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Good bot

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I doubt it. It would likely kill any non Giant tech backed AI companies though

Microsoft has armies of lawyers and cash to pay. It would make life a lot harder, but they’d survive

It’s almost hard to imagine getting through this election cycle without at least one deep fake crisis

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Whatever the fuck that means

Large Hadron Collider could be an interesting candidate. It’s not very visible, but it’s unique, gigantic, and insulated from damage

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What about propaganda separates it from advertising or interpersonal communication?

The degree of lie and the consequences of the lie.

Advertisements can be misleading, but if they go too far can be subject to false advertisement laws. No such check is there for a government participating in propaganda. That government also has the ability to wage war and generally oppress people rather than just sell products.

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I think the container piece is probably the least of your concerns here honestly. The biggest thing you'll want to focus on is the ingress networking layer, but that won't really be any different than if you were running the app normally. Generally exposing ports from your home network to the internet is not a great idea, and you try to use something like cloudflare or get a cheap cloud VPS with a reverse proxy connected to the container host via VPN.

But for general container security practice, what you mentioned is good. You could also look at the Docker CIS Benchmark for more good security practices. And container scanning tools like trivy or anchore syft/grype to identify vulnerabilities in your containers. But again this is secondary to the networking layer in my opinion.

Hmmm, wondering if Eternalism is even a necessary component here.

If we take spacetime as a 4 dimensional continuum, then I would just reword this as: "when" is just a specific version of "where" that refers to the time dimension.

I’m not really following here tbh. Articles might be wrong and so…. something? Sure simply pasting any old link isn’t inherently proving anything. One would have to assume the link is being provided because the poster thought the content of the article was good.

I don’t think you can ever stop getting angry. Or should.

I think what you can do is not letting anger have power over you. The thought of these incidents can come up, you can recognize it makes you angry, but you don’t have to do anything with that anger. There’s another thought that will pop into your head in 30 seconds, that will trigger some other reaction, and so on and so forth.

This is an insight of meditation practice.

I will continue to be a proponent of meditation practice. It’s honestly a shame imo that it has a “mystical” connotation. I think it’s very practical. I really don’t think of it much more than dedicating time to observing how my brain works. And a lot of that is all the stuff that arises that doesn’t feel like it “under your power.” When you actually sit down regularly and take notice of the arising and falling away of thoughts and emotions, it becomes a lot easier to not let it consume you and react.

It’s one thing to “know” the emotions are temporary and you shouldn’t react so strongly. It’s another thing to really internalize that and be able to have that same perspective in the moment of strong emotion. It’s practice.

It’s not that different than other media. There is really good analysis out there but you have to really go out of your way to avoid the bullshit. The stuff that really gets eyeballs is the low hanging, drama oriented, sound-byte-y stuff.

Don’t lottery tickets cost like $1?

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Well this is what he’s aiming for but it doesn’t say much about how

Who even has interest in tracking this?

What does Ja Rule think?


Same reason anything else is. It’s big money. Porn is a multi billion dollar industry.

As for why “extreme” porn is so “normalized” I think it’s more because it’s stigmatized ironically. Have you ever had an in person conversation about why there’s so much step family porn? No of course not because then both people would be acknowledging they watch porn for one. So the social factors that would guide things are totally absent.

Yeah.... this feels like a very bad example. I am honestly curious as to specifics here, because Ubuntu setup is pretty dead simple with the graphical installer. And like you said docker is native linux.

Saying running anything out of the box is "impossible by design" on Ubuntu is objectively wrong frankly. Maybe you could argue they haven't succeeded in their goal of being super out of the box friendly, not sure I'd agree but at least you'd have leg to stand on.

I also don't think it's like a bright line that propaganda is necessarily the worst form of dishonesty. The subject matter and intent is huge. If a US president runs ads with cherry picked economy data, you could argue that's propaganda. But that isn't necessarily worse than say a Pharma exec who pushes through and misleading advertises a potentially harmful drug. The exec could potentially get in trouble for this, but you could easily argue his actions were worse.

The potential harm is generally pretty high when we think of propaganda. And governments willing to participate in more flagrant propaganda are likely going to be willing to participate in other unsavory behavior. And use propaganda to affect it.

He was on Lex Friedman's podcast a while back. Honestly he seemed like a smart guy but I came away feeling like he was pretty cynical about the whole thing. It really did just feel like a neurotically trained intuition about boosting view metrics.

He did seem like a decent dude I guess. Its hard to tell from those kind of things.

He's.... not wrong though. I mean look, deploying things is somewhat inherently the task of professionals and enthusiasts. To say that deploying things on Windows is easier than Linux is going to be really really hard to defend. Not to even mention the docker layer.

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I guess I can’t deny your experience is your experience, but again if you’re running Docker on Windows, Windows is just running a Linux VM or WSL to do this. And I can assure you that any serious person running containerized workloads for production type deployments will be doing this on a Linux host.

Docker has pretty good docs for installation on the major Linux distros, so without more info I can’t really say much else.

I don’t find the designation to be that much of a thing. There are former players that are great and there are former players who are completely awful clickbait clowns. Same is true for non former athletes.

The good former pros definitely have a valuable perspective though I think there’s also something to be said for a bit of a removed perspective.

In this particular context regulatory capture and political donations is the unseen bullshit of the claim. Corporations DO make the rules

I would only add to do this also when you are not feeling this way. In my experience it’s very hard to make this happen if I only try to roll it out when I’m already feeling mad. Doing some daily meditation for 10-15 minutes is the only way I’ve had any success being able to engage that when I really need it. Also it’s nice to be able to step back and recognize good emotions / reactions.

Ubuntu is notoriously user unfriendly???

That's honestly super confusing to me. Not just experientially from using Ubuntu but also just I've never heard it described that way. It's definitely near the top of list of out-of-box friendly distros.

Graphical installer. Full App Store UI. Desktop versions that come with lots of common software. It's hard to get much simpler than that.

Truly, if anything, I would consider desktop Ubuntu to be somewhat power user unfriendly.

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I mean, if it’s good data with good analysis. Even then there could still be quite a lot to debate