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it took me a full minute to parse this headline

how the fuck can republicans want him for president?

Maybe because the Russians backed him as their candidate in 2016, 2020, and now in 2024 (the enemy of my enemy and all that), the Russians have been buying Republican support wholesale since at least then, the Republicans have always valued money and power over all else, and the few Republicans who had qualms about it are long gone?

Just some ideas.

I used to fucking hate that sub in my feed, but god bless those cappy swine

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Fuck that. Biden should make them regret this decision. If his candidacy is as DOA as everyone is pretending it is, then there's no incentive to play by the rules. Move fast and break stuff and get some shit done for a change.


Biden, under intense pressure after his disastrous debate performance against Trump last week

They just had to get it in there. Not a mention of Trump making shit up the whole time, or the raving lunatic shit he's saying on the campaign trail. 90 minutes of Biden being low energy and it's all over. "The other guy is too old, maybe we can do a little fascism. That will be OK, right?"

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He posted a picture on his stream of the error message "There's a problem here" over the Biden/Harris campaign page, so at very least he's trolling instead of taking his job seriously. Twitter is his private platform so whatever, but it's another reminder that Musk will not be impartial and is actually pouring millions into the Trump campaign, so if you're still there now would be a good time to leave.

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I would love to see it, but I'm mostly just gobsmacked by how much balls-out plutocratic fuckery we're already accepting. Corporations snatching up all the houses, grocery stores jacking up prices with abandon, our sick joke of a medical system pricing us out of being alive, insurance companies charging more and covering nothing. People seem more upset about streaming services raising prices and shovelling ads into everything, but they're still fucking paying for them. It's insane the abuse that the public is willing to accept, provided that there's someone worse off who we can look down on.

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I still can't fucking believe that this verbally incontinent, senile, silver-spoon-deep-throating, walrus-looking, absolute shitbag is the guy we're fucking up the entire system and body of law to protect, and 50% of the nation is seeing all of this and thinking, "yep, that's my president." It's fucking incredible that a Burger King can operate with our per capita of knuckle-draggers, let alone a country.

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If you're planning to take out an aspiring despot, you better be damn sure of your shot

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great so two people who are not currently in government have more pull than the whole of Congress. ffs I hate it here

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will "spanks" be the new "slams"

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Wanna explain why you were kissing the ring for two years then, Paul?

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It's worth the remembering that these are the "LGBT = groomers" people. However, I posit that this horrid statement belies the truth, which is that they're not trying to protect children, at least not individual children from specific ills. The anti-queer vitriol is, and has always been, grounded in eugenics. this is also why conservatives' eyes glaze over whenever the topic of queer youth suicide rates in restrictive states is broached. Taken with the ever-present conservative fixation on 'ripe' and 'fertile' underage girls, alongside the Great Replacement conspiracy that has become central to their rhetoric, I feel justified in saying OH MY GOD THIS IS FASCISM WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK HOW IS THIS ALLOWED TO CONTINUE.

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yo dawg

The asshole actively aided the 2016 Trump campaign by releasing Hillary's emails while refusing to release anything damaging to Republicans. What makes you think that he wouldn't keep being a Russian puppet now?

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well *gestures at everything* isn't it just kind of common knowledge now?

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let's just connect everyone's computers so they can talk to each other, it will be cool

oh god damn it.

whelp, there goes Season 3 of Good Omens.

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Oh come on. This was going ultra viral from the first fist pump. It's just about the worst thing that could happen right now and conservatives are going to be rubbing it in our faces for months. We have to get the jokes in where we can just to cope.

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I could hardly stand Kelsey Grammer before I found out that he was a magat, now I want to throw stuff at him

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wtf is going on at NYT, ffs. is all the money in fact-phobic reactionary hackery these days?

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Five years from now, you look out upon the charred ruins of what used to be your neighborhood. You remember this song. That was it. That was the moment that the stupid became terminal.

wherever you found this shit, put it back

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holy shit accurate

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you go ahead, I got like five seasons of Succession to catch up on

/s, in case anyone needs it

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Fascism 101: it's only cool if I do it, because I'm supposed to be in charge and you're not

Trump merch. then deny that you're aware of the man, his politics, or his presidential run, you just like the brand.

  1. fuck J.K. Rowling and anything to do with her.

  2. you want a Harry Potter themed instance? fucking make one.

Donald Trump claiming executive privilege for his various crimes. It seemed like everyone was laughing about it even a couple months ago, like how can it be executive privilege when this is about things he was doing before and after his presidency? Then there was a narrative shift and now the media is back to hand-wringing over whether or not you can prosecute a former president. I don't think anyone is expecting any of it to stick anymore.

since when has losing stopped them

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yo I ain't no botanist but that don't look like a bird

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And gave a bunch of "objective" news outlets a good excuse to write a bunch of "DEMS IN PANIC AFTER BIDEN'S UNFORGIVABLE SHIT SHOW" articles they are for some reason eager to write

Corpo media want Trump, simple as. Not only do they get the tax breaks and regulation abatement for their parent companies, but the last Trump term was cocaine for news media consumption, as we were all bombarded with new disaster scenarios every week. News companies do not care about the people or "the good of the nation." They care about line go up.

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I mean probably

Eh, pretty much this. Think about the problems we have been facing, and then consider whether there has been any progress toward making them better. Climate change, no. Access to housing and medical care, no. Economic disparity, no. Political polarization and fascist sentiments, no. Extend those lines into the future, and, realistically, things are only getting worse.

actual consequences? could it be?

it's all about the punishment with these people. who gets punished, and how badly

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fuck that guy but also who?

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corporate media carrying water for Trump, same old

the cruelty is the point

I hope the conspiracy theorists who were spinning tales these past few weeks feel super awesome about this