
1 Post – 171 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

When you spend money on something, let's say one of those movies from PlayStation, you don't actually own that movie, there is no file given to you that is yours. You are just given access to it. And then, out of no where, they can take that away from you.

When you pirate something, you are just creating a copy of the file, you aren't taking away the original file.

So, the argument here is that morally pirating is okay because no one is losing anything, aside from potential sales for the company I guess. But on the flip side, the company is essentially stealing from you because they took your money, and you aren't allowed access to what you bought.

The most morally just position in this case would be that if you were one of those customers who paid for and then lost access to said movies, and then you pirated them back, you could say that the company had already made their money on you, and you're owed those movies.

In my opinion, I don't think pirating from any million / billion dollar company is bad even if you didn't "own" it originally.

We should start calling them pro rape.

Whoever thought that $50 a month is any sort of good income is brain dead.

It's not like babies aren't being killed throughout all of this, Israel has literally leveled neighborhoods where people lived, and where children and babies lived too.

This feels like some sort of ploy to say that innocent people aren't being killed, using AI as some sort of excuse. I don't doubt people are faking stuff, but I do wonder who is creating them, because anyone from any side could be creating intentionally misleading AI generated images.

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But is Israels actions appropriate? Indiscriminate bombing across all of Gaza? Collective punishment? If they really wanted to A) save hostages and B) take out those responsible, they could do a surgical strike with special forces. Raining hellfire upon innocent people just because their might be hamas there is absolutely disgusting.

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The only thing this shit bag needs is a guillotine to lay in.

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Okay yeah sure. Thats why the Israeli Minister of Defense said "We will eliminate everything" among many other things said and done:


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Israel commiting genocide is awful. Hamas is just a response to that.

I believe that, for example, if I wanted to open a bookshop, I should be able to. Or that if I wanted to rent a couple of 3D printers and sell widgets, that I should be able to.

I'm not sure why you think this is inherently only possible in a capitalist economy. In a more socialist or even communist economy, you could still do all of that. The only difference would be that all the workers there (if there is more than just you working at said business) would be paid equal to the amount of labor they put in, as opposed to now where the majority of workers are paid less than what their labor is worth.

You're doing something worse, complaining about something that no one really does. The average Linux user doesn't want the average computer user to install Arch Linux. Stop spamming this garbage.

Apparently parody is illegal and genocide isn't!

Why the hell would they be there on their property otherwise? Just think for a second.

Also "abortion clinic" as if all it did was that.

Yes, Lemmy users literally never spend any money, not once ever.

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Maybe it's because the majority of Palestinians are arrested for no reason?


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They had their hands tied behind their backs. Does that sound like a hospital patient to you?

What was the age group target for this book? I always thought it was for adults not teens.

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Jewish =/= Zionist.

Why you keep lyin bro

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They just love the taste of that boot so fuckin bad.

Blindly supporting ethnic cleansing woo so American of you.

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I think it makes the image personally

If you get shot enough you get immunity obviously. Clearly this guy's head is full of lead already.

Mfs can't take 5 minutes god damn.

Prosperous lives my ass. 2nd class citizens is how they are treated. Look at the West Bank, no Hamas and yet they still get their land stolen from them.

Hawaii wasn't a part of the United States back then.

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It's good to know you support the killing of 10s of thousands of innocent civilians, many women and children, and the forced starvation of at least half a million people. Of course though, because they are Arab means they don't count as people right?

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I saw this same list of languages at a walk-in clinic.

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That's not hosting, it's just a local file.

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What do you think the point of a hostage is?

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It's so cool that any little remarks said by pro Palestinian protesters are blown out of proportions, when literally this shit is happening, and has been said by ISRAELI OFFICIALS, but you know that's just fine and dandy.

An imperfect system doesn't mean we need to throw out the whole system. And if we did throw it out, you can't just not have a replacement for it.

People making posts on the Internet is not equivalent to real people meeting and being forced to at least give an answer.

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It's amazing how they disregard the absolute shit working conditions Amazon warehouse jobs have, that can't totally be why they have a high turnover rate right?

Just because people have downtime at work doesn't mean they don't deserve a raise.

That makes the software not free though 😥

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Clearly you didn't read any of that. Where can they go? They are essentially trapped. And of course they have to leave their homes when they're being oppressed.

I'm sorry, is Gaza doing a bombing campaign on itself? Hamas is horrible, but bombing hostages and civilians is not the right play here. All of you calling these bombings justified don't want peace or justice, you want revenge. And that revenge costs more innocent people's lives.

I'm sorry, do we have to wait for them to finish? We know their intentions, Israeli officials say it plainly, that they want to remove them all, make it uninhabitable where they live. That is the act of genocide, you piece of garbage.

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"illegal to vote for him" lmao you make it sound like you're gonna get arrested for doing it. No one cares if you write his name in, his names just not going to be on the ballot because he's a traitor.

That's apparently where their coworker thinks they are.