1 Post – 76 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

So a republicans house is just this but every room is labeled guns?

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The thing I loved about Apple 15+ years ago was that even though the hardware was expensive, it was semi modular and tightly integrated with the software and you got an offline product that you could also buy Apple server equipment and software for. 10 years ago was still ok but things were starting to erode.

These days there is no server software, no modularity, no ways to use enough of the new features without a cloud subscription and the hardware is just as expensive and designed with defects to limit it's lifespan (in my opinion). They want to have their cake and eat it too. I was a proud Apple fan boy but not a blind one. Well now they can fuck off. Bye.

I'm now fanboying about Framework and Pine64.

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Pretty sure Spotify is more powerless than you think. The record labels nearly burned their industry to the ground in the 2000s over digital piracy.

Netflix wouldn't be around today if it wasn't for their move into becoming their own movie studio thanks to just about every big Hollywood studio pulling out, arrogantly thinking that they can each run their own service for a bigger slice of the pie. Newsflash, it's going really bad. Especially for Disney, who deserve everything coming to them.

I reckon if Spotify makes even a small move to undermine the big record labels, they would yank all the popular music. Spotify either wouldn't last long or best case they down size into a niche music platform.

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It's the ultimate cash grab in my opinion. Just imagine how much faster the SSD will wear out from all the swap that'll be needed. The SOLDERED SSD.

My buying habits mostly consist of living in the late 2000s and what little open source tech there is a available such as framework and pine64. I'm allergic to manufactured ewaste. If i can't maintain it, i don't want it.

I love the idea of a computerized car and fully integrated infotainment system. In the same way I would love a fully automated house. The automation and debugging benefits would be incredible. But only if I'm in control at an open source hardware / software level. Otherwise it's just manufactured ewaste to me.

I've seen another video like this on a machine being decommissioned. It's likely that was the case with this machine as well.

I refuse to buy a DRM infested iPhone / un-rootable Android on wheels with data hoarding spyware and no access to service manuals, parts or service tools. Also decent build quality without excessive and inappropriate use of plastic.

My car is a not a 10 year disposable item. ~< 2008 era cars for me.

I'd argue that cars becoming part of the disposable economy is even worse for the eNViRoMeNt.

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openAI anyone?

DeArrow by the same developer as SponsorBlock seems to be actively developed and community contributions are fast.

You're either a troll or an uninformed idiot who has never done operating system development. A properly modularised OS can allow for minimal upkeep for older hardware. A leading example is Apple's .kext system allowing for near 10 years of OS support both on macOS and iOS. Not that I think Apple is a great company but they do have some really good software development practices.

Also regardless of the technical explanination above, accepting a constant flow of e-waste for the sake of a new shiny year is just unethical regardless of the supposed reason.

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Aside from furthering the development of the architecture (I assume they are contributing and not just taking), It's meaningless as Qualcomm couldn't give two shits about open source chip documentation for the chips they release. I'm only interested in a native Linux phone. Meaning no BSP garbage.

Yet another example of leeching off of open source and not giving back anything meaningful.

Doesn't Windows 10 already do that? I could never get the freaking thing to leave my files behind and disable itself.

Windows 10 LTSC for the win if you have software you can't yet abandon.

Oh wow. This reads like an onion headline.

Windows 10 LTSC FTW!!! I just installed it and wow is it snappier and devoid of nearly all of those annoyances. I have no idea if productivity apps are affected by its stripped down nature but for Steam gaming it's perfect. I get less lag spikes on steamVR.

I haven't trusted Windows in years. This is just for gaming. I have a physically separate hot swappable Optane SSDs for Linux and Windows Gaming.

For those who will winge at me for not just switching to Linux. During this process I gave a concerted effort to give Linux a go and chose Manjaro KDE to try for steamVR gaming. It sucked. Once I had worked out that it was a permissions issue (It's always a fucking permissions issue under Linux) and just ran it under the root account, there was extremely high latency for the VR compositor to HMD display. Completely unusable as it made me sick and that's usually very hard. I tried X11 and Wayland. Direct and Non Direct output modes. No success.

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Doesn't this mean all text message traffic will flow through the control of Google servers?

I don't know anything about how RCS works aside from a couple of comments talking about the Google servers problem.

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All the AI race has done is surface the long standing issue of how broken copyright is for the online internet era. Artists should be compensated but trying to do that using the traditional model which was originally designed with physical, non infinitely copyable goods in mind is just asinine.

One such model could be to make the copyright owner automatically assigned by first upload on any platform that supports the API. An API provided and enforced by the US copyright office. A percentage of the end use case can be paid back as royalties. I haven't really thought out this model much further than this.

Machine learning is here to say and is a useful tool that can be used for good and evil things alike.

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I'd argue new AAA games are more annoying to buy.

The one modern-ish game I bought was Max Payne 3 and oh my god the fucking rockstar launcher. It needs to run in the background, it needs constant forced updates for nothing (i have very slow aussie internet) and it runs like shit. Not to mention the launcher bugged out and I lost my save half way through due to some cloud shit bug.

After buying like 300 games on steam It's first game that triggered the thought, I actually regret buying this game through official channels. The paid experience is genuinely worse than the pirate copy.

I think most rational people hate the game rather than Sony directly. We don't care if that's the rules Sony or anyone else has to play by. It's time for the industry to evolve or die.

In-fact I reckon if we see digital retailers reject "selling" digital content because it's not profitable due to end customers rejecting the terms, the studios licensing the content would evolve overnight.

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ahem... Don't you mean 10% slower?

Today l learned that some people get motion sickness from playing flatscreen games. How do you even survive a car? Let alone an airplane?

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I was halfway through reading and thinking that it would be a wholesome ending. I guess not.

Well Doom 2016 at least. Doom Eternal fucked over Mick Gordon and DLCfyied the game. The cracks are forming.

Yep. It has screwed up album art and as a very visual person it has really fucked my ability to browse through my library. Also the older the album/song was added, the more broken tracks there are.

As a result I am now working to switch away from Apple Music and streaming in general. I was perfectly happy paying the student price for Apple Music. However with it increasingly breaking my library and needing me to conduct "library maintenance" to keep up with their licensing issues. Well fuck that.

Sound like another reason for the "free press" to get reforms about their accuracy reporting the "news". I am typically against such restrictive legislation but if the news holds that much power, they need to see some regulation put in place.

I'm dying. 🤣

But you didn't have an issue with reddit until the rugpull, right? Same point/worry with Discord and any other centralized close source system.

Portal 2. I can listen to the soundtrack and visualize my journey through the game. It's a goddamn masterpiece.

But at least the user content doesn't disappear into a black hole. Like what happened to parts of reddit.

I have the Valve Index and my game plan is that I have a soldering iron and the Aliexpress link ready to go. I have not owned it long enough to know how good or bad the life span is yet though. Just based off the rumors I looked into how to get the stick replacement before buying.

My major issue with copyright is how published works can have major cultural significance. How it can shift ideas and shape minds. But your not allowed to have some fun with on a personal level. How can it be the norm that the most important scientific knowledge and other culturally significant material is locked behind such restrictive measures. Essentially ensuring that middle class and especially poor people are locked out.

If you publish something, even if it's paid, you don't deserve such restrictive rights. You deserve to be compensated for your work but you don't deserve to make it into a extortion racket.

My view on your second point is if you have posted it publicly with no paywall, maybe you should still get some percentage revenue but you don't have a say in what it can be used. To place restrictions on what it can be used for when posting it publicly is academic as it's basically unenforceable.

We live in a society which revolves around the discovery and sharing of ideas. We are all entitled to a certain amount of the sharing of that information. That's the whole point. To have some business man who was in the right place at the right time create an extortion racket out of something culturally significant they almost certainly didn't create is wrong.

Sorry if this is all over the place. I'm writing this while tired.

Pretty sure a profit cap goes against the entire concept of the stock market. It would probably collapse it.

Cool. Where do I sign up?

I'm both. Somehow. I apparently switch between them.

Actually I felt the opposite. I though it was alright. Just hope that's not the writing style they're going to carry on with. Later episodes of Rick and Morty leaned in to "meta" style writing way too much.

I though the Hulu bit was some sort of pisstake on streaming and how TV has so massively changed since it last aired. Again if they leave it there I'll be happy.

This is great news. Hopefully this makes headlines everywhere and this abomination of an Act can be thrown out.

The answer is that app stores are designed to rake users over the coals for all the money they can. Part of the reason I have never made my phone the center of my computing. It's too expensive and crap of an experience. I have just always made a habit of carrying around my laptop almost everywhere. I have an old phone (now PinePhone) for calls, texts, music, basic web browsing and internet tethering for the laptop.

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The problems is the games under it. Most notably game with anti-cheat and Oculus Rift desktop games. Does the Oculus client, revive and games work under linux?

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I'm playing around with OS development only as a hobby currently. I don't know much about black box insides of macOS however I have used third party drivers as well as looked into how the kext system is structured and it really seems like a master class of software engineering. Having the drivers structured hierarchically under categories/subsystems and with multiple kernel API revisions supported means the kexts work over a wider lifespan.

Also comparing Apple to the rest of industry is not completely unreasonable for one reason. Modern register level documentation is hidden under shitty NDA's and aren't even complete half the time, with the usually poorly written SDK being used as documentation instead. Even better is when parts of the SDK are fucking binaries with no hopes of figuring out where the bug lies. The top dog of course is no SDK whatsoever and instead opting to release a fixed, factory compiled linux kernel release for Android only. I believe this is what Qualcomm mostly do and why those Android releases have a fixed lifespan of 3-5 years. When this is how over half the Android phone SoC market operates, I wonder how half of them make it to market working as well as they do.

Linux on the other hand is just a mess (In more ways than one. I have low opinions of it). That is not a good example of modular driver support. The unwillingness of the Linux community from both userspace applications / libraries and kernelspace to maintain a versioned API system with rigorous testing for compliance and to instead create a moving target is nothing short of a fucking joke. It's no wonder Android can't easily maintain cross-generation support. Then there is the lack of support for running different versions of libraries side by side as necessary.

I run a Linux server for home use as it's still king in this regard and have sometime attempted to use Linux as a desktop. However I eventually come to the same conclusion that it's just too unstable and "patched together". My daily driver is still a mac, no matter how much I want to move away due to Apple's worsening business practices.

Sorry for getting heated. It just really boils me when people defend poor software development practices because it the "industry standard". I disdain manufactured e-waste stemming from rubbish software development practices.

I to this day have proudly never bought anything from Amazon (unless you count the one ebay purchase that was shipped from Amazon without my knowledge). However I have run into a couple of products, namely quality name brand USB4 cables (Plugable and Ugreen) that I for the life of me cannot find anywhere but Amazon in Australia.

So yes I have proudly survived without Amazon until very soon. I will try to continue to not use Amazon however with some sellers opting to exclusively sell on Amazon, I feel I am being left with no choice. It seems not enough boycotted Amazon when it mattered to the point that there are an increasing amount of items that are only available through them.

Facebook and Amazon are on my shit list due to their shear contempt for their customers/products and employees.

I chose Manjaro KDE as one of the SteamVR requirements is KDE Plasma. It's required because it has a DRM function to allow SteamVR to take ownership of the DisplayPort.

A quick google search says that PopOS is Gnome based. But KDE can be installed over it? I might give it a go.

There is one on the Wikipedia page.

Due to the caddy nature I believe there were plans or limited availability of double-sided disks. That would have made it so much more appealing I think.