumanize poor people, and since the voices which put these ideas in our heads are usually trusted entities like parents or grandparents, it's hard to shake them. The fact that you feel conflicted is good, it means you are unshackling your mind.

  3. Being homeless sucks. On the street, you are at the mercy of sociopaths, police harassment, and the elements. In shelters, you are constantly at risk of abuse and theft. If somebody feels they need to numb their mind to a life that has become a kind of hell, who the fuck am I to judge? Let's say I choose to give them food instead. What if they feel sick? What if they have a food allergy? Again, who am I to unilaterally decide what they should eat? The kindest thing to do is simply to give money, so they can get what they need, whether that's a cigarette, a tampon, some tylenol, a bottle of water, or whatever.

  4. I am partial to second thought. Richard Wolff is also worth watching.

Just want to add -- this post and the replies give me hope and make me glad I joined this instance.

Nice. Take that, adware installers! Web exploits and phishing are still (minor) risks though, since they're mostly platform agnostic.

Awesome work sidestepping the hack.

Check out - it has sequences of projects in increasing difficulty level in 66 languages. It is very user friendly and provides nice structure for getting started, without the pressure and stress that a classroom environment might introduce. As for the language, pick whichever one interests you.

It's not enough. It's better than nothing, but it's not enough.

reddit has noticeably gone downhill since then, and it already wasn't great.

That's fair -- it's not great for your lungs if it's smoked/vaped.

I was thinking of the other entheogens, but I admit those are harder to get a hold of because of our backwards and frankly, racist drug laws.

there's nothing wrong with getting high every now and again -- as long as it's with one of the good drugs and not the ones that can ruin your life

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It's pretty great - it has nice tooling and well structured problems to sharpen your programming skill on. One issue I discovered is, if you are studying a less popular language, the difficulty ratings tend to be inaccurate - things that are labeled medium might be super easy, while things labeled easy might be super difficult.

Also, just because something passes in your local doesn't mean it will pass on exercism - the resources allocated to their cloud servers are skinnier than what you are likely running. This is part of what pushes problems another level up in difficulty.

Star Valor looks cool as hell. I can't actually run it, since it's Windows-only, but one of y'all might like it. If you liked the classic Escape Velocity games or endless-sky, this looks similar.

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I taught myself some shell scripting and unix commands after being gifted an iMac running 10.3. I then decided I wanted to fully immerse myself, so I dual booted that thing with OpenBSD.

The installer back then was pretty barebones; I used a scientific calculator to set up the partitions. After install I was dropped into a root shell and had to recompile the kernel to apply the latest system patches, then set up my user account, sudo, and bootstrap the package installer.

Getting the latest Firefox meant compiling it from scratch, which took about a week. Setting up flash involved configuring a Linux emulation layer. It worked on most sites, but not others.

I began pining for the binary updates, native flash support, and huge package libraries available in Linux, not to mention the cool wobbly window cube that compiz fusion offered, so I made the jump to Linux.

I've switched distros and even switched to other unix-likes, but in the end Linux won for me.

Welcome to the club. The more people who wake up to reality, the better. Food insecurity and socioeconomic collapse are honestly the scariest parts to me. I try not to think about it, since I can't change it.

My back pain is returning. It woke me up at 5am, so I'm having an early day today. On the plus side, that meant a nice sunrise breakfast with the wifey. Overall I feel like I have a lot to be thankful for, but the state of the world and especially the thought of election day 2024 makes me feel uneasy. I try not to think about it.

chrome, the android os and platform and all the apps therein. I mainly use firefox, but some things only work in chrome.

Oh, no! Billionaires with short term, selfish thinking might lose money! What a tragedy.

I get the impression he is barely keeping his head above water -- he seems to hardly understand what is happening around him. Not quite Mitch level, but similar.

We need more alternative candidates for congressional seats. I would love to see the current body get replaced.

I was thinking about planet X, too! If it exists, maybe it's a captured exoplanet. That would be pretty cool.

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If you have an android, there are two games that did a great job with 2d space combat and trading - spacerpg3 and spacerpg4. 3 is definitely inspired by EV Override, while 4 is very much its own thing.

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Biden's horrible handling of the genocide will be his undoing. If I had to bet, I'd bet on Trump, because this country is too god damned brainwashed to vote, as I will, for De La Cruz.

That is a very good point. Cheers!

Didn't know about the forward party -- thanks!

This would have been helpful in, like, 2014, but better late than never I suppose. Interestingly, a recent skeptoid episode covered a similar topic

I have played all of those except for Ur-Quan. I didn't like the combat or trade mechanics in Naev, but the storyline and the planet art is cool. I played endless-sky a lot, but at this point I just want to see the main storyline for it finished, but that will have to wait until MZ has the time to dedicate to it again. I have starsector, but it looks more complex than I would like.

The DNC actively funds the most far-right, Trumpy candidates of the Republican party. It's on

nomachine works well in my experience; it's pretty straightforward to set up. And it offers nice performance. It's free (as in beer), but it is proprietary software -- they make their $$ selling enterprise features on their website.