
1 Post – 68 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

True, if you have extra money, ...

It just 'feel' bad/wrong like now Google has a brand that they will quickly kill any project they start.

If you create a good product the market will pick it up, throwing cash at random projects and killing it when it doesn't make huge profit sounds wasteful.

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Because Nginx Proxy Manager exists.

And also because for me it started from web hosting where Apache and Nginx dominate and later because of many easy to understand example configs from the net including many "docker letsencrypt" examples.

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Only [ Confirm ] and [ Set later ] in the dialog? No way to never set/change/cancel? Rapist mentality?

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don’t run any commands that you don’t understand. Ask it to break down any commands it tells you to run if you don’t understand them.

You need to pay extra attention to this, as ML models will spit out commands and parameters that doesn't exists if there was not enough examples in training dataset for that action. Especially with explain as it could just spit out totally wrong but "sounding good" explanation for parameter etc as it not always will tell the magic keywords like "typically" that indicate that it doesn't have confidence as it's "based on other similar command/knowledge".

In your example it spit out:

 -m: Prune empty directory chains from the file-list.
 --prune-empty-dirs: Exclude empty directories that result from the inclusion/exclusion pattern.

which is actually exactly the same parameter with 2 different explanations, you can confirm this with man rsync

 --prune-empty-dirs, -m   prune empty directory chains from file-list

So the more edge case you have the bigger chance it will spill out bad results, but those new models are shockingly good especially for very common use cases.

I call those estimates BS like always, but who knows.

Maybe they should focus on giving people a way to access those legally? Where on that poster campain say where to go? And secondly... They as always still introduce the BS regional locking!

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You can go to /var/log/apt/ and read the history.log as it will contain every single package that you did install/remove.

Based on that you can just restore it to working state by manually undoing the changes (removing installed, installing removed)

Funny :)

Hard to be sane with so many broken hardware implementations... 😅

Cudos for the Linux developers!


Linux running X11 has 2 clipboards:

  • oldschool ( from terminal-only era ) => copy by selecting text (mostly in terminals) and paste using middle mouse click
  • more modern new style ( based on graphical interfaces ) => copy by ctrl+c (or ctrl+shift+c in terminals and such) and paste ctrl+v (ctrl+shift+v in terminals ...)

Normally both those clipboards work independent as they are handled by 2 different processes, so you can for example copy one text using ctrl+c and copy another text by only selecting second text, then you can paste both, one with middle click, second with ctrl+v

More and more distro have a clipboard managers that have a feature to "sync" both clipboards, but it's a lot of time disabled because it's more confusing people and sometimes annoying. Why it's confusing and disabled by default? Imagine that you selected some text, then did a ctrl+c, you move to some word document, select text, remove it, and want to Paste it. Guess what, the selecting you did to remove text did copy the selection to clipboard overriding what you did have there from ctrl+c.

Most if not all terminal emulators (konsole, gnome-terminal, xterm) support both clipboard styles, old-school select to copy, and new one but because the "ctrl+c" shortcut reserved to stop/interrupt applications they all decide to use ctrl+shift+c to do a copy. And yes, not only terminal emulators use ctrl+shift+c, I did have few encounters on some random apps, but most of the time, if ctrl+c is used for something else, ctrl+shift+c was available.

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I concur Buyer should not gain rights to product, so they should not be allowed to profit from it, but they should be able to preserve it, unless the license that you actually buy had a time limitation, but that should be clearly stated when you buy it that you only buy access to it to (at least) X amount of time like you have with online subscriptions.

Factorio - 364h on steam and god only know how many outside Planetary Annihilation: Titans - 332h BeatSaber - 230h

But compared to other gamers ...

Does it support multiple screen/displays?

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Example that confirms that "Chatgpt does not know truth. It does not know if the info it provides is true." or more like "It will spell answer that match your inquiry that sound correct even if it's totally made up."



in `podman stats` you see BLOCK IO as a summary of hard drive activity.
how to reset the 

To reset the block I/O statistics displayed by podman stats, you can use the podman stats --reset command.

Error: unknown flag: --reset

Apologies for the confusion. It seems I provided incorrect information. The podman stats command does not have a built-in option to reset the statistics.

So once again, don't be afraid to use it, but do your own research especially if following LLM could result in something breaking both in tech or in life.

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What you could ask for:

  • current date or time
  • what is on a page
  • what is the weather
  • what music you listen

You can always say something like... "It's 2050 and it still doesn't work" real person would react to wrong year.

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That's why I stated that it should be illegal to promise product while selling a undefined time limited license, there should be a clear minimum time stated when you "buy a subscription" for (single player?) games.

Very cool project, as you can host your own stream on your own terms while publish to open/global directory and also integrates with Fediverse <3

I didn't left it, I needed provide that "part" to it to get the correct answer.

Because like in the whole thread is mentioned over and over again, chatgpt doesn't know the correct answer, it's a mathematical model of "what looks ok" and "what should be the next word", it looks ok to try to put --reset parameter to reset it, but because chatgpt can't actually check documentation of podman stats if the param exists, it just generate it based on "common known text patterns", and "common known text patterns" are written in a way suggesting that it is the truth.

So once again - do your own research if following the results it could cause breaking both in tech and especially in life. And that is true for both chatgpt and random pages on internet.

In this case I did exactly follow chatgpt answer without doing fact checking - I asked chatgpt, I copied the command and pasted it into terminal, because I know that if it didn't work the worse that could happen it would fail and do nothing. But It's bad for new people that will not know what the result could be if it's wrong!

@z00s Don't take me wrong. I'm not telling not to use it, on the contrary.

You should use any tool that helps you do your job/task. But you should try to understand how to use those tools wisely.

Telling someone never to use ChatGPT is like telling someone to never use excavator. That is wrong, you should use excavator but you should know what is an excavator, and what harm it could do by for example accidentally destroy a building or even hurt someone (or youself) if not use wisely.

We should start call them that...

Or maybe more like: ExploitativeAI or ExAI


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I play BeatSaber and few more VR games using ALVR and it's working great. (But I know that not all VR games fully work on Linux)

But you just need to know that its for Quest headsets running mostly over Wi-Fi (but you can also run over USB) so your milage may vary depending on your WiFi setup.

I use Arch btw 😅

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Looks like the installer and grub is confused about the hard drive order different in instaler and different while booting, both those drives could also have the same partition/drive ID making it confused, that could happen if you cloned/copied the drive in the past

I would say as a easy and safe solution

  1. unplug all other drives that you don't want install linux
  2. Install Linux (best by formatting whole drive) - it should work just fine at this point
  3. After confirming everything works - connect the other drives back
  4. If Linux no longer boots after adding drives then tweak disk boot order in BIOS

cfdisk only changes the partition table, this table like a small paper that you store at the front (or back) of drive where you put information, it's just a list of coordinates like from this point to this point is your home, from this to this is your yard, from this to this is your neighbor. Just because you changed the values on your paper doesn't actually make your neighbor closer or further.

System read this list to figure out where are the "borders" between different sections that you defined to load and use them logically for multiple file systems.

What could be real world use case of using this protocol?

Explain how can you use KeePass+Syncthing with 10-50 people (possibly different groups for different passwords) having different sets of access level while maintaining sane ease of use?

The passwords are encrypted in the first place so the security for them is only on the client side.

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Wanting to spin-up but constantly delaying...

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ALVR works on Linux with Quest 2, BeatSaber works fine, dont know much about other games.

One of the reason is that apps can place their files in any place they want so the app manager is not aware of those locations.

Even if it would know then the user still would need a way to remove the app without deleting data, imagine installing Developer IDE or chat app and uninstall process would remove your chats or projects. Imagine app dev accidentally set the "directory that store app data" to /home, it would be bad.

I not once uninstalled app to install different (for example older) version due to bugs in new one.

Having the logic allowing to optionally delete data would introduce additional complexity so most old package managers never introduced that feature.

But I agree that we should slowly introduce a way to to that. Some app managers that manage flatpaks now allow to delete user data after uninstalling app, this now could be done universally because apps installed using flatpak store their data in their own separated/dedicated directory that flatpak engine know about so (unless you give permissions to access other location) thw manager know where the app store data so can offer easy way to remove it.

Just by looking at the biggest instances someone could think that they cover most of the users but I'm positively shocked.

Kudos for the work!

But the summary is missleading.

You just posted, so first step achived.

Does it support intro skip?

andOTP + bitwarden for me

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There is Tampermonkey and Greasemonkey.

Gauguin - Sudoku-like game for Android (on F-Droid)

The instructions are not clear at first so it's better to start the game a new with lower difficulty.

grep bat /proc/driver/rtc ❤️

Always learning something new, thanks :)

Container is just a term for a set of isolation solutions bundled together.

Like file system isolation (chroot), network isolation, process isolation, device isolation...

One of them is ofc chroot, yes container use exactly the same chroot functionality.

So to answer your question, no, you don't need full isolated container. You can use only chroot.

You just need to pass all required devices ( and match the driver version running in kernel with your files in container and (avoid) more than one app having full unrestricted access to GPU as that would result in issues (but dont know the details so can't help you with that)).

Red*it can do that too (if not doing it already) but they also have your personal details linked especially when paying for premium :)

€699.00 for my last phone: Fairphone 5

Normally it would not pay more than €250-350 for a glued (hard to repair) phone

Asphalt can be on top of concrete.

But From my experience concreet normally has a visible splits between segments every few meters and is almost always way lighter in color.


I'm not a specialist but to me, it is all about road quality, asfalt when you can safely drive and it's very smooth ride like you drive in the air, while co concrete you can drive well but there are clearly visible or audible bumps, so for me the actual material (or mix of them) doesn't matter, if they can make classy and safe to drive road with glass or anything else should not matter.

10-50 people normal use case?

For KeePass no, for VaultWarden yes.

Just got triggered for the comment above suggesting a solution that doesn't work for quite a lot of deployments/users, but yes, my comment was a little bit out of place as for single user deployments KeePass is probably way simpler/better.

In the last I had very little success rate of those uninstall tools to actually do their job in full. A lot of time they delete some data but almost always they leave some trash behind.

And in the first place, I stopped trusting those external uninstall binaries, they could be designed to remove not only app data but remove your personal data, steal data from your PC or infect it (even if just to investigate why you are uninstalling).