
79 Post – 54 Comments
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See the image feature from NASA here -> nasa.gov/image-feature/goddard/2023/hubble-checks-in-on-a-galactic-neighbor

The highly irregular galaxy ESO 174-1, which resembles a lonely, hazy cloud against a backdrop of bright stars, dominates this image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. ESO 174-1 lies around 11 million light-years from Earth and consists of a bright cloud of stars and a faint, meandering tendril of dark gas and dust.

This image is part of a collection of Hubble observations designed to better understand our nearby galactic neighbors. The observations aim to resolve the brightest stars and basic properties of every known galaxy within 10 megaparsecs. A parsec is a unit used by astronomers to measure the vast distances to other galaxies – 10 megaparsecs translates to 32 million light-years – and makes astronomical distances easier to handle. For example, the nearest star to the Sun, Proxima Centauri, is about 1.3 parsecs away. In everyday units this is a staggering 25 trillion miles (40 trillion km)!

The program to capture all of our neighboring galaxies was designed to use the 2-3% of Hubble time available between observations. It’s inefficient for Hubble to make back-to-back observations of objects that are in opposite parts of the sky. Observing programs like the one that captured ESO 174-1 fill the gaps between other observations. This way the telescope can move gradually from one observation to another, while still collecting data. These fill-in observing programs make the most out of every last minute of Hubble’s observing time.

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DeSantis has not yet publicly commented on the signing of this bill

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Yup the one who wants to either get rid of the IRS and the departments of Education, Energy and Commerce entirely or to use them to "push back against woke ideology and against the leftism that we see creeping into all institutions of American life." See this thread

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Neutrinos can interact with matter via the weak force, which is so weak and short ranged that most neutrinos incident on matter just pass through it. However, you can imagine if a HUGE chunk of neutrinos falls on matter, at least a few are bound to interact, statistically speaking. These interactions are like collisions, and the collision may result in generation of new particles. If these new particles are energetic enough, they emit a special type of radiation, which can be detected through sensors. So, you're not directly capturing neutrinos, but are making the inference that they are there, because you know a weak force interaction has taken place if your sensor goes off. And to make sure something like cosmic radiation doesn't affect detection, this particular detector is isolated under a huge sheet of ice in Antarctica.

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An excerpt:

Methane gas absorbs almost all the sunlight falling on the atmosphere at this picture’s specific infrared wavelength (3.23 microns). As a result, Saturn’s familiar striped patterns aren’t visible because the methane-rich upper atmosphere blocks our view of the primary clouds. Instead, Saturn’s disk appears dark, and we see features associated with high-altitude stratospheric aerosols, including large, dark, and diffuse structures in Saturn’s northern hemisphere that don’t align with the planet’s lines of latitude. Unlike Saturn's atmosphere, its rings lack methane, so at this infrared wavelength, they are no darker than usual and thus easily outshine the darkened planet.

Link from kbin: kbin.social/m/main@rblind.com

kbin prefixes communities (magazines) with m/ instead of c/

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Google Search has been accusing me of being a robot a lot lately, making me solve a bajillion captchas. So I've stopped using search engines entirely. I've bookmarked a lot of the sites I regularly visit and have realized I don't really need Google, apart from for getting the correct links to said websites because I can't remember their .orgs and .coms.

Is this the fOrMiDaBlE iNtElLiGeNcE you referenced in your anti-LGBTQ+ ad, Ron? That lost you millions of dollars worth of business to pander to a bunch of internet trolls that probably aren't even old enough to vote? sigh

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

digital news intermediary means an online communications platform, including a search engine or social media service

news content is made available if access to the news content, or any portion of it, is facilitated by any means, including an index, aggregation or ranking of news content

These points seem to indicate a website like kbin would fall under this act, being a content aggregator and social media service.

At the same time,

This Act applies in respect of a digital news intermediary if, having regard to the following factors, there is a significant bargaining power imbalance between its operator and news businesses:

  • the size of the intermediary or the operator
  • whether the market for the intermediary gives the operator a strategic advantage over news businesses
  • whether the intermediary occupies a prominent market position.

Since kbin is small and not in any market position, this shouldn't apply.

Upvotes don't affect reputation (yet) so I feel there is no foul in self-upvoting. It just slightly improves visibility of the content in the 'hot' section when freshly posted.

Yeah seeing them too. I've even enabled the "Hide Adult Content" option in kbin.social/settings/general. I suppose some posters aren't marking their content as NSFW. I've disabled thumbnails and enabled compact view for now.

You're correct

Favorites look like Reddit upvotes, but do not contribute to Reputation. You can favourite threads, microblogs/posts and comments. All content you favourite can be accessed through the 'Favourites' channel. Click the list icon near your username on the top right of the page and select 'Favourites'.

Boosts contribute positively to reputation. At the moment boosts are not much of a feature for kbin.social users. Use it as an upvote button for now.

Though this will probably change soon

The second case is infuriating.

Mendonça was 11 years old

A prostitute, Alcina Dias, confirmed that [Afonso Dias] had taken Mendonça to see her on the day he disappeared. [Afonso Dias] allegedly drove up to see her in his car and asked her if she was working. When she assented, he offered to pay her to have sex with Mendonça.

and later

police forces raided alleged members of an international child pornography ring known as the Wonderland Club. The operation was code-named Operation Cathedral and resulted in the confiscation of 750,000 images and videos depicting 1,263 different children. Mendonça was among the few children (16 only) that could be identified. However, his whereabouts remain unknown and police suspect that he was murdered by his abductors after being abused on camera for other members of the paedophile ring.

Top it off with the fact that the police refused to take his disappearance seriously initially and just assumed he was lost or injured and would eventually turn up.

Fucked up.

The magazine page is a list of magazines from all instances. It just lists the kbin.social instances first. Go to this page and onwards to see magazines from other instances. The page will change as more magazines are created, but works for now.

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It does show up in its entirety, click the icon pointed to here

Also you can always upload to good old Imgur without sign up

Anddd now come the posts pointing out how there are so many posts pointing out that the same thing is being reposted so many times. Wonder how many layers till the meta-posting dies out. Can't say it's not funny though.

See also: Uganda enacts harsh anti-LGBTQ law including death penalty (Source: Reuters)

Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni signed one of the world's toughest anti-LGBTQ laws, including the death penalty for "aggravated homosexuality", drawing Western condemnation and risking sanctions from aid donors.

It stipulates capital punishment for "serial offenders" against the law and transmission of a terminal illness like HIV/AIDS through gay sex. It also decrees a 20-year sentence for "promoting" homosexuality.

In Africa, same-sex relations are now punishable by death in 4 countries (Nigeria, Somalia, Mauritania and Uganda), imprisonment of 10 years to life in 8 countries, and imprisonment of less than 10 years/other penalties in 20 countries. Somalia’s penal code mandates a prison sentence of up to 3 years, but the death penalty may be imposed under sharia law. Similarly, the Nigerian penal code mandates a 14-year jail sentence, but the death penalty may be applied in the 12 northern states under sharia. (Source)

I think reading up on this has made me more appreciate the profoundness of that Arthur C. Clarke quote

Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying

The possibility of being alone is not just terrifying in and of itself. Its horror is also in mulling over why we might be alone.

Monochrome infrared imaging, wavelength of 3.23 microns color mapped to orange hue. Source (pg. 2)

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You can search for a particular instance name in the magazine search like lemmy.ml or beehaw.org to see all magazines from those instances. You can also just search for a topic and it'll show you all magazines across instances with that topic in the name or description of the magazine.

  1. Go to your profile, you should see a tab for 'subscriptions' in the menu where you see tabs for 'threads', 'comments' etc. Or go to kbin.social/u/sapient_noodles/subscriptions
  2. Not as of now. But the feature has been requested.

From the space.com article:

Dark matter and dark energy are believed to make up most of the universe, but we can't see these phenomena in wavelengths of light. Rather, we can track the dark universe through its effects on other objects. (Gravitational lensing is one example, when a massive object bends the light of a distant object behind through the force of gravity, bringing otherwise faraway stars or galaxies into sharp focus.)

Cosmologists — scientists studying the history of space — seek to understand how the dark universe behaves to chart the effects of time on our cosmos. The mergers of galaxies, the expansion of the universe and the movements of individual stars are all subject to the forces of dark energy and dark matter.

The Euclid space observatory, which is designed to seek out invisible dark matter and dark energy, is expected to separate from its rocket 40 minutes after liftoff and will then make a distant journey to the sun-Earth Lagrange point 2, which is roughly 1 million miles (1.5 million km) away from our planet on the opposite side of the sun. Lagrange points are relatively stable orbits where satellites use a minimum of fuel, and Euclid's destination is a popular location: NASA's James Webb Space Telescope also orbits at L2, for example.

The link slrpnk.net/c/kbinMeta@kbin.social works fine, as you can see here

You can't access the science community from your instance because your instance's server seems to not have caught up (or federated) entirely yet. Check in a few days time.

It will work when the servers are caught up. Here's the kbin.social science community from another Lemmy instance, beehaw.org, to assure you it will work: beehaw.org/c/science@kbin.social

Notifications are off by default. To turn them on click here https://kbin.social/settings/general. Once turned on, notifications will be indicated to the left of your username at the top right.

Strange. Working for me so doubt its a bug though can't say for sure. Make sure you're saving after updating. Also note that when you open kbin.social, you will see 'All' (the landing page). But if you have set your homepage to default to 'Subscriptions', clicking on the kbin logo on the top left will take you to your homepage, which should be kbin.social/sub after updating and saving settings. Editing post to reflect this.

If none of those are it, you can find known issues here

While I understand the fediverse may pose a learning curve, please note it does not refer to a forum, which is why there are introduction pages. As for Reddit being straight forward, it's been developing for about 18 years now. Kbin in comparison is about two months into development.

I mean hey find me a dino that isn't cool. Washington's got a beautiful beast for sure.

Every Noise At Once: Recommend this website to find new music that suits your tastes. Play around with the options at the top, best way to see what they do.

It's a video. You can view it from kbin itself by clicking on the icon I've marked in this image

Edit: Works on mobile as well

Boosts are like retweets on twitter. There is no limitation on boosts.

Added to original comment.

From the bill

Texas cities have passed burdensome local ordinances, creating a patchwork regulations across the state. These policies are better left to the employer, and if necessary, the state and federal government. Uniformity and consistent policy gives employers and employees greater clarity and flexibility.

It's a move aiming to centralize control of the state.

the purpose of this Act is to provide regulatory consistency across this state and return the historic exclusive regulatory powers to the state where those powers belong.

Watched a few episodes of Criminal Minds and The Blacklist. They're great for sure, but they are episodic. I'm in the mood for a serialized show.

Will check out Bones tonight.