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And it's totally a coincidence that his opinions line up perfectly with the people who regularly bribe him.

Eh. it's one thing always talking about Reddit in more general communities, but this is a Reddit community.

Let them try. Trump & his fellow republicans already attempted to violently overthrow our democracy once. Surrendering and allowing them their fever dream of a fascist dictator for life (however much time he's got left) will not improve our situation.

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Diatomaceous Earth. It's a powder of microscopic fossils. It's a good non-toxic pesticide because it doesn't use poison but works like microscopic razor blades on bugs and mortally wounds them when they walk over it

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Apple deliberately makes it appear that way so the competition looks bad.

They don't really advertise the fact that they're quietly intercepting all of their customers messages to other customers and routing them through a proprietary network.

And if you dare leave, messages from your old iPhone friends mysteriously won't arrive unless you proactively deregister your number from iMessage or it eventually expires out.

He didn't fail. He did what the board asked of him which proved to be more unpopular than they all had expected. So they gave him an obscenely generous severance package and sent him on his merry way.

He's been rewarded and they're just trying to position it so it looks like the company leadership gives a shit and won't try the exact same thing at a later date.

It's not great to breathe in, but neither are chemical pesticides. It doesn't really get kicked up in the air once it's applied unless it's actively disturbed.

If you're going to use pesticides, they all come with tradeoffs and different situations you can use them.

It's really not free. Piracy is still a bit of a chore. It's just less of a chore than juggling a dozen streaming services, shitty and inconsistent apps and playing the whole "what major corporation's subscription service has the rights for this show?" game.

They ought to try sucking less.

AI isn't free. Right now, an LLM takes a not-insignificant hardware investment to run and a lot of manual human labor to train. And there's a whole lot of unknown and untested legal liability.

Smaller more purpose-driven generative AIs are cheaper, but the total cost picture is still a bit hazy. It's not always going to be cheaper than hiring humans. Not at the moment, anyway.

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I'm coming from a 6 Pro and getting the 8 Pro. I'm pretty happy with what I've seen:

  • 7 years of software upgrades!!!!
  • Incremental improvements in processor & cameras
  • Free watch
  • The display isn't fucking curved
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I'm hoping the slow creep of right to repair laws will help with this. Forcing manufacturers to provide spare parts, documentation and diagnostic tools to independent shops I think will inevitably lead to more open devices in general.

There would already be a vibrant community of smartphone Linux distros right now if bootloaders were unlocked and manufacturers were more forthcoming with documentation.

How do you negotiate with someone that just kidnapped and executed or planning to execute hundreds of civilians?

You don't. There's no negotiating with terrorists, it's too late. There is no good solution. The best Israel can do right now is make every effort to target Hamas, minimize civilian casualties and try to rescue as many people as they can.

If they go nuts and start trying to exterminate in Gaza they'll just fuel the next terrorist standoffs and keep this going for several more decades.

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Hey now, that was for emergencies in case he lost his debit card and needed to buy $480K worth of groceries.

The big media corporations have been pushing legislation and legal crackdowns since the 90s and it hasn't made a dent in piracy. They'll keep trying of course, but it still won't work.

I really don't know what to think of this thing. It's a bit like a combadge from Star Trek with a camera and small monochrome projector. I like the idea behind it, handling most of the utilitarian features smartphones bring without the games and social media distractions. The AI stuff is neat, but I don't know how well baked any of it is and that's really going to be what makes or breaks something like this.

Price is a bit high, and I don't know how I feel about the subscription--I guess it's not bad if you think of this as a full cellphone replacement, but that's a tall order with something this new and dorky. There's probably a 90%+ chance this becomes short-lived vaporware/abandonware, but who knows. I'd love to see something succeed that gets people's faces out of their cellphones and back to interacting in person more.

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I hope there's a "Lemmy Is Fun" app eventually, but I haven't heard whether the original developer is interested. He's apparently working on something with Tildes.

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Depends. You do a lot better price-wise with dry beans.

If you consider drained weight, canned beans are usually about $1 for a 15oz can in my area, which yields about half a pound of drained beans. So, $2/lb

Chicken is anywhere from $1 to $8/lb but I've been averaging about $2/lb. It's our main protein source and I watch for sales and stock up.

My biggest issue with this whole debacle is that the non-profit board hasn't clearly explained itself to the pubic or its employees. There's an ethics discussion that absolutely positively needs to happen and there needs to be some sort of governance in place around a myriad legal and moral issues from copyright to displacing human jobs and that can't happen right now because we still don't know what the fuck the board was trying to accomplish.

I'm all for responsible stewards of AI, but I don't think this board is it. They've cut themselves out of any future governance ability in any event.

At the time, they gave better results and the clean and simple design got right to it without all of the BANNER! BANNER! HONK!HONK! of the competitors.

They had ads, but they were just text links that said they were ads and weren't playing games with rankings based on who bribed them.

Corrupt pain in the ass that he was, this is not good news. 2024 was already an awful map for Democrats to hold the Senate, this makes it even harder.

I like trying all the different styles and learning about new ones. Neapolitan, Sicilian, Roman, New York, Chicago deep dish, Chicago tavern thin, Detroit, etc. I just had quad cities style for the first time recently.

The variations are endless!

Yes. I have had many dreams where I'm actively reading something, I'm texting somebody, there's a weird newspaper headline, the sign was wrong and gave me bad directions, etc.and I very clearly remember reading literal text and writing too.

I don't know where that "you can't read in dreams" thing came from (The Simpsons?) but it's bullshit.

If they design the process efficiently it shouldn't burn too much battery to update the system image. The phone just needs to power up, connect to store wifi, apply the image and shut down. Doesn't even need to power up the screen.

Simply throwing computing power at the existing models won't get us general AI. It will let us develop bigger and more complex models, but there's no guarantee that'll get us closer to the real thing.

I don't think NVIDIA minds the money they get from the DIY builders market, but they get a lot more money from OEMs. They shouldn't neglect the DIY market, though. If the enthusiasts stop recommending their GPUs then big OEMS will eventually drop them too.

AI is just in a gold rush right now. Companies are throwing around piles of money to develop it.

I think it still has potential but it needs more time to grow

There were lots of interesting online communities with great information and conversations before Reddit but they mostly died out as people moved on to other platforms. It's a tale as old as time.

Lemmy's just a platform and communities take a while to grow and there's no guarantee they even will

I hope so too, but measured and calm behavior is not what I've come to expect from Bibi unfortunately.

It depends on how well it holds up, but I like having the option to keep it longer and better support usually means higher resale value if I do decide to upgrade in two years

I think it'll happen eventually. I was shocked when B5 got the sprucing up that it did. The tools to do even a semi-remaster are getting better and cheaper and generative AI is making it a much less labor intensive proposition.

I've had 2 Chevys 1 Ford & 2 Hondas. I had multiple breakdowns and expensive mechanical issues with Chevy & Ford.

The only thing I ever paid to repair on either Honda was a windshield because a rock hit it.

I think it's reasonable to assume that AI API pricing is artificially low right now. Very low.

There are big open questions around whether training an AI on copyrighted materials is infringement and who exactly should be paid for that.

It's the core of the writer/actor strikes, Reddit API drama, etc.