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Unfortunately, I used to work for a bank in the US for several years. CFPB complaints are one of the few ways a consumer could get their issues to be taken seriously and for the bank to actually be held accountable for their violations of federal regulations and general scumbaggery. Upper management was quite afraid of them. 😌

The CFPB investigates important issues like discrimination (such as redlining) and has the ability to prevent a bank from doing certain things, like issuing mortgages. I'm sure it has its problems, but without it, consumers would be screwed over by the banks even more than they already are.

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Arcane, the animated League of Legends show on Netflix.

Oh MY GOD, every element is seriously SO mind-blowingly good. And imo its animation is at least as good as—if not better than—the Miles Morales Spiderman movies... though they did spend six years working on it tbf.

And to be clear, while I'm vaguely familiar with LoL, I've never played it so I had zero emotional connection to any of the characters before watching.

Be prepared to cry though. Like the loud, punched-in-the-gut, ugly sobbing kind of crying.

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I'd argue that it's dumb as fuck either way.

I'd love it so much if I were close enough to my parents to want to spend that much time with them, but that's unlikely to happen.

I love them, yes, but if they weren't my parents, I'd want absolutely nothing to do with them. Childhood trauma aside (it's complicated), they're conservatives with not one but TWO Trump flags at their house. 🙃

It makes me so sad, because I know they love me and want to spend a lot more time with me, but my mental health suffers every time I spend more than one or two hours with them (and sometimes even then).

I don't have the heart to tell them that, at least right now. I can't imagine it would go over well anyway, considering their serious lack of emotional intelligence.

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Huh. I didn't know about a-pillar blindness. Definitely an important thing to know.

You're right, I need to look out for future me even if I feel mostly ok now.

When it comes to things like chocolate bars, cookies, brownies, pop-tarts, ect., I almost always pop them in the freezer for a bit because it changes the texture.

Cookies/brownies with chocolate chips/m&ms are the best for this, because the chips get crunchy, while the cookie part is chewier.

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Awww...🥺 that honestly made me feel a little better. Thank you so much! 💜💜💜

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It isn't binary or nearly as easily defined as transphobes claim; there's more to it than just chromosomes and genitalia.

Hey Arnold!

Honestly, I'd respond positively. Small talk is exhausting

“If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing badly.”

That along with KC Davis' Ted talk, How to do laundry when you're depressed

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You're absolutely right. They're 100% at fault, and should've taken their position as a driver more seriously and diligently. But still, I find it hard to be angry with them, at least currently. 🤷‍♀️

I doubt that they were intentionally reckless... probably just stupid and careless, which we all are at some point or another, in various ways. It just so happens that the consequences of that carelessness in this situation are a lot higher than they are in most other circumstances.

Now, if I found out that they were drunk or texting at the time, that would likely change. Or, perhaps, if I end up having chronic issues that cause me to become resentful.

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I have a feeling I'm going to be much sorer tomorrow, for sure. Thank you for the advice and well wishes!

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That's awesome to hear, but I'm sure it'll be unaffordable for many—if not most—people who need it... at least in the US. :(

What exactly did OP say in their response that would cause you to want never comment on political subjects on Lemmy ever again?

Does anyone know if the list of games that are considered "sharable " has changed in any way? I didn't even know that some games can't be shared.

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Oh, I plan on suing, to be clear. My mind is made up. I need to protect myself, especially because I have no idea if this will have long-term effects.

But I still feel the same way about them... just on a more personal level.

Same. The thought alone saddens and pisses me off so much. Life has so much more potential than this.

It takes much more effort to make a healthy well-rounded meal than just scrambling up "a few eggs". I'm happy you have enough time, energy, and physical ability to spend an hour making dinner, but a lot of people don't.

Some have multiple jobs, kids, disabilities, ect. Others live in food deserts where it's impossible—or at least very difficult—to find cheap, healthy food. Not to mention the people who were never taught how to cook, and would have to spend even more time, energy, (and very possibly wasted food) on learning how.

This is coming from someone who can and does cook cheap, healthy meals all of the time.

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The walk sign was on, but they also had a green light; that's how most intersections work where I live, at least. I fucking WISH pedestrians got a light cycle to ourselves. Or at least a few seconds. 😫

But the driver still should have yielded to any pedestrians according to right-of-way laws.

I love Aldi, but why does every location in my city seem to have such a lackluster selection of frozen veggies in comparison to other grocery stores??? It's been this way for years.

I just want to have the option to buy the big bags of broccoli/stir fry veggies/ect. that have enough for more than one meal, not the little steamable ones that seem to be more expensive and probably waste more plastic.

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And Rust???

...why? The term AAVE has been widely used for a while, including by Black Americans.

In addition to what's already been said, he was also accused (by a former body guard) of grooming Usher :(

Based on everything I've heard , that claim doesn't exactly sound far-fetched.

I wouldn't be able to stomach being the villain, so I just watched someone else do it on YouTube. lol

You got hit by a car and your parents and SO already found a lawyer? I support the idea but I seems pretty quick - I guess people deal with stress in different ways, and it was their way of helping "fix the problem".

You're exactly right about that. My parents are "fixers" for sure... that's how they show their love, mostly. They already have a lawyer I guess, and that lawyer apparently knows someone who works with these kinds of cases. My SO was just encouraging me to accept their offer to pay for the attorney.

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Assume that a woman isn't just a man with different bits.

Emotional intelligence, empathy, and maturity; knowing when it is more beneficial to be gentle or to just observe/remain quiet; understanding how to take advantage of others' gender-based assumptions/underestimation; and a deep solidarity with other women.

Thank you for sharing your experience... I'm so sorry it went down that way for you.

Your anecdotal evidence says a lot more about the kind of people you surround yourself with than anything else. 60% of people in the US are still living paycheck to paycheck; many don't have the time or the money for even the cheaper entry fees, especially when you consider having to buy/rent clubs.

Plus... why would an organization like the NGF downplay the number of golfers when their goal is literally to research and promote golfing?

When you could just as easily eat NOTHING and have roughly the same nutritional value

I'm no nutritionist, but that seems incorrect based on my cursory Google search. lol

I actually like canned green beans slightly more than fresh or frozen. It has something to do with the texture, but idk what exactly. Though imo most veggies are definitely better fresh, for some reason I really enjoy canned peas too (I know I'm a weirdo).

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I'm glad you didn't get hurt! I'm sure he was relieved, too.

I have a license, but my sense of direction is absolutely horrible and I tend do stupid things when I'm really stressed while driving, so I rely on public transport as much as possible.

You're right; I can't know how this will actually affect me in the future, so I should protect myself. Thank you for your advice!

I've had similarly unsafe commutes; it can definitely be scary. I expect to be even more afraid to cross the road now, even at crosswalks. Ugh, I hate how stupidly hostile streets can be for pedestrians.

Also a 15-minute wait for a walk signal is absurd!!! Wtf, it seems like the people who design cities/roadways hate pedestrians.

I do plan on suing now, but more out of protecting myself than anger or resentment.

It'll really suck for them, but it's an important lesson and a natural consequence of that kind of carelessness. It's not my fault that most US residents are financially struggling (including myself, which is why I should sue).

Gee, straw man, you somehow wrote an entire paragraph while ignoring literally all of my points 👍

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Thank you! Thankfully, they gave me something a little stronger, but I'll definitely need that advice when my script runs out, which'll be in just a few days unless the orthopedic surgeon gives me a refill.

The fact that I had several points (in a single comment, mind you) does not mean that they keep changing. I suggest you revisit what moving goalposts actually means.

It's been my experience that it takes less time and money to make a healthy meal at home. I don't know why that's a problem to you.

That's been my experience, too. Like I've already said, I frequently cook cheap, healthy meals at home. I rarely eat fast food.

But my original points aren't centered around my—or your—personal experience; we're not the only two people who exist. Everyone has varying degrees of resources and ability.

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That shade of lipstick looks great on you!