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Joined 1 years ago

If Apple users could read, they would be mad!

Welp I'm of those "windows" users then 😉

Someday? Canada is already trying to ban the Flipper Zero, we're living in your nightmare.

Cool, I will be able to solve those advent of code challenges without optimising my code!

I wasn't a huge fan of manpages either until I got a kernel class at uni. The man pages for syscalls and library calls are super well made.

You could try EndeavourOS, it's based off Arch, so 99% of the Arch wiki can be directly applied to your system, and the installation process is much more normal with a GUI and a selection of Desktop Environment to choose from.

The hardest part with Arch is getting the initial setup working imo, so you can put a few more hours trying to install it (if you're ready to bear the frustration that might come with it) or pick a distro like EndeavourOS with a GUI installer to get a working system quicker.

Absolutely understandable, personally I prefer the AUR since I don't ever need to download and compile the source code anymore, since everything I need got an AUR package.

I also had bad experiences with apt, mostly that their release are too slow/I get stuck on an old release (my raspberry pi's python version is still 3.7, which caused problems since I was using a python 3.8 library). That's probably on me for not knowing how to upgrade my release, but I switched to Arch before learning how to fix this

For the pacman flags, I simply use yay, the AUR wrapper instead, yay do a full system upgrade, and yay python will show me a list of packages that have similar names to install. Still not as clear as apt, but at least there's no weird flag letters to remember for most use cases

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Put it back in fedora! Put it back in, put it back in fedora! Butterfly marshmallow baby

...yeah I think I got that right

Just... Don't use edge altogether? There are so many browsers with better privacy (librewolf, brave, ungoogled chromium, etc). Any reasons why you want to stick to edge so badly?

I bought Outer Wilds recently (my consumerism couldn't resist the 40% sale on steam), friends recommended it and I know nothing about it, but only time will tell if I'll play the game someday or if it'll stay untouched for years..

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Hello world (or person in this case)

I'm on jerboa and that first link still doesn't work, let me try


Maybe if i use markdown link

EDIT: first link gets recognized as email, second link makes jerboa crash 💀

I see what you did there, honestly debian major release names and older Linux kernel version names are 2 of my favorites easter eggs in open source 😂

That makes 2 of us

I mean, if a service is free... You're the product, you've never been the customer 🙃

Depends on the point of view. If your biggest risk is you spending that loan money on gambling, then yes paying the debt early would help you get in less trouble.

From an economic point of view, if you don't need that money at the moment, you should invest it, so that you can make a few bucks. If you get 1-2% more on every transaction that way, it really does stack up at the end, since this will make you exponentially more money.

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Good bot

Tbf I'm really not savvy in loans, but I mean any amount of money X that you have to pay back with Y% of interest in Z days. If you take that loan and you know an investment that will guarantee you (Y+1)% then you should borrow money. (That conclusion is of course completely neglecting risk management)

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Might be cool to actually have a pattern copy pasting for those 10 main use cases, I feel like using a LLM just to repeat some boilerplate is such a waste.

One case where the LLM is really useful is when generating some basic comments, but to be fair 50% of the time my comments explain why I'm doing something, and Copilot isn't smart enough to understand that.