1 Post – 35 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

If you don't want CloudFlare, it's also possible to spin your own tunnel over DNS with iodine.

Vote brigading matters. If you're subscribed to a 'controversial' community and every post gets downvoted to oblivion, you and other subscribers who sort by 'hot/top' won't see the post unless they go directly to the community.

This slowly kills the community, even if its users are active on Lemmy.

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Fun fact: acrobatics are made with lower hydration dough.

If you want dough with crispy outside and soft inside you're looking for a 65-70% hydration. Acrobatics with this will rip it apart. To open a higher hydration dough you use this technique:

I had success with iodine, it's slow but it worked.

It would be best to try every single one separately, otherwise you'll have dozens of programs that do the exact same thing, like file explorers.

That said, with Fedora you can list available desktop environments using the default package manager, dnf. In a terminal use the dnf group list command to list all available desktop environments:

dnf group list --available *desktop

Install the required desktop environment using the dnf install command. Ensure to prefix with the @ sign, for example:

dnf install @kde-desktop-environment

After trying the DE, you can remove it with:

dnf remove @kde-desktop-environment

They pushed this change with the always online dev kit. I believe the price change is a smoke screen for the other changes. Soon they might step back on this decision.

The jaguar and anaconda population would increase for a few generations, but it would balance it out after a while.

Why do you think feral chickens are a concern? Most chicken farms in Brazil are much farther from the Amazon, the deforestation land is mostly used to grow soy for animal feed.

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The animal has a inherent will to live, there is no way to compassionately kill someone that doesn't want to die. Euthanasia is very different because the being actually wants to die.

Roadkill is a side effect of our advancement as a civilization. Unfortunately there is no way to avoid using cars or transportation if you want to keep living in our society.

Roadkill is akin to crop deaths, a side effect of our advancements. No other way to keep our society, but animal farming can be completely avoided and it's easy and cheap once you get to it.

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Hey, just curious: how would all the instances discover this type of fraud?

Don't worry, our source cells are from the most depressed individuals we could find. And our workers are the poorest immigrant pre-teens to ensure maximum suffering.

Don't forget to try our human tiddy sour cream, it's sourced from the same pre-teens!

There's also a name that expresses the same feeling of 'Joe Schmoe' in pt-br: 'Zé Roela'

And to expand on Fulano's family, we must not forget Beltrano and Ciclano.

Being vegan requires only to change your buying choices. What your'e suggesting requires one to plant/locally source everything you consume, work close to your home, and completely change your means of transportation.

Veganism is about not exploiting animals as practicable and possible. Which one do you recognize is practicable and possible for most humans?

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Works with CUDA and RDPing on a 2x2 monitor grid?

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Sorry to burst your bubble, but there already exists a proposal to make communities work more like a cloud.

It's just a matter of time before Lemmy and Kbin implement this.

There is a difference between accidental deaths and intentional killing. Veganism is about stopping animal exploitation as far as possible and practicable.

Accidentally killing an animal and eating their flesh is something completely different to deliberately killing an animal and eating them.

If you happen to find a dead animal and eat it, you are not exploiting them for their life, just their dead remains.

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You said you used river, so I've checked their wiki

Maybe you can add your tool there as well.

Look up cochineal and you'll stop eating lots of red/pink food coloring as well.

I think we should make every interaction publicly available, until we find a way to actually make it private. As you've said, anyone who wants and have the means will see the information anyway.

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Roaming IP wouldn't be really a problem with libp2p, you can have a permanent address with a peer id.

Still, very easy to miss a post from a small community when you've got many other larger subscriptions.

By that definition, animal testing is vegan as long as the end result doesn't contain an animal product, which is not. Veganism is about not exploiting animals as far as possible and practicable.

Cultured meats will be vegan, accidental roadkill is vegan, as well as dumpster diving, because you're not exploiting living sentient beings for that.

You can check out more info on the history of veganism:

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No need to be pedantic. I'm pointing you to the Vegan Society, who actually created the term vegan. I'm merely trying to educate you on the topic. The dictionary definition is simplifying an entire philosophy, otherwise vegans would also be okay with horse and dog races, horseback riding, using animals as labor and other forms of animal exploitation.

Quote of the important part of the article (highlights by me):

The word vegan was coined by Donald Watson from a suggestion by early members Mr George A. Henderson and his wife Fay K. Henderson that the society should be called Allvega and the magazine Allvegan.

Although the vegan diet was defined early on it was as late as 1949 before Leslie J Cross pointed out that the society lacked a definition of veganism and he suggested “[t]he principle of the emancipation of animals from exploitation by man”. This is later clarified as “to seek an end to the use of animals by man for food, commodities, work, hunting, vivisection, and by all other uses involving exploitation of animal life by man”.

I believe we should tackle the problems we can solve right now, if you can stop using cars and source locally, that's great.

Most of us can already change to a vegan lifestyle and stop contributing to intentionally killing animals that don't want to die. Once most people get onboard with that, then we should address accidental deaths.

Yes, the proposal is something like Nostr, but the clients can also relay data on request if they're online. A little more decentralized.

Worth mentioning that the idea is not to make Lemmy abandon ActivityPub, but to allow further decentralisation.

There wouldn't be a need to keep all data like a blockchain to query all data since most sort by hot/recent. Something like Gossipsub would suffice for most users.

But whenever an user queries for old or specific data, the request could be directed to a relay that archives and sorts all data.

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What's the difference?

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Not a completely different protocol when the changes are additions to the existing one. The same protocol would still exist and be supported.

Events could be cached on the p2p network, so the phone only pings its peers for new content (mind the existing servers would be peers on the network).

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P2p enabled instances would have the option to reverse the communication flow, so besides the servers having to send updates to subscribed servers, the subscribers would have the option to ping peers/servers for updates.

This would help with sync issues when a post is made and the changes are not propagated to all subscribers.

Maybe Podman, then? There are many other alternatives.

You wouldn't need to run the service 24/7, just whenever you're using Lemmy and maybe a few minutes after so your interactions can propagate trough the p2p network. Also the existing servers could be used to cache and relay.

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Most people don't come here to see archival stuff, so it wouldn't be so bad if the p2p network cached ephemerally (time limit or a size limit). Old content could still be reached on servers designed to cache old stuff.

Lack on animal exploitation*. If you find a dead animal while dumpster diving or a roadkill and you bring home to eat, it's vegan because you're not contributing to the exploitation of living sentient beings.

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