1 Post – 58 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Seriously though? They bought Bethesda and look what they're doing there. Now they get to add another massive developer as if they weren't already ridiculously huge? This monopoly stuff has to end. I don't just mean gaming either. Like 5 companies control our entire food supply. There can only be one internet provider in any area. It's insane.

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Yikes. I'm really tired of politics and yet the second we let our guard down it's going to get way worse...

I normally avoid clicking on links and instead form my opinions based entirely on the comments, but in this case I went ahead and clicked. This article really spoke to me. I feel like this author truly gets me. What a joy to read. 10/10.

This will definitely not make me use TikTok. I can only imagine what kind of garbage people will post on text form. I'm obviously not the target demographic for that platform but I cannot comprehend what people enjoy about it. I had some old coworkers who used to send me tiktoks daily and they were annoying, insane, made no sense. Now put that in text format.

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Idk if you ever read various subreddits or forums about relationships etc but it seems very common now for really nice guys to just out of the blue turn into a woman hating monster and their partners are shocked and appalled because it seems out of character for that person. Social media is really pushing that red pill stuff, and coupled with these types of legal changes, it creates a very dangerous environment for a lot of people to be in.

It's not entirely about demand. They screwed over their supplier and that's a lot of it. You can buy from underwood ranch directly for $10/bottle plus shipping and they have it in stock so that tells me it isn't just that jalapenos are unavailable. Maybe jalapenos are only unavailable to Huy Fong because nobody wants to sign a contract to grow for them.

A lot of ultra processed foods are also ultra palatable foods so they're high in fat, sugar and salt and very hard to stop eating. They're also calorie dense so you eat past the point where you might become full with less calorie dense foods. I read this article earlier today and really liked it except that I thought the author went a little light on the judgement against this type of food manufacturing. Yes, we really do live in a world where it can be hard to both find and prepare "real" food, but the consequences of a western or specifically American diet have proven to be pretty intense.

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Typically when an insurer exits a state they either nonrenew the policies, meaning that you have coverage until the end of the policy period, or they stop writing new business but keep their renewals. Neither one of those constitutes taking the money and running. It's so weird that people would see it that way.

So this only counts for actual news, right? The q fake news still gets to be there, right? That's a lot to think about.

I'm pretty sure that Business Insider is known to not be a very legitimate news source. Whether they run conservative, liberal or other, I don't know because I don't normally read it. I appreciate that you posted the link with a very well thought out and rational commentary. I am only commenting to state my opinion that it is probably best for anyone viewing Business Insider links with a grain of salt as you have done since they might not be impartial.

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People are already dying and states like Texas are walking back regulations. They do not care.

It depends what kind of peanut butter. Anything labeled 'natural' should not have any sugar added and should literally just be peanuts and salt. It should have a layer of oil on top that you have to stir in. If the peanut butter is not labeled 'natural' or does not have a layer of oil on top it's pretty much guaranteed to have a lot of sugar added. The kind with sugar is much more common.

I never thought of freezing pasta sauce in cubes but that's pretty brilliant.

That's such a wonderful sentiment. Thank you for that!

I've tried it and it's not exactly the same but I'm also not incredibly picky and liked it. There are also other brands of Sriracha in the store I shop at not so I'm just going to buy those. I don't want to support Huy Fong (or however it's spelled) specifically after what I heard about how they did underwood dirty. I mean if I find it at the store and it's a good price I'll buy it because this isn't one of those social issues I need to be 100% principled on but I'm not going out of my way to get it.

Wait do you did keto for 8 years? I can't even fathom the willpower that must have taken. I've tried intuitive eating in the past and I don't tend to have a great time with mindfulness and impulse control but I really should incorporate at least some aspects of it because I definitely have had my moments where I sat there asking myself why I was eating when I wasn't hungry... then took another bite.

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Anybody voting for GOP should really consider whether they want to live in FL because if they have their way the entire country will be exactly like FL. "Oh but MY representatives will only do the things that are good." No, they won't. That isn't how they operate.

Well, each major insurer that leaves makes the state more undesirable for everyone that's left. Each one of these insurers had their share of the "bad" business and now the ones who are left have to sift through the applicants to try to figure out who is safe to insure and who is going to cost them their ability to continue doing business. So with every insurer that leaves, those undesirable risks who pushed them out end up more and more concentrated with the other carriers. I would expect to see more and more of this.

I've never eaten a peanut or peanut butter that I thought tasted bitter, and it definitely wouldn't go rancid after 1 day, although if it's the kind of PB with oil on top you should refrigerate it after you open it. But is it possible it was old, expired and already rancid when you bought it? If most people don't eat peanut butter where you are, it could have sat on the shelf for a long time and went bad.

If you didn't like it then there's no reason to torture yourself by trying to like it, but if you do want to try again, get another brand and see if you still think it's bitter. Make sure to check the date on it too to make sure it's fresh. That just doesn't sound right so it sounds like something was wrong with that jar. I'm saying this as someone who has eaten a lot of different kinds of peanut butter and liked them all lol ;)

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I'm 100% not ok with NSFL stuff and usually am not gonna to be interested in porn, but I'm ok with slightly NSFW content that is sort of subjective. Let's say there's a picture of someone in a bikini. That's subjective and some people will mark it NSFW and some won't. So yes, I totally agree that it would be nice to have various degrees of NSFW and you can opt on or out depending on what you're comfortable with.

And, of course, the girl lies about mushrooms because reasons and they have to break into her house to solve the case.

I actually read Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us by Michael Moss quite some time ago and it was really interesting. If this interests you and you haven't read it, I suggest taking a look at it.

I don't think the meditation is going to work for me but I really need to figure out some healthy junk food like you suggested! I have a bunch of premade quesadillas in the freezer but with all that cheese they're not too healthy, and I cook them with butter so that isn't great either.

Thr reason given for defederation with world is a lack of adequate moderation tools and open signups on that instance. Given the recent csam attacks on .world I have to say it looks like the admins had a valid point.

So actually I meal prep on Sunday morning and eat the same thing M-F which I'm ok with but 5 days is my limit and I don't think the food would still be good by the next Saturday and Sunday anyway. But maybe you're on to something and even though I think I'm ok with the same dinner every day, maybe I need to make like 4 days worth of food then do a quick and easy 3 day meal prep on Thursday to switch it up. Maybe it's at least partially a psychological thing that I wasn't even aware was happening.

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I totally agree about the barrier to entry. It wasn't hard to write my little application, and I wouldn't have bothered if I hadn't already looked through and decided that the content seemed high enough quality to make it worth 3 minutes of my life. But it will help keep the quality high which is the attraction for me. I can jump to another instance and look at beans, and I can jump over here and not look at beans. It's all good to me right now. It would make more sense to refederate if they could block specific the ones that are full of beans :D

I have 2 cats.. They live inside and seem happy to me. My sister used to let her cats out and was calling my boyfriend near daily to come deal with some small animal they had killed. One day it was a bunny. We have 3 pet bunnies, also indoors, also seemingly happy. That frickin upset him so much so that was the end of it. I told her he couldn't clean up any more dead animals for her and she would need to keep them inside or handle it herself. She has had them indoors now for over a year and it was a tough transition but they seem fine now.

I've done this before! It serves no purpose for me but those little stickers are fun to collect!

I meal prep every week and this week I made California rolls and miso edamame. Yummy!

I am also extremely guilty of going to town on junk food. I'll wolf down ab entire bag of chips if I have one so I usually avoid buying them lol

I use my toaster oven fairly regularly although to be honest it's usually to reheat pizza. But one of these days I really want to upgrade it to one with a convection oven/air fryer in it. That just sounds like the best thing.

This looks so good! I got a tagine for my birthday last year but haven't used it as much as I might like because I don't cook meat and most recipes are for meat dishes. It works really well to cook lentils though.

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Oh good call I'm going to try some kind of potatoes and onions recipe for when it cools off enough to really cook!

I'm going to try that, thank you!

I'm liking the idea of freezing more healthy junk food. Maybe that would help you cut back on eating out too.

Idk if this counts as a luxury or not but sometimes spending extra to get some fresh fruits or vegetables that are locally grown is so worth it.

As for the bed, amen. Hip problems run in my family and I replaced my old worn out bed with a hybrid bed and my hip pain became so much more manageable within 2 weeks.

Oooh interesting. Does that mess your sleep schedule up during the week too? I'm always up bright and early every day.

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Oh gotcha. I'd be all cranky and dizzy and probably have a headache by then lol

It's usually 2 or 3 meals on the plate!

Oh, ya know, it's just an ugly rumor I heard.