0 Post – 19 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It‘s the government tracking antenna duh

I always look forward to the penguin images on articles about Linux

Oh no, memes have laugh tracks

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Wenn ich Lüge soll mich der Blitz beim scheißen treffen.

What even is a neutral political position in that case? Doesn’t that depend entirely on the observers definition of left and right?

Don‘t you dare take that away from Sweden.

Oh, I was searching for a notebook as in electronic device.

But wouldn‘t the public key need to be somewhere to? At some point down the line you will probably have to trust some server.

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A post with my comments is worthless, amogus

Oh wow I thought getting stitches could literally mean "getting stabbed".

I can‘t believe you’ve done this


That ad doesn’t make any health claims tho. Or am I missing context here?

I broke the dam

I‘m not sure if I understand your problem. How many VMs, hostnames, etc. are we talking about?

Don‘t know about the memes, but it‘s the german Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Jup, I use my pfSense as DDNS client with Cloudflare

If a news article has a question mark in the title, the answer is always no.

In what way?

HTML definitely provides more overhead than json if you only care about the data.