10 Post – 516 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

So... Are we on a date? 😳

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As I have never lurked r/all I don't really know how exciting it was before, also I think "boring" is a very subjective theme, I mean, here Linux and privacy stuff hits c/all all the time and that can be boring for a huge amount of people, but not for all.

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I was an Apollo user when I had an iPhone, then moved to Android and was a Boost user to finally move to Sync, now all of these 3 are dead, do you really think I'd want to keep being active on that "community"?

These devs deserved better, luckily both Android devs moved here, and they will receive the support of their followers, and Apollo already has numerous spiritual successors, Wefwef/Voyager being an awesome PWA and some iOS apps like Memmy and Artemis!

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No Gabe, go make half life 3.

This make me chuckle.

Source of the poll or this is just shit posting lol.

If that's what you think I suggest you to start looking for filter options, maybe some apps already have them.

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This sounds like something a bot would like to know 🤔

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It is too crazy for a company as big as Reddit to make a pretty good app that will make you not want to install 3rd party ones? well, seems like it is...

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Why is Meta suing Freenom?

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I wonder why he went over that over Lemmy.

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To fit more ads!

I hope the Fediverse can make a way to see reachable from search engines, I think that'd help.

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Well, I never paid for Reddit, but this must suck for people that did it.

I'd have shared this on r/Piracy, but that site is not cool anymore and it is only flooded with dumb memes and bots, now they can copy this content from Lemmy if they want :)

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When did this happen?

Don't they have a fallback like a Discord or even a Lemmy community? If they don't that's a pretty stupid move from them IMHO.

I have been enjoying Lemmy a lot that I did not even care for Reddit, seems that they finally killed Boost, and I was not even aware LMAO.

Wait, dark mode was a paid feature???

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I didn't know it was not free, I have a lifetime Plex Pass subscription and I kinda always knew it was there... Although I don't use it because Spotify.

Have you tried playing with different sort types?

Connect is the most usable of the bunch, well, I might need to check Liftoff further, but I am not a fan of its interface.

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Don't you feel bad?

Because of how fat you are gonna get eating all those popcorns while enjoying this shit show!?

Wait, is it actually Feeenom's fault? Isn't it from whatever the server the malicious actions comes from?

For example I use one of their domains along with a Digital Ocean droplet, and I used it briefly to increase my seeding ratio by portforwarding my Qbittorrent port, after several months I got a letter from DO (which is amusing because my country couldn't care less about torrenting lol) which I think is correct, I don't think this is Feeenom's fault.

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Are these things still a thing?

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I understand what you mean, but I followed mostly selfhosting, emulation and handheld subreddits, I barely ever browsed r/all to begin with, and I still feel my feed wasn't full of karma whores.

When I truly believe Lemmy content has more quality so far compared with Reddit it still miss lots of topics that interest me.

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Thanks for the image, I didn't know FMHY had an official response, good to know they had backups....unlike me who lives in eternal danger.

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Oh dude, I'm watching the X-Men cartoon from the 90s for the first time and I totally hear you! (Yeah, it was sitting in my backlog, late is better than never I guess).

The humans find any fuckin time to mess up with them!

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Since it seems to keep alive in the RAM longer than other clients I agree with you.

Voyager is also a good option because no tracking or added waste from apps because it is a PWA.

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My life hasn't improved, I still doom scroll on Lemmy.

Your ads has a bit of store.

Well, then I guess you should put your priorities on a balance before making any filtering route.

If it helps for something I also get tired of repetitive news (especially because I'm subbed to many tech communities), but I just scroll and hide (Voyager and Summit), so not much of my "time is lose".

I think this is because sudden growth and the apps improving day by day (or sometimes even in less amount of time).

I'm so happy with Lemmy as what it is right now, and the forecast looks even better.

Pihole, Bitwarden and Plex.

What am I looking at?

Can you modify your comments again?

Just to add "also, join to Lemmy'

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Imagine when the end of the month comes!

Yeah well I bet it is gonna be called Twitter for a while yet (the best option would be they keep calling it Twitter lol).

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lol, I initially misread it as "shitform"

It is a shame that this is now a reason on the table to avoid sites like this.

Found the Windows user.

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