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Joined 1 years ago

The biggest problem with Discord is that its an information black hole. Its not properly searchable and not indexed by search engines.

Discord is fine for casual chat, but horrible when used for forum-type discussions and even worse when used for documentation.

You see the same problems being discussed and solved again and again, but you cant just "link" someone the solution like you could with a forum thread cause its spread out over 3-10 chat messages that are interleaved in-between other topics being discussed in the same room

Anything of long-term value for the project (forum-type discussions, documentation etc) should not recide in Discord

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It's still disapointing to see media misrepresent the reason for the protests. Nobody went up in arms when Reddit announced they'll charge for API access, which was announced in April. The protests started because they're charging a bazillion dollars, aka "the fuck you price" effectively banning 3rd party apps without actually banning 3rd party apps

And the "strike" got extended due to the extremely poor handling of the protests from Reddit, like slandering the Apollo dev

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It might be relatively new, but I'd say Subnautica.

It was such a breath of fresh air when it came out, and instilled both such a sense of wonder at all the vibrant lifeforms of 4546B and also instilling such dread upon encountering reapers or diving deeper than ever before. I still remember the mixed sense of wonder and unease upon discovering the Jellyshroom caves for the first time

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Protip: KDE's Dolphin is available for Windows.

The Windows integration isn't perfect, but it's very useful nonetheless. Multiple tabs and the Ctrl+I filter alone makes it worthwhile.

On a related note: KDE's Kate text editor is also available on Windows and it works GREAT! So great that KDE eV has published it on the Windows store, making it easy to install

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Agreed, that sounds perfect for right now.

A certain community I'm subscribed to is very active right now, to the point of almost drowning out all other committees in my feed. A "temporary hide" would be very welcome

Turns out the real protest was the Fedifriends we made along the way

No, Safaris engine is called WebKit. It's different, but they're related:

Once upon a time there was KHTML. Apple forked it to make WebKit. At some point Google forked WebKit to make Chromium. So now WebKit and Chromium development has diverged from each other over the years.

Anyway, use Firefox :)

Firefox is made by a non-profit for the purpose of making a web browser, it's not made by a giant corporation for the purpose of pushing ads.

I'm doing my part!

That's very strange, which distro and GPU was this? So I don't recommend that to anyone?

I'm assuming the GPU in question was Nvidia, since AMD and Intel make their driver opensource and baked in to the kernel. Sadly nVidias latest kernel (535) has been troublesome, so I'm still on the previous 525. nVidia is about to release 545, which looks to be very promising.

Luckily on Ubuntu changing driver is as easy as opening the Additional Drivers application, selecting the driver version, hit apply and reboot. PopOS, Bazzite, and a few others comes with Nvidia drivers preinstalled.

Best of luck if you try again in the future

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A major instance (in terms of comunities) like Beehaw changing from denylist to Allowlist would be devastating for users on small and single-user instances, so I hope it never comes to that. Unless there's some process to get hundreds of tiny unknow instances in the Allowlist

I think some people see Lemmy as a way to host their own self-supported community on their own server, with users identifying strongly with the values of the instance, and with cohesion among the users of the instance.

While other people (me included) see instances more as something to just host the account, so we can participate in Commities across "the network", where "the network" is basically all the Lemmy instances except the de-federated extremists, or other walled gardens. User-cohesion is more on the Community-level and less on the Instance-level.

Do we want a small network of instances that have proven themselves trustworthy? Or do we want a large network of instances that have yet to prove themselves untrustworthy? Different people will have different answers

You do bring up a good point about needing to trust your federated instances because you're essentially mirroring their content

How much of this is Spotify's fault and how much is the major record labels sitting between Spotify and the individual artists?

And is there a better place for us consumers to go and vote with our wallet? Ideally somewhere that isn't one of the 5 major tech giants that control everything

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Damn, finally! A gaming laptop with AMD graphics :D it looks overall well specced too

Sadly I'm not in the market cause I bought a gaming laptop with Nvidia 2 years ago, and it's still way too good to justify replacing. Too bad laptops with AMD graphics were made of Unobtainium until now

You can follow them from your already existing Mastodon (and maybe kbin?) account.

From my account on mastodon.online I just followed https://social.overheid.nl/@beheerder as a test, and I've already been following https://social.network.europa.eu/@EU_Commission

For some reason my server couldn't find users from the social.bund.de when I pasted the follow-link (like https://social.bund.de/@Zoll )

By the way Mastodon has a very nice interface to subscribe to other instances. Like now when using when following the link in OPs post and opening a web browser, then clicking on a user and clicking follow, it gives the option to sign in to subscribe OR copy a link to subscribe from another instance . Then I just paste that link in the search field in my Mastodon app (logged in to mastodon.online). Hopefully Lemmy will implement that "button to copy link to subscribe from other instance" soon

Sadly Obsidian is not open source or free as in free speech. For individuals it is free as in free beer though

Because both those instances have open signups, so trolls troll Beehaw, get their accounts blocked, immediately create new accounts, then continue to troll Beehaw (and by troll I mean post unsavoury stuff that explicitly goes against Beehaws Safe Space goal)

Still, de-federating is a big hammer that's usually reserved for the extremist instances like you've found, so de-federating 2 mainstream general instances is an extreme move.

It's a very bad user experience for users on lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works, especially since Beehaw has hosted many of popular Communities. So I can't help but think it's bad for the Lemmy migration as a whole to splinter users from Communities, even if it's good for Beehaw to protect their own users (which is explicitly what they set out to do, and well within their right)

Hopefully this is a one-time hiccup due to rapid expansion and lacking moderation tools, and not a sign of things to come. Beehaw did state in the announcement what it's a temporary measure until better mod tools come along, I just hope more technical reasons to de-federate don't keep coming up.

I also can't help but wonder if enabling downvotes on the instance would reduce the modding requirements drastically. Isn't downvoting undesirable posts to oblivion essentially crowdsourcing moderation?

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Probably more what MangoKangoroo and B0rax talked about, that enterprises can opt out of this telemetry, due to compliance or Intellectual Property protection.

So only the commoners get mandatory full-scale surveillance, Ehm I mean "ai enhancement"

Yeah this ruling sounds beyond stupid , its throwing net neutrality out the window.

But what do you find stupid about the USB-C ruling?

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Wow that's awesome! Props to etnoy for creating such a polished PR for this feature

I can't wait to simply point immich at my existing photo structure :)

This happens when a small project has 12 developers each scratching their own itch in their own time, not a team of 120 developers getting paid to work on the same itch 8 hours a day.

In the case of FreeCAD they're actually starting to reign in and focus more now, and there are more contributors.

I'm cautiously optimistic given their track record last time they got un-canceled

With everything stored in a single file, does that mean you need to close Treedome on ComputerA before it can by synced to ComputerB?

If computerA makes an edit in one note while computer B makes an edit in another note, does that create a sync conflict? (Assuming syncing with Nextcloud, syncThing or similar)?

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And scrolling up and down constantly cause there's not enough screenspace to show all the information (because 90% of the screenspace is empty or used for enourmous padding)

No mention of OCR? Copy-pasting links or data will be a joy..

Yeah spez is just the figure head, if he got replaced nothing would be resolved.

It's not Fuck Spez, it's Fuck Reddit Inc.

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Like taiyang said, SteamOS is based on Arch which is super not newbie friendly, but the desktop modes "desktop environment" is KDE which available on pretty much any Linux distro, including beginner friendly ones like (K)Ubuntu and Fedora (although I'm not sure how beginner friendly Fedora is, regarding proprietary drivers and codecs)

What's the deal with the timezone?

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Boiiiinggg goes the spring

Yes! I can not recommend draw.io aka diagrams.net enough! (I still don't understand why it has two names and which name is the current "correct" one)

It works both in the browser, or as a downloadable standalone application that works 100% offline.

My favourite feature is exporting PNG or PDF with the complete diagram XML embedded as metadata, which means they can be opened and edited again by draw.io

It's very useful not only for networking, but all sorts of diagramming needs

Kate on Linux, Notepad++ on Windows.

Also, Kate on Windows (it's really good)

Just out of curiosity, why do you need Microsoft fonts specifically? What's wrong with the included fonts?

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People often rode them on sidewalks posing a danger to people walking.

I've seen this sentiment around, but where else are you supposed to ride eScoooters and bicycles? Of course ideally they belong in the bike lane, but most places don't have bike lines, so the alternatives are sidewalks or in the road with cars.

If we're gonna get people out of cars, we need to recognize that walking+transit doesn't work for everyone a lot of people and that a bicycle/ eScooter is the solution (look at Amsterdam/ Copenhagen how well bicycles work) , but bike lanes don't get built overnight, especially when few people cycle, if their banished from the safe sidewalk and only allowed to cycle in the dangerous road.

(I've lumped bikes and eScooters together since they both solve the same problem of rapid personal transport, both having speeds of 20-30 kph which is significantly more than pedestrians but less than cars)

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Have you tried hackernews?

Why did they have their own builds of these projects in the first place? Did they have custom patches they maintained?

Well that sounds like good news

(Your text summary is greatly appreciated, especially manually edits and double-checking chatGPTs output)

I did this too :D I used to have 20 pairs of non-identical black socks, which made matching hard and it felt wrong to wear socks of slightly different type or size. Much easier now

I keep getting socks for Christmas though, which I never wear cause they'd mess up the simplicity

That's brilliant! I always forget KDE Connect also works fine PC <--> PC, not just PC <--> Mobile

In addition to the CPU throttling itself due to thermals like you said, you should also be aware that all Ubuntu's are replacing more and more traditional packages with snaps for an increasing number of applications.

Step 1 (by the system) of opening a snap application for the first time (since boot) is to extract the compressed snap image, which makes startup time significantly longer (like several seconds for something you would expect to be instant). Once the application is started performance should be the same as if the application had been installed as a traditional .deb package.

You should also consider adding flatpak support and flathub. Applications installed as Flatpaks generally integrate better in the desktop than snaps, and flathub has a large and growing selection of apps. The flathub website has a few command lines you can copy-paste to enable flatpak and flathub support, then apps from Flathub will show up in the Discover app store.

Personally I use Kubuntu and use both Flatpak and snap apps, but generally prefer flatpaks when they're available. And any software where I don't care about having a recent version I install as a traditional package because it's more lean

From Wikipedia

.. until the application was sold to the payment processor Daegu Limited, part of Parity.com, which changed the application user interface and content,[7][8] which led the free software community to develop an ad- and tracker-free fork called 'Organic Maps' in response.[

You should look in to openstreetmap.org . It's open and free map data. Having a single giant company (Google) control all the maps is not good for the commons.

I'm so glad Wikipedia exists as a non-profit organizations. Imagine if Facebook or Google owned The Encyclopedia

Speaking of, there is something called the https://creativecommons.org/ mostly known for the Creative Commons family of non-comercial Licences. It's used by creators to licence and freely share their work, similar to how programers use FOSS software licenses

There are a number of ongoing FOSS projects that will hopefully culminate in an ecosystem experience comparable to Apple. There are already some laptops being sold with Linux pre-installed, guaranteeing hardware compatibility (HP, Dell, System76, Slimbook, Tuxedo, Starlabs). KDE Connect integrates your phone and computer. Nextcloud can do much of what iCloud can do. Various phone projects are making the Linux phone possible, like Librem Purism, Pinephone, FOSH, KDE Plasma Mobile. And degoogled Androids like /e/ project / LineageOS and GrapheneOS. There's the PineTime smart watch.

Things often move slower in the FOSS world compared to literal TRILLION dollar companies. But when FOSS solutions get a foothold there's no going back. FOSS projects are also virtually immune to enshitification

While the Apple ecosystem is nice, it's also the epitome of Vendor Lock-In. They deliberately make their products hard to integrate with other products (charging cables, green text bubles etc). As well as everything else people have mentioned here about right-to-repair, planned obsolescence, factory worker conditions

So yeah perfectly understandable to use all Apple-stuff today , but I'm optimistic for a future where more people are free from the big tech giants

Op article is from 2020.

This Microsoft article https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/maui/what-is-maui is dated 30 January 2023 and still uses the MAUI brand name, so Microsoft have not fixed their mistake

This should be a slam dunk case of copyright infringement for the original Maui project. Isn't this the sort of thing EFF (EFFE?) should be fighting in the courts on behalf of small open source projects?

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