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Because the major export product of the United States is American culture. UFO/alien abduction/government cover-ups are kinda baked into American popular culture at this point. Just the idea that the government is simultaneously incompetent yet able to successfully hide far reaching evidence of alien visitation is as American as baseball and apple pie.

I've no doubt people are looking up at the night sky all over the world and seeing things that they think are possibly alien craft. I've also no doubt that there are stories and folklore about abductions in every country on earth. But American culture is insidious and infects just about everything. This forces every other event to be reframed in reference to the American UFO phenomenon.

There have been three accidents related to nuclear power generation, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukashima. There were a total of 33 deaths attributed to those three incidents (32 from Chernobyl and 1 from Fukashima.)

There are 58 deaths per terawatt-hour attributed to coal alone, mostly due to air pollution.

I'd say that nuclear power is very close to completely harmless in comparison. Certainly in contrast to its perception among the general public.

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I appreciate your "aww shucks, kids gonna be kids" worldview; however, the data is clear, we have dramatically reduced the rate at which young people smoke cigarettes by instituting rules and guidelines concerning advertising targeting adolescents. Further, we have clear data showing that level of education greatly effects the likelihood of an individual using tobacco.

So with all due respect, this is something we can easily tackle. We know for certain the adolescents respond readily to marketing, and we therefore can control tobacco adoption by reducing said marketing to their demographic. This isn't anywhere near as futile as you're making it out to be.

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some functionality will be restricted without a paid license

I think that's why. But maybe I'm just overly cynical.

You're just spreading incorrect and out of date information here. Here's a quote from the union Railroad Department Director Al Russo with the IBEW:

“We’re thankful that the Biden administration played the long game on sick days and stuck with us for months after Congress imposed our updated national agreement,” Russo said. “Without making a big show of it, Joe Biden and members of his administration in the Transportation and Labor departments have been working continuously to get guaranteed paid sick days for all railroad workers."


Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Flourine, Oxygen, Iodine, Chlorine, and Bromine

It should be illegal for LLCs or trust funds to purchase housing of any kind.

I completely agree that LLCs, REITs, and institutional investors shouldn't be able to buy single family homes (and maybe even duplexes), but I don't know about "housing of any kind."

Large, multi family units like apartment buildings serve a vital need in the affordable housing market. Private individuals who have the capital to purchase a multi million dollar apartment building aren't any more likely to be a conscientious landlord than a corporation. At that point, it all boils down to effective enforcement of tenant rights laws.

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I agree. However, I think most republicans completely understand the implications of political gerrymandering, and embrace it with enthusiastically open arms.

I recently (a couple of years ago now) reached out to a psychiatrist because I was finding it increasingly difficult to cope. My responsibilities at work continue to expand and become more cerebral, requiring more time in front of the computer.

I made sure and told him of my childhood history of being diagnosed young and having to go to the nurse's office every day at lunch to get my afternoon pill and how that made me feel isolated and different. But that over time the pills helped me pull up my grades. Having been diagnosed as a child makes this process much easier as an adult.

The weird thing? He didn't ask for any records or proof of my childhood diagnosis. I really was on Ritalin from the second grade through high school and then Adderall in college. But he didn't ask for any cooborating evidence of that.

I guess you can take from that what you like. But they just don't seem to follow up on your childhood history of treatment.

I feel for people who weren't diagnosed as children and had to suffer with this without any assistance. It seems unfair that those people can't get help now, just because they weren't offered it in the past.

To specifically answer their question: No. There is no state that will allow your family to euthanize someone who currently objects, just because that person, while younger, signed a will stating that was their wish.

But it's up compared to 2020. Is that really apples to apples? Isn't it reasonable to think the pandemic and resulting lockdown might have put downward pressure on the number of abortions?

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Not on a "per calorie" basis they aren't. And I'm not really sure by what other metric you can compare them. But look at how many calories of broccoli $3 gets you compared to potato chips. Then you have to add in the time of preparation.

Additionally, many impoverished people tend to live in "food deserts", areas without grocery stores, but many fast Food locations.

The deck is definitely stacked against the impoverished.

Considering the numerous comments I've read in the last few days saying something along the lines of, "What!? Cargo shorts are out of style? I'm never giving up my cargo pockets!"

I'm guessing that currently there isn't a lot of overlap between those two communities. But I'm hopeful that a MFA and a Frugal MFA take root here soon!

I'll be a lot more willing to trust them when they have completely released their code base as open source. They said they're going to, but so far have only released the code base for their mobile apps.

After all the crap with Last Pass I'm not trusting my password vault to anyone not willing to submit to security audits.

Just because a slur appears with a definition in a dictionary, does not make it acceptable. And maybe it was acceptable at one time, but things change.

"Republicans" never gave two shits about abortion. It was always a wedge issue that whipped the evangelicals into a frenzy and got their preachers to stump for Republican candidates from the pulpit, and drove them to the polls.

I don't think mrmanager missed your sarcasm. I think they were saying that they enjoyed the movie precisely because it took such an awkward and unpleasant premise and managed to make it funny.

I agree with you both. Damn it was dark, but holy crap was it funny.

That scene at Medieval Times when Carrey does that great rendition of the fight music from Star Trek. "Come hither, so that I may brain thee!"

To be fair, that scene was just as much an attempt to parody the scene from "The Crying Game", as it was straight up transphobia. But regardless, it doesn't sit right today.

As long as house republicans are holding multiple investigations into him and his business dealings and personal life, then this is politics.But I'm my opinion this plea deal was sabotaged by political interference for the purpose of keeping Hunter Biden in the news as long as possible. For political purposes.

I absolutely agree that this shouldn't involve politics, as the younger Biden has made no effort to insert himself in political matters. But at the same time, I don't think republicans should be able to do what they're doing without the press shining a light on it.

This is a minor quibble, but I've never been charged a fee for an extra plate. They usually only charge when you request to "split the order", meaning the kitchen splits the entree onto two plates for you.

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Do you combine Wellbutrin with a stimulant med? I've started discussing this with my doc because my ability to find Adderall has been inconsistent. I was hoping the Wellbutrin might even things out. But I'm uncomfortable starting and stopping Wellbutrin. I feel like with the way it works on brain chemistry, you're probably better off taking it consistently.

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This would be kinda fun to play with from a "game theory" standpoint too. Unscrupulous people could attempt to maximize their pizza consumption and minimize their capital investment by claiming to not be very hungry and being willing to eat the most common toppings.

Perhaps the app could have a function at the end to "rate" the participant diners? You could pass your phone around one more time and people could assign a "trustworthiness score" to one another.

Except their hackery has served to move the conservative football further down the field. I don't see what conservative position would be strengthened, or what liberal position would be undermined, by agreeing to hear this case.

Further, I don't see them taking on this case simply because there's "nothing there". This is a fairly stupid appeal in my opinion.

Thank you! I thought I was going insane. And thanks for the workaround.

You keep saying that, but there is no prohibition against a felon running for president. There is literally no crime he could be convicted of that would preclude him from campaigning and being elected to the presidency. Obviously, it's doubtful he'd find a majority to vote for him, but it isn't legally disallowed.

How would this work though? You're not ordering your food via the QR code link, you're telling the waitstaff. Unless they ask you what price your saw, how are they going to correlate their variable price to a particular customer?

However, this would make it a lot easier to implement "peak pricing". Their menu could automatically update based on time of day, or day of week, and certainly holidays.

And in your opinion, does the 14th amendment of the Constitution prohibiting individuals who engaged in seditious acts against our democracy from holding office count as a "backdoor disqualification"?

Maybe you're right. But I don't really bother to try and read too deep into the motivations of any kind of corporation. I assume they're all primarily motivated by profit. And my point is that individuals who have the capital to buy millions of dollars of real estate are functionally no different from a corporate investor, be it a REIT or a "housing company" motivated solely by "providing service." They're all going to do the bare minimum as required by the market to stay competitive and government regulation.

This one is tough. I have to say, I spent way too much time on Reddit. But I more often saw people complaining about reposts on content I'd never seen before, than I saw the same content over and over again.

But when I did see a repost, it seemed to pop up over and over again. So it is annoying.

Personally, I find all the other eschatological possibilities much more disturbing. The heaven/hell dichotomy is unnerving on a lot of obvious levels. Reincarnation seems fraught with neverending suffering. And the idea of becoming a "ghost" or a spirit, forever consigned to haunt some old place is as terrible as it is ridiculous.

I'm looking forward to my hard earned non-existence, thank you very much.

Can you imagine living in a world where American farm subsidies went to make fresh fruit and produce affordable to all income levels, but the fuel lobby had to pay top dollar if they want to distill corn into ethanol so they can dope our gasoline?

That WHO study is highly problematic. It has some fairly serious methodological flaws. It's been disputed by the FDA. It is biased due to the panel comprising:

eight WHO panelists involved with assessing safe levels of aspartame consumption who are beverage industry consultants who currently or previously worked with the alleged Coke front group, International Life Sciences Institute (Ilsi).


Did you keep the "membership plan" that's required to purchase the mattress? Is the membership actually worth it?

A mattress that comes with a subscription fee is kind of a hard thing to wrap my head around.

But I'm so intrigued by the cooling feature. I always sleep really warm.