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Joined 10 months ago

What was your prompt?

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Isn’t Linus pretty famous for his tech tips YouTube channel?

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Too bad it also blocks bus traffic. And it’s not like the buses have an alternative route.

Edit: in fact it’s worse for bus passengers as the Golden Gate Transit system relies heavily on timed transfers and many buses run once an hour, so even a 10 minute delay could cause bus passengers to miss their transfer and make them have to wait an hour.

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First of all, it’s fine to write code on Windows. In fact, many companies have windows-only development workflows.

Second of all, many Linux programs also use standard shortcuts like Ctrl+S. Linux is more than Vim.

Trying an orange is a lot easier than creating a boot USB, copying all your files over to an external hard drive, installing a new OS, fixing weird things like the graphics card having crap performance or the laptop screen brightness not dimming, learning the weird 3 letter file structure, being bogged down by apt-get vs snaps vs flatpak and adding repos (why not search and download an .exe like a normal OS), realizing that your more specialized programs don’t work, etc.

Besides, it’s not just ONE person, seeming everyone says it every time a lemon has a scratch or a blemish or too many seeds. And then they dramatize it by calling it an “abusive relationship”.

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I like Simutrans, which is basically an OpenTTD competitor with more complexity but an uglier interface. Sadly development on it has been fairly slow, at one point there was a one-way road patch but it’s since been abandoned.

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I really wish she wasn’t constantly referred to by an acronym, it makes her sound like a super PAC or some other soulless organization instead of an actual person. Pedantic I know, but as someone only vaguely familiar with her, it’s the first thing I think of when I hear about her.

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What even is GTK2 and GTK3?

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And people wonder why nobody actually reads the article. Far easier to just read the headline on Lemmy and the expert commentary in the comments.


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I think the hurdle isn’t money but time, and yes it takes quite a bit of time to learn a new OS, figure out why your graphics card is running so slow, move your files to an external drive and back, find alternatives to the programs you use and learn their quirks and missing features, learn the difference between apt-get and snap and flatpak when programs only support one, figure out what a .tar.gz file is and how to install one (what was that chain of commands with “sudo make” in it), find tweaks and workarounds to get certain games working in Proton, and do that all again if you don’t like the distro (because Linux users love suggesting new distros)

You mean it’s NOT an accurate random sample of reality?

I found BotW pretty fun and refreshing! It was a nice change of pace from traditional Zelda.

To be fair, the three-letter directories aren't particularly intuitive. "Bin"? Like the "Recycle Bin"? Or is it short for "Binary" files? But isn't everything on the computer stored in binary? Is "dev" for developers? Is "run" for running programs? Is "opt" for options? What is "ect" even for, files that can't find another home? In Windows, the folder names make sense and have complete sentences like "Program Files" and "Users". I can understand someone wanting to replicate the same thing on Linux.

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It would be useful for electric bikes and things that you could feasibly own alongside a car and use for 90-95% of trips.

…everyone is arguing? Considering the studies given by both sides, and the constant promotion of that one brand of vegan cat food, it’s hard to give one side a clear objective win (though I do lean toward giving the cat meat).

I’d love gel and lithium-ion batteries in an ebike or a velomobile. It would result in a 40% increase in range with no extra weight, making them more of a viable alternative for somewhat longer commutes (think 10-15 miles). Sure we should be serving those by high speed public transit, but this would be a faster stopgap/alternative.

Oh and it would be useful for electric trucks too, even short-range ones could be made lighter with less batteries.

It would be nice if I was not logged out every few hours when browsing on iOS (safari). It’s annoying and I often just read threads logged out, then get sad when I can’t upvote without scrolling to the top to log in again.

So steam engine cars then?

They specifically said they didn’t want that though.

And people wonder why I don’t even bother clicking the link

Did Lemmy even exist 3 years ago? I thought the Lemmy migration was only last summer.

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What’s the troll card?

Agreed, just glance at the linked Reddit thread and it’s refreshing how little Linux is mentioned. I’m really tired of seeing it (and related FOSS circlejerking) on every vaguely related Lemmy thread and I suspect that’s where most of the “Linux bashing” is coming from, we’re just sick of it.

Could be worse, at least it’s not Voat, which consisted of ALL people and communities banned from Reddit (and usually for good reason aka racism, sexism, fat people hate)

TBF considering how slow/unreliable and infrequent it tends to be, it’s hard to believe anyone would use it if they didn’t have other options. Even in my city (where buses run 30 minutes instead of every hour as is common elsewhere), it takes an hour and 15 minutes to get somewhere that’s a straight 15 minute freeway drive by car. And it’s worse in larger cities where buses are delayed by traffic such that you miss your transfer.

And it’s not like improvements like BRT or light rail will change it much considering how often they run in boulevards with 35mph speed limits and stop lights vs the 65mph grade separated freeways. Even a grade separated subway would be slower than driving unless it had spaced out stops, but then walking to said stops would take a lot of time (plus we couldn’t afford one, especially not one that actually serves the sprawl).

Under these conditions, it’s understandable to not even bother considering it as an option.

Wait, that’s not a correctly formatted SSN!

Wait what’s the point of backporting to GTK2 then? And why should I as an end user care? Will it make the UI nicer?

To be honest, I mostly play it on Windows, but occasionally launch it on my Linux laptop. My laptop is from 2012, has 4 GB of ram, and is pretty underpowered, so it's slow, but it would probably work pretty well on a properly specced Linux computer. It's a standard Unity game, so I suspect there shouldn't be too many glitches or things that.

It's a super complex game and I quite love playing co-op with my brother. It's easy to spend hours designing all the various sub-systems of a warship only to watch it still fail against the mid-level factions.

That sounds like a lot of hassle for someone who doesn’t want hassle.

No, road design should be improved to make it comfortable and reasonable to follow the laws, and uncomfortable to break them. Think raised crosswalks that function as speed bumps at intersections, narrow roads to reduce speeding, that sort of thing.

Hey, quite a few people bought Game Pass for a month to try out Cities: Skylines 2, because it was quite a lot cheaper than the game itself (and considering the poor state the game was released in, probably not much more than a month of replay value anyway)

Hard agree, I’m rooting for the bucks over the cubs (and the packers over the bears)

Where are you seeing all these femboy comments? Is there a part of Lemmy I’m missing out on? All I see are the Linux/FOSS comments.

Because they care about your experience and want to ensure you’re getting the most out of your computer by suggesting helpful productivity apps?

But with WiFi, you don’t have to pay extra for more data usage.

I quite like Besiege, but I’d probably have to go with From the Depths.

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Epic is developing Hyperspace for Mac, as well as “standalone” (access Hyperspace in a web browser). Plus many hospitals use Citrix virtualization, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Linux is theoretically possible (though unlikely due to jankiness).

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Maybe they were a passenger and the actual designated driver got in an accident due to something out of their control.

I haven’t played OpenTTD, but comparing from the videos I’ve seen, yes it’s uglier.