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Joined 1 years ago

The penalty for this trial is monetary/forfeiture of ownership. There's no jail possible here.

2 more...

Bruh, spoilers.

In general, i agree with your post, but GOOG is up ~ 30% in the last 6 months. Specific parts of Google may be dwindling but their overall business is thriving right now.

I love interns.

This game has such an incredible fan created community behind it. If you're interested, I highly recommend checking out

This has got to be the strangest hill I've ever seen anyone take a stand on.

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Real ADHDers get halfway through so that

Custom lobbies (i.e. the exact feature you're asking for) were launched in December 2020, in beta mode, then March 2021 to everyone. So the feature you wanted has been there for over 2.5 years.

It's always fascinating to me to see highly rated comments that are pretty out of touch with the actual subject matter.

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I had no idea either, had to look it up through image search.

OP said in their post they're not motivated for working out right now, and it seems like people are being respectful of that and suggesting alternatives.

Lmao I get this all the time. My account turns 20 tomorrow.

You can just share the picture but mirror it horizontally then nobody will be able to tell it's you. #forehead

There are two ways to read this response.

  1. Op didn't really read the article or the changes in the law and so doesn't understand that kissing isn't relevant at all here, but decided to weigh in with a completely unrelated comment anyway.
  2. Op understands the change in law and is worried about their questionable behavior.

Either way, not a great look.

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Are we just going to ignore 8 years of Obama? You can have your differences with him but he was far from ineloquent.

For a while, Google bonuses were tied to social integration. That's why you saw the huge influx of insanity.

Oral sexual contact is mouth to genital. Nobody in the history of fucking ever has defined or understood oral sexual contact to mean mouth to mouth, until your ground breakingly stupid interpretation here. So grats on making history I guess.

I just picked it up for PS5 and in the first 18 hours of gameplay I had three hard crashes and one forced reload because all of the textures started glitching out. The game seems fun and I'll definitely keep playing it, but I am surprised it's still a bit rough around the edges on current gen even nearly 3 years after launch.