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First they came for the Palestinians, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Palestinian.

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Two things not mentioned it that article:

  1. Why would anyone want to fight for a country that is so callously disinterested in the welfare of it's citizens?

  2. In the last quarter-century it has become extremely apparent that the US Military is not the "global force for good" that it wants to portray itself as. Most young people probably aren't interested in joining up to commit war crimes in the name of making money for the military industrial complex.

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So we're going to stop supplying Israel with weapons, money, and international cover, right? RIGHT?

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You wouldn't know the players, they go to a different school.

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Hmm, I seem to recall US Intelligence swearing that Saddam Hussein definitely had WMDs and was definitely about to use them on his own people and we definitely needed to invade Iraq to stop him. US Intelligence is not a fact or truth seeking operation; its purpose is to further American imperial interests all else be damned.

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So "not tearing society down" means piss or shit on the street instead of in a toilet? Am I understanding correctly?

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You hate to defend Trump, but that's absolutely fucked. As far as I know you can't refuse a mugshot, so you're essentially compelled to release the rights to your likeness if you're charged with a crime. I could see the logic if you're convicted (under the 13th, which is still fucked), but that's crazy before a trial/guilty verdict.

Anyway, just a layman's take. Would love to hear what an actual lawyer has to say.

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So more kids are shot where there are more lax gun laws; who could have ever foreseen that?

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How's training and cleaning up mold supposed to line the pockets of the senator's buddy who owns the uniform company?

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Yeah, that's what I don't understand. I don't really see any moral distinction between eating dogs/cats/horses vs pigs/cows/chickens. It seems like the only logically consistent positions are to ban it all or allow it all; picking and choosing doesn't make much sense.

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Biden, Blinken, Kirby, and other state dept. ghouls are probably 'very concerned' and no doubt calling for independent investigation. Of course, they will never follow up on it, they will never pressure Israel, and said investigation will never materialize.

Looks like its Xi Zhang. Their style is really cool.

Fun Fact: A person who hails from Chad is a Chadian.

IMO the difference between this and paparazzi is that you aren't legally compelled to allow the paparazzi to take photos of you. If paparazzi gets the photos then they're theirs, but you can at least try to prevent them from taking them.

US copyright law is unsalvageably fucked



Michael Reagan, the son of President Ronald Reagan, is an author, speaker and president of the Reagan Legacy Foundation.

Tells you all you need to know.

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That is not how public domain works, and the article contends that the copyright is owned by the law enforcement agency that took the mugshot. If the photo was public domain it would be free for anyone to use as they see fit.

No, bins marked for recycling batteries, phones, etc.

I don't know if they were/are at every store though.

I get that the copyright is traditionally held by the photographer and not the subject. I guess the issue I have with it is how Trump (or anyone charged with a crime) is legally compelled to allow it to be created.

Also, if we assume Fulton County Jail owns the copyright, could they sell mugshot merch? If yes, that's horrifically dystopian. If no, are they entitled to claw back any money made from the sale of mugshot merch?

Personally, I would like to live in the world where jails can't profit off the mugshots of their inmates.

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Check out this video of Michael Brooks succinctly explaining Israel/Palestine even before Oct 7.

I custom designed and 3D-printed a prop from an anime I like.

Image from the show

What I made

This is a really cool question OP. Do you have anything you want to share?

Maybe "Does anyone know where the second big cutting board is?"

Used to be bins right inside the door. If they're gone I'd just ask customer service.

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Bruh, how can you laugh when the illuminati is shrinking men's taints?

  1. Fasnacht Day - A Pennsylvania Dutch holiday on the day before Lent in which you use all your sugar, fat, and oil to make fasnachts (doughnuts) before fasting for Lent. Essentially a holiday for doughnuts. The images on Wikipedia are scuffed as hell and homemade fasnachts are really good. Maybe the Lemming (Lemmy?) could be in the shape of a doughnut.

  1. Oilfield Prayer Day - Celebrated in Oklahoma on October 13 as a day for all faiths to "thank God for the blessings created by the oil and natural gas industry and to seek His wisdom and ask for protection” according to OK Governor Mary Fallin. Personally I celebrate by buying 10-20 gallons of gas and pouring it down the nearest storm drain to do my part for the oil industry. /s Set Lemmy on fire.