
4 Post – 54 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It very much IS still a thing!

Depending on your preferences, there's even been a pretty big update to Sonarr which allows custom formats, thus bringing out some pretty powerful abilities!

For example, I have it set up EXACTLY how I want for anime. X265 PREFERRED, Dual Audio PREFERRED, a whole smack of uploaders were essentially blocked from ever being downloaded, and there's a few users who trump all else and will always be downloaded first if they are available. So good.

There's a few guides if you want to give it a try! :)

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Perhaps I am biased, but I'd still like to point out some facts :)

Yes, it has ads. It also has options to remove them.

No, you can post. That's coming soon.

This app is also in its first beta release. It hasn't been officially launched yet. It just happened that a lot of people who were excited about Sync coming back drummed up a lot of hype for it when the beta finally launched, that we kicked off a massive news wave apparently.

Also, of the ones I've used, the fluidity of the app, the smoothness of it, and the polish (especially for a beta) is unmatched from the other Lemmy clients I've used (haven't used all of them, but I used a lot of them.)

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This is pretty niche, but damn do I use my phone a lot to manage my Homelab server. In fact, I don't actually currently have access to a computer, so I can ONLY manage my server via my phone.

I use JuiceSSH to SSH into my server.

I use OpenVPN Connect to connect to my server via VPN.

There's also plenty of apps that I use to connect to the *arr suite of software that I have running for media.

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Couldn't agree more!

(I hope I don't come off as attacking you! I'm kinda just using your comment to piggyback and make my own haha)

It's closed source, as was his reddit version, so idk what anyone expected there. He also never said it was ever going to be open source. But I completely understand anyone who isn't willing to let go of their FOSS. FOSS is good for a reason! :)

I do understand the mindset that it goes against the fediverse, but I happen to disagree. In other threads, there's been discussion about how they are actively paying donations, patreons, paypal, etc to help fund their favorite instance or whatever else. That needs to happen to offset the cost. Especially if it is the instance owners hobby, and not full time job.

Well, what if we want a nice experience while using Lemmy? Sure, there's plenty of apps, but what if someone was able to dedicate their entire working hours to that app? To make it as good as possible? Well, then they'd need to make money somehow, right? Or they'd have to get a different job, and do the app as a hobby. This hurts the app, and then it just becomes another run of the middle Lemmy client.

I understand why people are upset. Lemmy is free. The fediverse is free. (Most of) the apps are free. But someone is paying for all of this, whether we realize it or not.

Currently I'm using Connect for Lemmy as it's the closest to what I'm used to. In fact, it seems like the dev is trying to make a clone of Sync lol. But I'm chomping at the bit for the release of Sync for Lemmy

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I'm reading through it, but maybe you can anwser it faster.

Does this support generating 2FA authenticator codes like 1password does?

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Matter of preference, really. I like a nice UI, smooth animations, clean aesthetic, etc. Sync provides that for me and more, so to me, it IS better than all the other apps. :)

I'm very surprised by how much more I'm commenting, and I've even made a few posts!

I guess it comes with the feeling of exploring and establishing a new platform. Having this shared feeling towards reddit unites is, and this new platform gives us a new home.

You know what, yeah, completely fair.

If you don't mind me asking, what apps are, in your opinion, as good as Sync? (Removing the ads, and payment and shit out of the debate).

I've used Thunder, Jerboa, Connect, LiftOff, and maybe another that I can't recall. Last time I used each of them, they were nowhere near the level of Polish that Sync has. That being said, it has been a while because once the Sync alpha launched, I exclusively used Sync for browsing and Connect for posting. They might have changed and been updated, etc.

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On the connect for lemmy app, it thinks it's a user lol.

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So, I have no idea what your patterns, habits, and just general life is like, but I actually use it for some subscriptions. I currently pay for Sync for Lemmy using it, and also for a mass texting app.

Are there any mobile games you like? You can use it for some iAP's :)

If there is an app that you've been eyeing but it is a little more than you'd like to spend, maybe use your credits on that!

That's how I paid for 1Password 7 a few years ago lol

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gonna piggyback off of your comment, here is a trash guide specifically for anime in Sonarr!

This is what I used, and I added some custom rules too! There is an uploader who goes by "Judas", so I added a rule that gives a positive weight of 100 whenever it's his upload, so if it's between 2 exact copies of a torrent, but 1 is by Judas, then he gets priority. I also made 265 a positive score instead of negative. And I also made dual audio positive.

It works very well for me!

I'm trying this out right now with Kopia for docker, and I'm not the biggest fan of (seemingly) not being able to turn off the obfuscation, and making it do just a single .zip file or .tar or whatever. Also, having a hard time setting up drive integration with the GUI, but that's just my fault. I'm not familiar with rclone or Kopia at all.

It's the best UI currently :)

Awesome, thank you for taking the time to a deer my questions.

Oh. My.god. I'm worse at Google Fi than I thought.

Thank you so much! I'll try to get it set up on my break, and report back. Again, thank you so much!!

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Yes! Glad you doing it! Quick note: apparently, 2 characters is too short for a display name lol

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Awesome, I'll add it to the list of software to look into! Actually, if it does everything, then it's gonna be the first 1 I try! Thank you!

I'll have to look more into this, because I think I misunderstood, but it seems that it is ½ of the backup solution right? It won't actually MAKE the backups, but it'll allow me to "rotate" and only keep the last "x" files?

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To piggyback on what /u/MonkCanatella said, here is a trash guide specifically for anime in Sonarr!

This is what I used, and I added some custom rules too! There is an uploader who goes by "Judas", so I added a rule that gives a positive weight of 100 whenever it's his upload, so if it's between 2 exact copies of a torrent, but 1 is by Judas, then he gets priority. I also made 265 a positive score instead of negative. And I also made dual audio positive.

It works very well for me!

I'll go ahead and give this a try when I'm off work. Thank you so much for your help!

That sounds like the 2nd part of what I want! The uploading to off-site part! Awesome, I'll def look into it, thank you!

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No honestly, this was very helpful!

This, in combination with the solutions some others have suggested here already, would be pretty much what I want, just in multiple different parts, instead of 1 program/utility.

I'll def look into this, and honestly see if I can find a docker image for something like this as well!!

Thank you so much!!!

Just saved your comment for reference later, thank you so much!

So I think I'll try Duplicati for docker next, and if that fails, then I'll try scripting and cronjobs.

I'm so happy with all the support, thank you! :)

I think this might be the way I have to go!

I'm really liking Kopia. Nice GUI and some pretty nice settings. But I don't like the obfuscation. Like you said, I just want the zip files. I think I'll try Borgbackup, then rclone to drive, but I'll also look into just scripting it myself!

Thank you so much :)

Oh wow, that Raspi check sounds super handy!

With JuiceSSH, I still have to first log into and establish SSH connection before I can use the saved "snippets".

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Seconded !

I haven't had a chance to play with it, but apparently Ansible is supposed to be able to automate your server commands?

Might be worth a look.

Bro, fucking yes!!

I have 3 Google nest mini speakers or whatever they're called, and I bought these smart outlets at target.

Connected 2 of them in the master bedroom, to bedside lamps for wifey and i. Being able to use the Google home app from our phones to control, or as you said just "hey Google, turn on Daddy's lamp" is fucking solid. I hate flicking on light switches. Never realized it until I set this up.

I think someone else already mentioned it, but just to reiterate... Anything for other people who aren't my wife and future kids.

Password manager, file backups, photo backup, whatever.

If something happens to me, or I pass away, wifey has instructions on shutting everything down (probably should write instructions on how to save all the important stuff).

But I don't want to deal with other peoples stuff. I like tinkering with my server and different docker containers, etc. So I don't want someone complaining they can't access their photos because I wanted to try something new. Also, just don't wanna be responsible for storing their photos and important documents.

I'm using it too! I currently have LunaSea for direct management of radarr, sonarr, and even tautulli!

I actually prefer it because IMO it has a nicer UI. I do have NZB360 as a backup in case for whatever reason LunaSea fails, but also NZB360 supports adding qBittorrent, so I did!

But I actually found that the app qBittorrent Remote works well, so I use it in conjunction with LunaSea.

So good.

This si currently what I have on my phone, and then I use Google Chrome/Firefox to manage everything else that doesn't have an app/PWA.

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Huh. Never thought to use my VPN connection like that, very smart!

Huh, the other comments show as deleted on my side? Strange.

But it was a glitch of either Connect for Lemmy or of Lemmy itself! About 60-75% of the time I try to post a comment, it times out or whatever and I am under the assumption that it failed to post, so I click "post" again, and that's how I end up with multiple comments haha.

I've started just copying my entire comment, and backing out to check if it already posted when I get that error.

Thanka for bringing it up! :) (Let's see if this comment times out haha)

(Update: yes, it timed out again, but still posted lol)

Thanks! I didn't know about it :)

I agree, very beginner friendly. But also, it's what most people are gonna need.

I actually started with Traefik because I didn't know any better, and I kinda wanna go back to be honest because with Traefik I was able to configure a Minecraft server, without having to expose the port. But not with NGINX Proxy Manager.l, since it only does http and shit. But I REALLY like being able to do everything via a webUI since I only have a phone to manage my server .

So, I find myself stuck between functionality and ease of use. :(

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I'll keep digging into it, and probably spin up a container to fully test it out myself.

Thank you!

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I've tried, but I wasn't able to get it working. I'll look into it again though, cuz I'd love to do it all through NPM.

Idk if I can do this. I really want/like the saved snippets so I don't have to retype everything over and over again lol
