0 Post – 22 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just checked my account and all of my posts and comments are back. :[

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I also bet there are people who haven't already left that will abandon ship once the TPAs stop working. It's not going to be fun getting stuck with their mediocre app, particularly since they seem to be testing the end of the mobile site.

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Well, X-Men has already been compared to the experiences of the LGBTQ+ community so really they should already be upset at them.

Sometimes I put a tiny bit of mustard on an Oreo to have a sweet and tangy snack.

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I'm a normie and I get it. Surely there are more than just the tech people capable of understanding how the system works. It can be a bit confusing at first, but all that is needed is a really good guide explaining how to use the fediverse.

I don't really eat meat. The thing that gets me are the vegetables. If I want anything fresh, it costs so much more than canned or frozen. Frozen/canned veggies are fine for some meals, but for others they can really taste a bit off. We just moved and I'm hoping there are some good farmer's markets around where I live now with decent prices (the place I moved from were worse than the grocery store).

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I just fled the South. No one in my family understands why. They tell me nothing bad will happen; I am overreacting. Nah, fam. I see the writing on the wall. I'm out. It took three years of my savings, but I couldn't handle it. Good luck to you. I wish you all the best and hope you can move soon!

What really irritates me is that I pay for YouTube TV because it's the cheapest option out of all "cable-like" plans, and yet I am not allowed any benefits on actual YouTube. It's ridiculous that I am already paying well over the premium amount so why do I have to watch more ads?

Someone losing copyright of their book doesn't necessarily mean they're going to write more. A vast majority of published writers cannot live off of a single book (a lot can't from multiples). It's actually incredibly hard to make a living off writing.

This would only be possible if the urban places really migrated to this kind of system since it isn't entirely feasible in certain places of the US.

For instance I grew up in the US South, specifically in farm country. The closest grocery was 30 minutes away by car. School busses took an hour or more from pickup to dropoff. No one in those kinds of communities are going to stop using a car for biking or public transport because it would take way too long to complete tasks. Switching to electric cars is theoretically a good idea, but we don't currently have enough infrastructure to support it (and these places in the South definitely don't). Plus, there are places still on coal and gas for energy, so by increasing their energy needs, you are essentially increasing that much more environmental damage. (I am not against electric cars btw, just see the pros and cons.)

On the other hand, where I live now is a suburb of a huge metro that has groceries, schools, and healthcare everywhere. It would be completely possible for us to use only public transport and/or biking because the community is more dense. These are the places that really need the push for more environment-friendly services, which would decrease our destructive tendencies enough for those places who can't jump on this to catch up.

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I used shreddit and mine are all back.

That's a good idea.

That's ok. I am petty enough to constantly delete my stuff.

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Some of the comments are on a sub that I know specifically did not go dark or private during the protest, so I don't think it is solely from that. I'm going to do it again with a different program, and I will continue to do it until someone leaves it alone. Right now the reddit admin are on alert, but eventually they'll stop paying attention.

This looks dope! I don't know if I have the space for it right now (renter so can't change the outside too much, plus most of it is not usable), but I'm bookmarking this for if/when I buy a house. I actually might talk to my wife and decide if we should do a small growing bed for tomatoes or peppers.

I read someone suggest they may be worried about their legacy. The current Supreme Court is seen as a farce. Their actions have caused people to question their legitimacy, so they may be worried that they will be seen as the ones who destroyed the Supreme Court. In other words they might be seen as the bad guys and so are now trying to subdue a bit of that thinking. It's not really going to work for them unless they consistently stop the corrruption, but these people are so easily bought.

But who knows really why they decided to go this route.

I don't know if it is ridiculous but the whole ordeal feels ludicrous. Basically, we've moved into a house that had been previously flipped. I am not sure who the previous owners were, but they absolutely used their yard as a trash can. We found an entire mattress hidden beneath a large pile of brush. The ridiculous part is our futile attempt to clean up all the glass! I think the only way to get rid of it all would be to dig up all the grass and replace it, but we are renting and I am not upgrading the home for them, so we've just been slowly picking it all up as we find it.

We're absolutely on the same page! I am hoping there is more incentives created for the electric bike movement for urban areas. Some states are successfully adopting and pushing through rebates for those who purchase one, so hopefully this inspires other states to do so as well. I think ebikes are much more friendly for people to use since they're not as daunting for longer journeys.

I think you might have responded to the wrong comment, but yeah, I like those- but only the chips, not the full dill

There is one for web site developers. You are meant to follow guidelines proposed by the WCAG and ADA.

I feel that choice paralysis a lot. My reading moods fluctuate, so sometimes I want to read one genre or sometimes another, but I also have a massive TBR so I struggle determining what book I should read. I've learned to just let myself start something, and if it doesn't work out, then I can stop and maybe pick it back up later. For instance, I just finished Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence, a book that I had tried to read three times prior. This was the first time my interest stuck, and now I am finishing the trilogy. But getting over that initial hurdle of "what should I read" can be difficult.

I never realized that Minecraft used an outside musician for their songs. I always thought it was in house until one night my wife was listening to one of her sleepy time playlists and it suddenly started playing a Minecraft song. I asked why she was listening to Minecraft and she had no idea what I was talking about since she had never played the game. I checked her phone and sure enough it was on the artist's album and not on a Minecraft one.