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Joined 1 years ago

fae/faer | they/them

I really want to watch it but it left theaters here after like a two-week run.

The hint in this case is "God bless you"

That's actually the abuse showing through. It's intentional passive aggression and a manipulative speech pattern. It's meant to imply, "God bless you, even though you're breaking his rules and making him sad and probably going to hell".

And before you ask, I was raised evangelical, was deeply involved in ministry, went to bible school, and even worked at a church for a few years; I know how these people think because I was one until I saw the light and ditched their religion. The number of times I've seen "I'll pray for you/them", "God bless you/them", and such used as insults is too damn high.

man who had sex with a minor

The terms "pedophile" and "rapist" exist, why use such soft terms to describe such an awful human?

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I did the same thing around the same age (or a little older), and it also took me until my 30s to realize it wasn’t actually a joke.

Yeah, I really do not envy OP her Christianity; I'm so glad I was mostly over that phase of my life by the time I started examining my gender and realizing I wasn't just depressed, but dysphoric.

EDIT: To clarify, absolutely not saying Christianity (or any religion) is "just a phase" for everyone. Just that it certainly was for me, and I'm happy to be past it and to have partially dealt with the trauma from it.

In my experience, Better Help doesn’t provide a worthwhile service. They charge around $300/mo and will postpone and cancel your appointments so you end up getting in one, maybe two, appointments in a month, but with the added stress of needing to work your schedule around their shitty time management. My partner tried them out for a couple months out of desperation at the lack of local therapists who take our insurance and it was a net negative for her.

As somebody transfeminine and nonbinary, this really spoke to me. I think part of why it took me so long to figure out I’m trans is that I don’t want to be super femme 90%+ of the time, I just want to throw on jeans and a tee and not be read as male. Like I’m nonbinary, but I want to present as a tomboy or as close to nonbinary on a female base form as I can get, if that makes sense?

Anyways the article was excellent and I’m glad I read it.

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It certainly is in some ways; can’t get through a given week without questioning whether maybe I’m just cis and want to be unique or a binary trans woman in denial. But on the other hand, I do have my feeling of simply not fitting into the gender binary to fall back on, which is there even when gender dysphoria and euphoria are not.

it's worth noting that CFA stopped donating to queerphobic organizations awhile back, has a DEI department now, and is one of the few fast food chains not on the BDS boycott list for Palestine. like I get that hating on 'em is a meme but they have good fries and are less problematic than half the other fast food chains at this point...

Are you saying that AR's consent laws are fucked or that sex with a minor is A-okay if it's legal where somebody lives?