
1 Post – 93 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I just added the curses to the normal text replacement settings in IOS and I have never had a ducking problem

Maybe they think they have the one up on Apple this year and want to lead rather than follow.. I hope it is something exciting, even though I am an iPhone user. Any innovation is great though I am guessing it will be AI related

Seems pretty clear why the apis were shut down for apps

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Australian here.. I have never actually touched a handgun, in fact, I have never seen a handgun with my eyeballs outside of police/security.. it is weird how casual this seems

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Well when the CEO gives himself 25% of the companies revenue as his annual pay, it doesn’t set a good precedent for investment growth

This guy seems like a bit of a dickhead

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Imagine trying to navigate the patent minefield when developing something like a modem

I feel it has already happened.. people check social media, but I hardly see any created content anymore (status updates etc).. just reposted stuff from gullible people that they thought was magic but was just AI created rubbish.

The only thing I use social media for is purchasing items from hobby groups and I can’t see that being replicated anywhere anytime soon as eBay is full of fake rubbish

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This guy seems like a bit of a dickhead

The answer is nearly going to always be ‘your data’ and loyalty

If I look at what Windows 11 is, its features and the new features, I honestly can’t work out who Microsoft’s target market is anymore.

With the pricing for AI, I can’t even work out which enterprises would consume it.

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Visually, you cannot beat the Darth/Luke battle scene in the carbonite freezing chamber in ESB.. it is like art. The orange and the blue are so beautiful

If I have already purchased a copy of the physical media, I don’t think it is piracy to acquire a digital copy of the same media for personal use

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Your work sounds like it has no IT Security department and no HR department

Lemme guess.. they are worried companies are using it to train ai, so better close it off so they control access to it

People will go where the content is.. all it will take is one massive event where Lemmy is the source

over the last 15 years or so I would have spent $10k on mattresses of all types.. inner spring, micro spring, full latex, a mix of above.. all end up with body indentations that cause back pain. In the end I bought a cheap mattress in a box (Koala Brand) that is hard as a brick and a latex topper, it has been wonderful

Not that I am interested in one, but if I was after something that Meta sold, I would buy something else

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I am glad I have never made a mistake at work lol. Every time I see a rule or a warning sign I think back to what caused it. Let’s hope the 6yo getting put on a plane without his family fixes something so it doesn’t happen again

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I eventually got the GPU passed through to the VM.. it took about a day of following different guides. Then I tried the same thing on a container and it was about 3 mins work and it was in infinitely better experience with plex in a container instead of a vm

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Your country seems inches away from imploding :0/

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If he loses again, what is to stop him trying again in 2028?

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Pretty sure DNS is 53 UDP. Not sure if you meant it like that.

Port 53 TCP is for dns zone transfers

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I will probably continue to buy new cars as I can spend my hard earned on whatever I want. Everyone’s financial situation, wants and needs are different… you shouldn’t bundle everyone else into your opinion.

That said, I wouldn’t buy a car that has a feature that I need locked behind a subscription.. I would just buy one that suits. I am not loyal to any particular brand so I don’t care.

‘…never heard of him’

Or tinnitus

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For me it was Wonder Woman 1984. I thought the first one was pretty good and the trailer for the second looked like it was something I was going to enjoy.. I was wrong

yeah they do, they are just frothing as what that means for the bullshit that they peddle

I just realised that I probably wouldn’t realise it was strange, I might have to ask someone who knows me

I am sure more will be sold than manufactured

You think a multi trillion dollar company is just winging it from a legal standpoint? Or do you think they have worked with the EU to develop the policy within a hair of what they are actually required to do?

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Love can hurt too.. I am going through a rough patch at the moment and I sometimes wish I never knew love because the pain of losing it is the worst pain in the world.. I don’t think that helps you much, but it is another side

I have never even seen one (Australian)

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It feels like there are two types of productions since Covid.. $200m+ epic productions, or Netflix style lazy cookie cut crap. I hope one day we go full circle and resurrect some forgotten genres that just don’t get funded anymore

I can’t remember if the word at the time was that they were trying to stop the calls from affecting performance or they wanted the juicy data all for themselves

There have been broad discussions in the upper echelons of my workplace, and they generally talk about AI replacing all of the entry level type jobs that give young people a start, things like phone support/service desk becoming AI chat bots. I don’t know what the future holds for people born in the last couple of years, but it isn’t looking good unless you want to do a trade.

Eric Trump, executive vice president of The Trump Organization, dismissed the report's finding as a "joke" and said that all the company's profits from its business with foreign governments were voluntarily donated to the United States Treasury.

That is the keyword, right? profit.. like Hollywood accounting?

I don’t feel trapped into Google for search.. the fact is their search engine gives me better results than everyone else’s. It is not like they are restricting my access to others.

A few years ago my work had Microsoft staff in doing an SQL assessment and the guy doing the works spent a good 5 mins trying to find a Microsoft article in Bing. Eventually he asked me to look away, switched to Google and found it as the top result. I asked why he requested I look away and he said it was against their rules to use Google lol

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After the fourth months in what will probably be low security retreat, is he made to comply? Otherwise it seems like a slap on the wrist

Do you think we will ever see the opposite news story? The one where the world had banded together to achieve something great and met some target in the negative?

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