
0 Post – 51 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

A simple one I think, I refuse to call twitter by other names.

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// I'm not really that dumb, there is a reason.

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If you are going to ask questions maybe you are not the target demographic.

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And no particular goal, like a dog with the zoomies.

Plot twist, all of those are project initial commits.

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And the blame will be put on... Biden.

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They are just giving some time for the waters to calm a bit, and then say that it is taking too much effort.

Google was declared a monopoly. Next step: Let the monopoly keep doing the monopoly stuff.

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Hey it has a fuckton more of microsoft telemetry on top of it.

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Sure, "restrict" the kernel access. And the first company to be granted the requisites for kernel access, CrowdStrike.

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Somehow like when school gave me book reading assignments. It was such a pain, I can read while actually paying zero attention to it. I'm a master.

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I have memory for many many things. What I don't have is the ability to recall them when I want. Also I wonder how can I have good long time memory while having zero short memory, it's a mystery to me.

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Wouldn't it be funny if the AI reading reddit ended up trained on error messages?

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* Gathered concern *

Certain companies are untouchable, reminds me of something else going on, but whatever.

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I think I've never seen a cat that looks so much like a monkey.


5% of the times it works every time.

We have decided that you want something else instead. Take it. Now.

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But then go and decide to use a square base... SMH.

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I wonder how tinnitus would fit into the topic.

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Sometimes the deadline is like the only motivator to do the thing, if that is not enough the fate of the task was probably decided anyway.

Not since the accident.

I don't know what kind of idea you are getting. Radio and wi-ifi are waves. The wave is what can be used, you don't care who generated it. To say it somehow the wave is in the air and you just take advantage of it being there to convert it to energy. Doesn't matter what the wave could have been read as. In general a radio station is not going to stop working for a whole region just to stop you from using it.

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I hate the smell of this all around.

Excuse me, that is only when I'm not trying to be professional about it, with carefully crafted perception of randomness.

Does it not show the comment with collapsed spoilers in mobile?

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Following his logic that might just be his way of asking money from those companies.

The reboot 15 times solution, etc it is a bit on their side. But in general I agree, CrowdStrike and the industries that need that kind of service should know better.

For people that have lived in different places it can be normal.

I hold some grudges against a microsoft surface... I bought it at a time where microsoft was looking calm, but soon after things started going south. On top of that the table is slow af, and I installed linux, but it hasn't been so great that way either.

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Both? Both. And how was that screen transcriber called? I don't know, but let's try that one again. (I wish it was "/s")

Did I miss some follow up news on microsoft blaming EU? Or is it just a meme (so far)?

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I would like to know what I'm doing with the connectors too, dammit.

I don't blame any connector, all of them end up the same for me. Externally in good condition but the conductivity the poorest.

"Stop, stop it is already dead."

We can dream.

Yes, but just by being a conscious that a screen turned off doesn't mean that the computer is unresponsive, and you still should have care to not smash keys blindly, already puts you on one of the higher branches.

The word that comes to my mind is "contemplation", it might be used more broadly but I think it still fits.

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