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Joined 1 years ago

I'm just a boy, standing in front of a statue of Steve Rogers, asking it to love them.

they/them, ask me for comic recs. Uh... yeah. Have a great day.

You can find me elsewhere here:

There's the obvious "if you're a homophobe, transphobe, racist, abelist" etc etc etc. Like obviously that makes me lose respect for people.

But I think if you judge someone for doing something that you deem "weird". I used to so that until I learned that like, hey we're all fucking weird. Who cares.

I know game journalists are memed on, but this is really disappointing. AI will eventually unravel and crap out because it's regurgitating AI content.

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Love recommending podcasts!

  • Like others have said, Behind the Bastards is great to find out about some of the worst people in history.
  • In relation to that Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff is the opposite of Behind the Bastards. It's about people who did cool stuff who became cool.
  • Also in lieu of that, Bad Gays, it's about bad gays in history. I think they've covered similar folks on BtB, but this is obviously from a queer perspective.
  • Fad Camp and Maintenance Phase are great podcasts about dieting and wellness. Fad Camp is more about how damaging some of these diets can be, whereas Maintenance Phase is similar to You're Wrong About (which I also recommend)
  • The Weekly Planet are these two Australian guys who talk about movies, tv, comics and video games. They also have a YouTube channel called Me Sunday Movies where they'll upload some of their podcasts. Like they have a running segment called "Caravan of Garbage" which is just sort of talking about a movie, tv show or game. Currently they've started going through the RoboCop movies.
  • Also shameless plug, but Checkpoint is on the radio but they take their radio show and put it on a podcast. It's a podcast about giving a 1up to diversity in video games. Most of us are from the LGBTQIA+ community and that's where most of our perspectives come from, but it's also just folks from any marginalised group. Lovely bunch of folks (if I do say so myself).

Uh yeah, I have some more, but like that's politics or it's writing related or spicyness in or out of the bedroom. But these are the ones I always recc.

Yep the subreddit was so depressing all the time, and they also hated the term "neurodivergent" which I mean I don't know, let people identify the way they want to? I like queer for me in terms of my sexuality, but some don't like it, I don't like it/its as a pronoun, but I'm not gonna stop someone identifying that way.

And it's not like subs can't be a place to vent, because hey, sometimes ADHD does suck. But also the fact that it was constant depressive posts, or "my doctor doesn't believe in ADHD" or "my relative is stealing my meds". And it's just like... yeah so depressing. And like I see ADHD as a disability, because it is, but yeah... it's just... a sub to be helpful for those with ADHD, sure fuckin' hates those with ADHD.

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Favourite game is Mass Effect 1, but I don't think I have a pet peeve because a lot of them have been said before (love the Mako though, it's just that the planets BioWare built are all fucking hills!)

But I think my pet peeve for Mass Effects 2 are 2 things.

  1. The fact that there aren't scars in 2. Unless you use mods, but I like having my Shep's look battle-worn.
  2. That BioWare made Shepard work with Cerberus. Like I get it in the idea of "the Alliance isn't saving people, but Cerberus did". But it feels so wrong especially if you played Mass Effects 1 where you can see the experiments Cerberus did on civilians. That and if you have the Sole Survivor background, it's a real slap in the face.

I know that they did 2 for storyline purposes, but the fact that you can't push back or anything makes 0 sense. And they also did it for people who never played 1. I just, ugh. It angers me. I love that 2 gave me my Garrus romance, but man, I just... yeah.

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Yep! Especially buying like ethically sourced yarn and stuff. It's why I buy acrylic yarn because buying yarn from local dyers is difficult as.

I know Critical Role didn't have that rule in their contract, especially since they bring so much to the platform.

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Same. I mean I haven't been to highschool in a little over ten years, so I can't say what kids are using these days. But here in Australia, none of us really cares about what phone you have. Though I think most of us were Samsung users.

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Usually wake up at 8 to take ADHD medication and then sleep for an hour (I've heard that ADHD meds absorb better if you don't eat in the hour before or after you take it, but this could be false). Then get up at 9, shower if I have to, get dressed, make breakfast watch YouTube and then get ready for work.

On days I'm not working I do the same thing but I might shower later but I just won't get ready for work because I don't need to.

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I like to make fried rice with spam. But recently I found out that spam is $6.30aud it was cheaper to buy diced bacon than spam. Like... it's spam! Come on.

So I'm a writer, and I've paid like $50+ for a software called Scrivener. I like Google Docs for the odd write up here and there. But when I'm writing something fiction, non-fiction, fanfiction, Google Docs slows TF down. That and Scrivener has different pages for each chapter, and character pages. I love it.

It's super expensive but I've been able to move the key from my laptop to my PC and I have it on another PC, I even bought the iPad version for $30aud. Like it's expensive but you only pay once and if you enter Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month -- you write 50k words in a month) you get a 10% discount and if you win you get 50% off. There's people who have won before who give out their win code.

Highly recommend Scrivener for my writing stuff.

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Sounds similar to what we did in Australia.

I find isometric top down games really difficult to enjoy personally.

But man I am enjoying TF out of BG3.

People hate Duran Duran? My mum LOVES them. I like a few of their songs.

Yeah I stopped using Spotify when I got YouTube premium. Though I never paid for Spotify but still. Like what's the point of listening to music with Spotify when I only have to pay less than $10 to get both YouTube benefits but also YouTube music.

I do miss Spotify wrapped, but YouTube's wrapped isn't so bad.

I have it on Firefox Nightly with the dev stuff. It's pretty great tbh

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Whoo another BtB listener!

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I love MBMBaM but sometimes their episodes are such a hit or miss. I think it's mostly the bits. I don't mind the vampire one, but the perfume guy was too much.

Actually, this might be helpful! I was using Notion for bullet journaling stuff but realising that I never went back to it. This might prove better for me in the end.

I have a bunch I've been playing on and off. There's Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright trilogy on the 3DS, as well as Ace Attorney vs Professor Layton on the 3DS too. I've also got Blind Men and Birushana on the Switch. I'm very slow when it comes to playing VN/Otome games. I'm probably gonna save up for a ROG Ally (because Steam Deck still isn't available in Australia through actual stores) so I can play a bunch of and Steam VN/Otome games I own.

Honestly I'd recommend watching someone play it to get an idea of if you like it. Steam also has the option to let you "borrow" someone's account so I'm sure if you have friends playing this you could ask. That's what I did and enjoyed it so much I ended up buying it.

I was wondering why I kept getting that on my work computer. I don't mind windows 11, I think it looks nice. But man that shit is annoying.

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Yeah I think if there was a venting place it wouldn't be so bad. And again, like not saying that ADHD is all sunshine and rainbows. But iunno dude, I just want to see how people make their ADHD work for them, or what apps they use, or whatever.

Like yes toxic positivity is a real issue, but there's a difference between "hey I finally made my bed!" And toxic positivity. Then there's also my own gripes of it being too American for me, but that's mostly because my local ADHD sub was pretty dead tbh.

If you're interested in Russia, I've been listening to Sad Oligarchs, which is about the fact that a lot of Oligarchs are "killing themselves" when there's no explanation for it. It's been really interesting so far.

Yeah I don't trust one drive after I lost like a majority of my Sims 4 mods.

I still deadname it and call it Twitter. I refuse to call it X.

Yeah I've started to knit during battles because of how long it takes sometimes. Especially since my main character is a Barbarian, so she just smashes 2 times and then her turn is done.

Similar when I played her in my actual dnd campaign a few years ago.

Honestly, it's so much easier too. Getting that extra like hour-ish of sleep is nice.

I feel like most non-Americans understand that not everything is about them.

It's the Americans that need to learn that not everything is about them. (Not saying that you don't, but there's way too many Americans I talk to who think that the world revolves around them).

I heard that in their voices oh my God.

I listen to too much BtB.

Yeah look I don't get slurs thrown at me or people abusing the "send help" button. So that's a bonus.

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I mean like you take a photo with your rear camera and once that's taken it'll load up your front camera to take a photo but you can move it so it doesn't take a photo of you. Kind of like a countdown timer.

Haha no worries. I was trying to think of something that I would pay extra for. And obviously, there's shoes and clothes, but everything is expensive in Australia, on top of that the type of clothes I like are niche and being a bigger size it's hard to come by clothes of my size.

So the only thing I could think of is software.

Yeah I've never understood how people can see it as the best game of the series. It just always felt like I was building up to what 3 was going to be.

To be fair, I think the upgraded mechanics and the character storylines are neat as (and the fact that I can romance Garrus 😍😍😍), but yeah I've never really understood why it was seen as the best in the series.

Could be that that's the first game a lot of people played? ME1 was my first game and it'll always have a special place in my heart. I think people just muddy it up because of the Mako.

You don't actually have to take a photo of yourself. If you're quick enough you can just move the front facing camera to take a photo of the ceiling.

That's what I do on days I don't want to take a photo of myself.

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Yeah I've been a uTorrent person for years, but I think two years ago or so I just went "fuck it!" Because the constant ads (and also horny af ads) were doing my head in. So highly recommend Qbittorrent.

Hmm... interesting. I'm able to use ublock and two extensions for fanfiction. That's interesting that it just breaks for you.

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Yeah I suppose so. I have a BUNCH of extension on my desktop Firefox, but I don't need much on my mobile version tbh. Especially since I have a few extensions that work for websites that already have apps (like I have sponsorblock and pockettube for YouTube but there's no point in installing them on my mobile FF since I have the YouTube app so...).

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God yeah Tumblr is so frustrating now. Like I get that a site needs to make money and I'm not even opposed to the gimmicks they have. But changing the look of it (which has been changed before but at least it made sense a lot of the time) to what is essentially a clone of Twitter. It's frustrating to see a site I love so much, decide to kill itself and for what?

That and also the fact that they allow racism, transphobia, homophobia to fester. You'd think that a site that is pretty popular with the LGBTQIA+ crowd, they sure like to keep people around who would harm us.

Highly recommend Revo. It does such a fantastic job and it's great because it helps you clean out the left over files, so if you're not as tech-savvy (or you are, you just don't know how to or where to remove files/folders) it does a great job!