1 Post – 77 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

I use grapheneos on A P7 pro. Banking apps work fine because the bootloader gets locked with grapheneos. This is what most banking apps would complain about. Also if it for some reason requires google play services this is available too in a sandboxes way.

Honesty I found gentoo more easy to install then arch. Mainly because the Gentoo handbook is soo good and is in laid out in a good order. Compare that to the arch wiki that has a ton of sub pages and redirects. Which is just a load harder to follow.

PS. This is before their was a guided installer for arch.

Well Monero is a load better then any bank if you ask me.

I looked at headscale but as far as I can tell their is no active directory or SSO integration. Which is very unfortunate.

If you are afraid of being ddosed which is very unlikely. Cloudflare has free ddos protection. You can put some but not all things behind their proxy.

Also instead of making things publicly available look in to using a VPN. Wireguard with "wireguard easy" makes this very simple.

VLANs do not make you network magically more secure. But when setup correctly can increase security a load if something has already penetrated the network. But also just to streamline a network and allow or deny some parts of the network.

I believe Germany is working on that. Recently they have started to migrate 30K systems or so from windows to Linux.

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For me it is partially the way canonical pushes snaps and forces it on to users. More so they are slow and the proprietary back end is a huge downside. Some snaps are know broken and cause more harm then good like the steam snap for example. Steam actively discourages users from even using it.

Use I2P guys. The more the better. It is Foss and is 100 times better then any VPN. It is only a bit slower sometimes.

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thanks you for this list. didn't know those cool Lemmy instances existed! Time to follow them

I made a account last time lemmy.wold blocked this community. Seems like il be sticking with this account for now

Yeah I was thinking the same. Perhaps make a sticky post about it once a week.

It is so stupid... Why make drama instead of making linux better as a whole. A sad thing to see in general.

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a small PC with kodi can do this. It can do much more as well.

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If you try a distro that does it by default then it is no more complicated then ext4 for the user. The distro will setup things for you. I know that opensuse Tumbleweed and Fedora Workstation set this up by default. Manually configuring is how ever a bit more complicated.

Sudo apt install Firefox

Ubuntu then installs the snap version.

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Might want to change the title a bit...

Guys, their is a thing called I2P. You should check it out.

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PXE boot? It must be enable in the bios already. Then you could prep a image and deploy it that way.

As someone who daily drives Opensuse TW and have used arch, gentoo etc. I would highly recommend mint for a new user most of the time. It is one of the distros that works out of the box without any tinkering. Want to add a printer on opensue using yast? good luck. in mint it is a few clicks. just to name a example

Arch linux? :) joke aside perhaps something with btrfs support is handy. you can easily rollback if something breaks. For parental control don't give the kid sudo/root. other then that restricting websites and stuff is more easily done on a firewall outside of the kid its control.

Almost any of the larger distros will suffice i think. Personally a fan of opensuse tumbleweed which has btrfs support out of the box. use a DE like kde/gnome and i think you have a very solid start

I am mostly concerned about that Core2Duo. How do you manage to not overload it?

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obviously a troll. And a stupid one at that

pacman with ILoveCandy

I prefer the opposite. I want the best quality I can get often 4K remux. Storage is cheap nowadays and I don't mind waiting a few days for a movie to download. Also I do have a 500/500 connection which helps.

Ports below 1000 or something are reserved for root by default.

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I mean seeing how often malware and other bad stuff has gotten on their. It is bad for the linux eco system in general. Worse then finding random installers on windows

On one hand I love unify on the other I wish i never went this route. They do make it very simple to manage a whole suite of devices. But updates sometimes feel "Alpha/beta" some more advanced stuff requires editing jsons in the devices them self. Also recently the battery in my cloud key gen 2 has blown and their is no way to replace it without replacing the whole cloudkey. Thing lasted like 2 years. which is ridiculous. Personally I have started to look in to Mikrotik which is a load more advanced and has a higher learning curve. but if I am forced to edit jsons and use scripts to do some more advanced things i might as well.

Sorry for the slight rant... just be aware what you can get your self in to.

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Gave it a shot and almost anything i select it states unsupported.

It is a entire ERP/CMS suite. It might be to big for most when starting out. However, it allows for growth with the buisness.

dude... wtf ya all searching xD

ahhh feels refreshing!

Yes. And also ease of use plus much better quality.

Have you seen the caps on some milk packs? Those are just evil.

One thing to take a look at for central account control, sudo rules and a few other things. Is freeipa/rhel idm.

If you mainly use containers perhaps OpenSUSE Micro OS is of interest to you. Other then that pretty much any distro will do. I use rocky Linux my self for a few different things.

If you want to try out many different distros virtualization is also a option. KVM or something like XCP-NG with XO or proxmox are great options.

I suggest to use sftp/ssh with rsync instead. Much more secure then FTP.

I have found it but you need to send a email and then pay a fee to access the site. which is not something I am interested in

I hope the global catalog gets finished one day for freeipa.

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But now the key vibration is dead

Ahh So i am not the only one. hope it gets fixed soon.

No, This Is Patrick!