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Joined 1 years ago

*NIX enthusiast, Metal Head, MUDder, ex-WoW head, and Anon radio fan.

Ah yes, the core definition of communism: a small farm offering a delusion of independence, which is run within a capitalist system.

An absolute lack of consideration in regards to chat etiquette. Man now that I think about it, it's chat threads/notification in particular.

People who carry on side conversations in threads. You're giving everyone else who has participated in the thread the choice of "disable notifications for this thread and risk missing something relevant come back around, or get a notification for every single side message they're sending". Especially when someone is chiming in like 4 hours later. "Glad you guys got this sorted out". Yes, all 12 of us on-call people in this thread needed to get that message direct to our phones at 3a.m. 4 hours after the outage has been resolved. Thanks for that. Very fucking helpful. High value communication.

People who will not use threads. I don't need a new fucking notification every 20 seconds because you guys are deciding to have a chat about e-bikes. Make a goddamn thread or use a room made for chit chat, we're all on the same team, we're all in on-call positions. I'm paid to respond when this thing makes a noise. I am NOT comfortable muting the team channel.

It's addressed elsewhere in these comments, but +1 to folks who just message you "hi". Go get stabbed.

On the topic of notification fatigue:

People who will just not finish a thought.

Before hitting their enter button.

So they end up like doing this thing.

Where you get a notification every 15 seconds, because they are just absolutely addicted.

To their enter key I mean.

They are addicted to thier enter key.



I guess I could have just edited that message instead of sending the correction with the thing.

Asterisk? Asterisx? I forget what it's called.


Anyway, that thing.

Also, when I'm helping you I am 100% going to stop what I am doing every time I get a message and read the message. There's no way for me to know whether or not you're messaging me "Oh never mind, I had a typo" or "here is more relevant info to make your work easier". That message may very well have immediate impact on what I'm doing, and affect the course I take. Of course I'm going to stop what I'm doing to read it. So maybe don't wait 5 minutes to send me the message "k" after I kindly, thoughtfully provide you with the status update "I think it's the fizzibob, let me verify in the logs real quick" of my own volition so that you are not only aware of what's going on, but don't have any question as to whether or not your question is still being looked at.

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Bonus tip: Many distros make this info available on the cli by including a "hier" man page that you can read using the command "man hier".

There is literally an image of it happening in the linked article. Followed by more pictures that help make this make sense. That's how.

My take on this issue is that this sounds like a Musicbee promotion :p

How can a player that allows you to almost completely design your own UI be "clunky and clumsy"? foobar2000 can be anything from an unscrollable auto-generated playlist of "odd numbered tracks in the deathmetal genre" showing only "stop" and "play" buttons, to a dynamic / responsive UI that auto-scrolls song lyrics in time with the song that's playing.

If you don't like it, you don't like it and that's fine. Reading "clumsy" and "clunky" used to describe foobar2000 make me wonder what your approach to evaluating music players even is though.

Take this as a suggestion to give foobar2000 a little more time/effort. If you just aren't into that though, I'd say Clementine is pretty solid.

If you add an edit to your post listing out your requirements, dealbreakers, and maybe giving a little detail on what you didn't like about the players you listed, you'll probably get responses that are more helpful :D

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Configuration management and build automation are definitely worth the time and effort of learning. It doesn't have to be ansible, find which tool suits your needs.

I do greatly appreciate my management and general company tech culture, they're great.

I agree with your stance here, because it's part of my point. I tend to see more people bitching about Agile itself and not management or their particular implementation.

The jobs where I was only given enough info to plan 2 - 4 weeks out were so stressful because I frequently felt like I was guessing at which work was important or even actually relevant. Hated it.

Turns out it's a skill issue ;p (on the management level to be clear). Folks, don't let your lazy managers ruin you on a system that can be perfectly fine if done right.

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2-3 sprints?! Y'all really flying by the seat of your pants out here huh?

My teammates and I have no trouble planning multiple quarters in advance. If something crops up like some company wide security initiative, or an impactful bug needing fixed, etc then the related work is planned and then gets inserted ahead of some of the previously planned things and that's fine because we're "agile".

I delivered a thing at the end of Q3 when we planned to deliver at the start of Q3? Nobody is surprised because when the interruptions came leadership had to choose which things get pushed back.

I love it. I get clear expectations set in regards to both the "when" and the "what", and every delay/reprioritization that isn't just someone slacking was chosen by management.

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you can set the “FROM” address to literally anything.

Hey all, "that guy" chiming in.

You can set the "FROM" address to any string that meets the specifications of the "Address Specification" section of the relevant RFCs (5322 and 6854, maybe others). Which is SUPER FAR from "literally anything".

I know this seems like some neck-beard bullshit, but we're here answering the question for someone who clearly has little understanding of email internals. Hyperbole is bad in this context IMO.

The AJFA book is full of nothing but lies. Buy another blunt or something instead ;p

I don't feel guilty about the things I do to make myself happy or to make time spent more enjoyable. I know that's not really in the spirit of your question, but I think it's an important statement to make. Yes, I do understand the term "guilty pleasure", I just think it's a bad phrasing.

Some things that I do not feel guilty about:

  • Having a bong hit with my afternoon tea
  • Taking a break from work, socializing, or gaming to play some guitar
  • Whatever is happening on my second monitor.
    • Buffy while working? Yes.
    • Psych? Yes.
    • MUDding? 100% this mud all the time.
    • Cat pics on discord? Fuck. Yes.
  • Browsing pictures of Panko the dog.

You're absolutely right. For what it's worth, it's just the first part that's important.

When you pick up a new concept from a "resource" such as a tutorial, take a minute to explore the concept and understand the semantics of what you're doing. In the name of illustrating a concept tutorials can often be misleading in subtle ways.

A brief-ish explanation of my "useless use of cat" example:

The command line has a concept called "piping". This lets one command send output to a second command. It's very handy. There is usually also a "cat" command, which will read a file and send the contents where you tell it. This is often your screen, or through a "pipe" to a second command. There is also a "grep" command that lets you search data for certain words.

Many "linux newbie" tutorials combine these tools to show how "piping" lets you send data from one command to another. "cat" some text file, then "pipe" the output to "grep" to search for your words. It usually looks something like cat ./my_address_book.txt | grep Giles to find lines in "./my_address_book.txt" that contain the word "Giles". The thing is that "grep" can take a file name as an argument. You can just do grep Giles ./my_address_book.txt, and cat is for concatenating files into one. If you want to simply read a file there are more appropriate tools such as "less". This by the way is the "useless use of cat"

When you're a newbie though, it may be the first time you're seeing either "grep" or "cat". The tutorial is just trying to show you "pipes". Along the way you're picking up these "bad habits". I've met professional sysadmins who didn't know grep took a filename as an argument. It was always "cat blah | grep my_search". I will see people type "cat /some/file | less" instead of "less /some/file". It shows a lack of understanding of what these tools actually do, and IMO it just comes down to regurgitating tutorial actions without bothering to understand the semantics of what you're being shown.

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Hot metal + arm = Smiley Face

Right now I'm waiting on the new PoE league as well as the GW2 expansion. For now it's either a MUD, The first Skyrim save I've kept long enough to complete the main quest, or Yakuza: Like a dragon.

It really just depends on mood and if anyone else is active on the MUD.

I'm glad to have finally found a Skyrim build I enjoy. I've always appreciated the game but never managed to stick with it. This Illusion/Thief/Assassin combo is a great time. Calm + backstab for life.

Yakuza is a delight. It's a lot like FfXIV in that it's a pretty fun movie that is sometimes interrupted by RPG game play elements. Loving the humor.

I want to add: 2-3 sprints ahead is a GREAT begining goal for a team trying to get started with Agile.

Long term though let's set that bar higher :D

There are plenty of good shows I've seen from street performers. Just stay out of the thoroughfare and don't harass people and we'll be fine. There are certainly a lot of talent-less fuck wit archetypes I could come up with though. Here are a few off the top of my head:

  • Teenager who just discovered contact juggling

  • Hipster on a unicycle who makes his own mustache wax. No juggling, no nothing, just a dude with a very groomed mustache

  • Burn out who thinks if you replace metal riffs with minor chords they're excellent soulful ballads

  • Concerningly skinny geek doing geek shit. Like actual geeks, not mislabeled nerds

  • College age stoner who thinks that people want to watch him play hacky sack

  • Raver trying to justify their light up hula hoop purchases by performing for sober people while no music is playing

I hate most of the musicians too. I think that there is a pretty wide variety of reasons that the world would benefit from greater education in music. It won't be for everybody, but neither is trigonometry and that's pretty common in education curriculums.

The bar is extremely fucking low here. People are just way too easily impressed by someone being able to play an instrument at ALL. They can't tell when a multi-stringed instrument is out of tune (and neither can the fucking busker), and they certainly can't pick out the good from the bad.

Then you get these goddamn mediocre as shit buskers all chuffed up on their Dunning-Kruger high. I imagine the thought is something like: "People clapped and cheered, there's money in my hat. I must be amazing at this!". I am completely fucking unimpressed by your ability to play three simple chords on your dollar store toy piano while absolutely disrespecting a Johnny Cash cover of a NiN song.

Bouncing around between two for the most part.

I'm mostly playing Guild Wars 2, enjoying saving the world from demonic invasion in what has so far been a pretty great expansion IMO and I am a bit of a hoor for some of the new cosmetics.

When I need a break from the rough grind, I jump into a super duper rough grind by firing up ol Leaf Blower Revolution. Idle game my ass, I'm clicking more than 5 cookie clicker players combined! There are still leaves everywhere!

I also have a small domain that is relatively low traffic. A lot of the "all in one" software on the list you linked looks pretty cool, I can't deny.

What I found is that I make very few changes. I used to add mailbox aliases fairly often, but the fact is there are only two users and enabling the "+" syntax in addresses put a stop to me needing to make new aliases when I wanted a new address.

I just don't feel like I need a management interface. Because of this I've just sort of frankensteined my own setup together and I love it. It operates how I expect it to, and enforces the standards I care about to the extent that I desire (e.g. which SPF result codes am I ok accepting?).

  • Postfix as SMTP/Submission server. I chose to go w/PAM based for outbound SMTP auth.
  • Courier for IMAPS
  • Dovecot for LDA (sieve is delightful)
  • Snappymail for webmail (served by apache httpd)

Same here. Reference, particularly sheet music and cooking recipes work fine for me digitally.

I can sit at the computer and read social/news media for hours with no problem, but the way ebooks are displayed tires my eyes very quickly for some reason.

While I don't have this issue with the e-ink/e-paper stuff, I've never owned one. I also appreciate that physical books are often much harder to damage and will work without electricity.

Don't follow tutorials, understand them. I'm so tired of seeing useless uses of cat because some asshole writing a tutorial 20 years ago decided to illustrate how pipes work with a good ol cat file | grep string as if grep didn't take a file name as an argument.

The more time I spend being mad about this the more I notice people using horrible practices in tutorials because they're too lazy to setup a legit use case.

A new user sees this and thinks this is how grep works.

Loops are another common one. People going around not knowing you can pass a glob to a shell for loop. Because the tutorial they read was lazily written and they didn't bother to understand the bits of what they were being shown, only how to reproduce/mangle the command until they manage to get close enough to what they want out of it.

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If cost isn't too much of an issue check out The Mooltipass or one of its competitors.

On that note I'd recommend Darktide. Why? I dunno, I just like it better than Vermintide.

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It's not "apart" at all. One person saying "yes" in a sea of "no"s still answers the question "Does anyone else".

Anyone who has answered "No" is either wrong or is not answering the question "Does anyone else find street performers particularly annoying?". They're answering a question they imagine they were asked which is "Do YOU dear %USERNAME%, in particular, also find street performers particularly annoying?"

If 10,000 people respond to a super broad "Does anyone else" question and 9,999 of them are "no" and 1 is "yes" then you have 9,999 people who have provided an incorrect answer. More likely they're just answering the question they wished they were asked though.

Pretty sure that's what goforliftoff@lemm.ee is on about and why I felt your response to their comment warranted my unsolicited explanation.

Your human experience is not so unique that you are literally the only human being bothered by these particular types of street performers.

I think this comment is less about answering your question and is more about how asinine this very common framing of "Does anyone else ..." is. Statistically speaking: "Yes". It almost doesn't matter what comes after "Does anyone else". The difference between "Do any of you in this chat room also like blue?" and "Does anyone else like blue?" is huge.

Posing this sort of question online without great specificity or audience restriction is almost always going to result in the response "Yes".

There are so many ways to phrase this question and start this conversation, it's wild that the equivalent of "Am I literally the only currently living human being with this experience" is the current "go-to" in the English speaking world :p

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I am far too casual to care to keep a running list of issues and their status. What I can say is:

  • The population has stabilized in what I consider a good place
  • I haven't had a crash in a couple of months
  • Performance is fine even on high settings
  • They've changed up how the shops and crafting are organized and it makes way more sense than it initially did
  • Crafting feels way more useful and accessible than it initially did

Far too casual of a player to bother tracking a change log for this sort of game. Heck I wasn't even able to articulate why I prefer Darktide in this comment. The best I can do is direct you to my other comment in this thread.

said the liar!