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Joined 1 years ago

You just By A Driving


Passed Soldier A Hemi


Apparently one who isn't literate either.

You thought Clippy was dead? Think again, that monster never dies. and is not back bigger than ever in its physical form.

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Am I the only one who no longer cares for GTA series after the Shark Code shitshow series has become ans the dropped promise of single player mods and DLC?

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They don't, they just want legal money drain u til they cave. Nintendo is abusive af.

They literally rolled back subreddit comments posts and all by weeks and years. so doesnt surprise me. We were their "item sold" and they aint giving that up. Sadly seems like the protests didnt do much. Some of us left but that about it.

unfortunately. and they are just s bad as you think

I am honestly curious how long it will take for lemmy to get its first million users. May we win or not. but still nice to see a chance and grow

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What do you use it for?

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Some beans were hiding it to avoid being scrutinized for paying into Elons platform.but still wanted to have their name, pretty much marketing and loosing money.

The lost this a while back because they wanted to turn into a social media platform like twitter and facebook. It was originally set to oppose those things and we made memes about those platforms and then we ended up becoming one. Will reddit die? No, i dont think so. But just like Facebook i'll just not use it.

Hello there. 👋

Or you know, VPN.

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The seas are mighty fine this time of year, I might as well go for a sail.

In other news, "fbi installed mallard on your router"

Dang rip buddy. Time to start liking for those dragon bands again.

RIight after there was claims of starting a open-source official fix for the machines.

Honestly I never finished the first game due to life and busyness but loved the 50 hrs in it. So excited to see this one.

Runescape skill farming to get into tech stuff.

I love this new in depth series

You can't join into multiplayer/gta online unless you disable all mods. For a live service that needs loading Individually it still doesn't operate as good as it should especially when they have the funds for it. They dont care for the player experience. After 4 times having to enable, test and disable mods just to play online with friends, I dropped gta V all together. Wasn't worth co figuring 150+ mods just to have them all break when you have to disable them.

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They all want to be that which they cannot become.... ans we can't become that either cause we don't have a PhD in PoE.

Honestly these look pretty good. So I'm excited to play it once get free time. My only hope is that it's polished and bug free.

There's your answer. And why nintendo doesn't care.

Is this also the patch on Gamepass?

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I can't. I lost the ability around age 7-8 and have never had problem sleeping sense. I do have a small 1-2 nightmares every 7-8 months though. They did a sleep and psyc study on me and found that I just sleep heavy and my brain relaxes and i go i to deep sleep for most of the duration instead of processing information. It is also the reason I can fall asleep on "impulse" and also why studying before sleep works well for me since my information retains where it left off. It is my one super power if I was to say I had one.

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Cyberpunk 2077, really love the story and character interactions. Still buggy as hell though lol.

They don't have to compete, palworld offered little resistance or trouble for them. You are comparing 3m sales of a base game to 30m. The only thing they might consider is either adding more functionality in game (which is good) but still based on Arceus, I doubt art or optimization and graphics will be of importance.

I'm surprised it still gets support ans I guess treaning games from pc rather than plugging pc in just isnt as common in general.

Why I'm surprised there is still a use for it. But also not really since older hardware doesn't mean bad hardware, just uncommon.

How come we need to dl the history? Are they deleting old messages with this update?

Dog if trained, water purifier, fire axe, AK (if with bullets of around 250), otherwise a flashlight AK maybe priority since I know how to make my own ammo.

Oh I agree, I drew the golden rest ticket. And it is OP. Feels like it makes life happier and easier in general tbh since I employ the tactics of "sleep on it" pretty much anytime and helps me process info and take time as well as cool off mentally if needed. In famous words of Bueller, "If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up." Good luck though, keep working on it and you may be able to train yourself.

For me it's because work, school, research, and car/house repair.

Oh you lost a job offer or potential offer because our monkeys fuxked the network, sucks to be you. Go buy yourself a job.

I stillndont know how could someone look sonclose to lizard people with those eyes ans face with out actually being lizard people.... that we know of.

Yes but rusty since haven't done so in few years but it's not hard. In metropolitan US as a 30yr old.

My SO is the same way, and jokingly she hates me that I can just close my eyes and be instantly gone as she used to get upset that "I don't dream about her" since she dreams a lot and remembers lots too. But I don't dream about anything she knows that now but took a while for her to realize that.

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I wonder how this is change the future driving since some countries already banned this technology outright. Maybe back pedal?

Revert your negative reviews guys

Have they released any gameplay footage? Or images?

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