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Joined 1 years ago

it's the heritage foundation, the plan is called project 2025 and it's all out in the open at this point

Good to see we don't read articles here either, lol

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Spotify doesn't make changes like that on its own, the artist probably did that for a reason

It wouldn't be LemOn party without him!

the only thing that can kill Spotify is Spotify. They have a good platform, the best integration with other services/devices, and as long as they don't enshitify there's not much more another service can offer

this assumes they plan on winning an election legitimately

I really wish people would think a bit bigger. I hear "I don't want regular people here/it doesn't need to grow" all the time but don't you wonder how much better things would be if the average person wasn't constantly on a platform designed to enrage and exploit them?

I thought this was already decided, lol

The difference is that the Navy uses actual Xbox controllers which are very reliable. The reviews for that logitech model are filled with connection issues, which of course makes people wonder if they were doing any validation testing on the sub at all

isn't that just the most recent el nino year?

I don't think that's true. Obviously we all think like that which is why we're here, but most people are still on reddit/twitter because they don't care about any of that, they only care about the content/experience

I kind of miss him, maybe we should have a John Oliver reddit memorial community

Always the right answer

Then there should be a single unified sign up page that sends you to a random instance or something. You still need an easy onboarding process for less technical people

whats the point of any of this if nobody uses it? Really don't understand everyone's aversion to a community having people in it

Those numbers hardly describe a "plunge". Much lower impact than I had hoped honestly

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It has failed with the demographic they were after, which is TikTok users lol

Truly a site of the people

What do you mean it's not intended to be an open protocol? There is no other reason for it to exist

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I'm with you, but it is a bit odd for android given the push for material design

Usernames are only unique within servers, just like with email addresses. there's only one but is a different person

I really don't understand how people can't tell, I'm starting to wonder if it's a genetic thing like with cilantro.

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Ansible runs on your local machine, but it executes the setup on your (Linux) server remotely via SSH. I'd definitely recommend the Ansible setup, it was the easiest I tried. Are you able to SSH into your server already?

Ok? I haven't discussed this before.

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shovel making equipment

There isn't a standard because the protocol/platform doesn't exist yet. "Anyone who wants to connect will be entirely beholden to get the latest published version from Bluesky" is just the definition of a standard. Every standard is maintained by someone. And its also not EEE to make an entirely new system. They are neither embracing nor extending activitypub. They are trying something of their own.

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I wouldn't recommend it either, because it doesn't exist yet. But its extremely disingenuous to make claims about how it will work when/if it begins federating in the future and declare it EEE.

as much as I'm sick of reddit, posts and comments are not PII

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It is releasing its own federated protocol, seems like it does a lot more than activitypub. Your account identity is valid on any instance, for example

Do you have any sources for that? I've seen no indication they don't intend to release the protocol as a standard and that is a pretty big assumption

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The problem is it takes time and money to do that, which you can't really get without some kind of structure. I've been wondering what a tech cooperative might look like lately. All the weight of a company like reddit, but owned by the users

Thank you for the more thorough explanation, I'm from the US and not used to these kind of sweeping consumer protection laws lol. Does that mean Lemmy is also in violation? Does deleting a post on my home instance notify federated instances to delete it as well?

critical mass

While I'm not a fan of meta, this would probably bring a lot more, less technical users to the fediverse

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As far as I know, there were no regulations the submersible company were obligated to follow, so the families of the billionaires, who signed waivers informing them of that fact, should be held accountable as well.

I find it hard to believe a court would decide that a post someone intentionally made to a public forum could be considered private information after the fact. But I suppose I'm not vary familiar with the wording of GDPR. It feels a bit like someone giving away business cards with a phone number, and being upset that people don't return them when you ask months later. Obviously it is scummy for reddit to not delete content when requested, but that doesn't seem to be the sort of thing the law is targeted towards

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Been using this for a few days now, extremely useful, much better than searching all over like I was before lol. Thanks for your work!