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Joined 1 years ago

He / him

China has entire towns that are toxic wastelands. This is just a political statement, probably their usual brainwashing of self.

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Add this to your profile:

alias mkfol=mkdir

Have a fun life buddy.

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I have thought about it for a while but the US is basically in a cold civil war, with a significant chance of it becoming hot. And it looks very similar to their previous one. Neither side seem to have a charismatic enough leader.

It's easy to look over the pond and think it's none of our problem. But if the US falls to chaos a lot of other countries will follow suit. We can already see this influence in the UK and I'd argue many other EU countries. Russia probably saw this weakness, bet on it worsening much quicker than it did, but lost that bet (so far).

With that said, addressing the US as a whole no longer makes sense. I'm sure plenty, plenty of Americans see what is happening.

It's unfortunate that one of the wealthiest people on this planet has taken the anti-democratic side, but it's not the first or the last time in history a powerful man, rich beyond measure has done so.

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One of them carried a hammer held by her bra. Wild. The person in charge of this place should be facing criminal charges.

Until fines become wealth based, it will always be a poor people tax.

If cash flow is the issue, then start taking stocks.

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That head grab before the kiss though. Looks like he is used to forcing these things.

Wanna bet most people making a scene out of it don't even use sunscreen?

The sun pumps out some amazing stuff. It happens to be the OG nuclear reactor.

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Coordinated yes. Carefully? Questionable.

Something like 200 KWh. Charging that in 10 minutes would be along the lines of 1 MW. It's roughly the output of a 50 metre diameter wind turbine. A medium sized nuclear power plant would only be able to handle around 1000 of those at the same time.

That's an impressive feat but I doubt they expect the 10 mins to be practical. If they could implement this battery at good value it would be a game changer. Though the capacity seems much higher than most of us need so it makes me wonder what impacts on the environment it would have. As we all know, electric cars are better but are no saints with a somewhat competitive emission amount over its lifetime.

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Rather than losing my loved ones, I think I'd be more scared of losing my love for them. Either via a cold heart or dementia.

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When you have that much money, does it matter?

Trump and Musk are great examples of being too rich to fall. Once you get to that point, you can fuck the poor as much as you want. The only way for you to fall is to fuck with other powerful people a la that pedo ring leader who was murdered by guards after getting caught.

This is what it means to surrender to Russia. Might save more people short term but sets yourself as Russia's next badly equipped and badly trained pleb front line.

It's a sum with n from 1 to infinity. The first value with n=1 is 3/4, with n=2 it's 3/16. And if you keep adding those terms as n goes to infinity it approaches 1 but never gets there.

Then if you look back at the meme, you could zoom in for infinity and always find a smaller square.

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"Morality police " rapists and co come up with the fanciest names for themselves.

Who'd expect a band of former criminals reborn anew as war criminals to have any loyalty? So long as they get to be out there pillaging and raping they will be kept happy and as loyal as such a band could get.

Yes, bags of flour. That's a measurement I can get behind.

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We have been shown over and over that investors will take profits during good times, build no resilience to handle disasters, invest the bare minimum back into infrastructure and jobs, drain the companies until bankruptcy arrives and taxpayers are left with the bill.

This could work with proper regulation. But regulation can be corrupted. Money corrupts. This industry involves lots of money. And so here we are.

When Jeremy Corbyn proposed to buy back utility companies here shortly before the energy crisis, people looked at him like a lunatic.

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Alistair! I'm not a window cleaner!

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The world has its own CO2 cycle so it's not that we need to reach 0, we just need to reach a balanced emission threshold. Though at this point we will also need to aid this process with further removal.

The issue is mostly that we are outputting too much. Shipping industries, energy production, other transport such as cars and planes. These industries are a big part of the problem and the ones fueling (e.g. oil) them are the ones most interested in your feeling of hopelessness, as then they have free reign over their actions.

The world has and will get hotter. There will be more disasters. But it's unlikely to be the end of civilisation. The more we act now, the fewer people will suffer.

It's not a hopeless cause at all. Look at our tech now vs 100 years ago. Humanity has the means to do it.

I suspect chronic boredom is widespread but almost no one realises it.

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Don't tell the people fighting this about coal power plants and other things that actually fuck the environment and kill us.

I say this as a long term caffeine for the rest of my life addict. Coffee + sugar is a wildly different effect than just coffee. I avoid sugar completely during my coffee hours.

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Welcome to the world of training datasets.

There are many ways to go about it, but for a limited number they'd probably use human analysts.

But in general, they'd put a lot more effort into a chunk of data and use that as the truth. It's not a perfect method but it's good enough.

Good luck getting to stay in most of those places. They're happy to have tourists, not residents. Unless you have a lot of money to open a business. Proud little boys don't strike me as wealthy.

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It was very polarised. I found it hard to get along with the left subs, impossible with the right subs. People are increasingly less interested in making compromises and more so in having their way or the highway. Though I doubt this is a Reddit issue alone. The world stage has been moving, fast. No doubt sped up by the numerous global crises we just had or are currently having.

The dangerous route was already taken. Ukrainian people are getting slaughtered, today.

What a beautiful speech you give, completely blind to reality.

Is some software getting worse?

Fixed for ya.

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After all, it's not illegal to be an asshole.

There is no global government. The world is highly fragmented. Most countries themselves are highly fragmented. Even some countries that would have you believe otherwise.

Also, we are too used to the concept of superpowers being countries. That's no longer the case. While countries can still be superpowers, so can corporations. We already have corporations that could fund some of the world's biggest armed forces, but so far they have had no reason to. This isn't a new concept either, think back to the way the British Empire colonised/invaded India for example.

So many corporate cock gobblers commenting on this topic.

Parasites like Meta infiltrated our society, did their damn best to become a monopoly, currently steal from smaller businesses, lost personal data from shitloads of people, makes you their product, and even fueled instability in entire countries. Then people wonder why a government wants to use it to perhaps save a few more lives. It's not like Meta is a company deserving of goodwill, so are you people getting a cent for this PR work or are you just suckers?

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What are you, a kangaroo?

Tencent began investing on Reddit several years back.

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How many world war losses before Italy cuts its ties with facism, I wonder.

Another win for the war on drugs.

Awww they're just too shy to list the "we need bottomless profits for our investors" fee.

Holy fuck. What a low bar these voters have. And wanna bet this guy will break the no-rape pledge?

I don't see Twitter failing. Perhaps this is just going according to plan too. I think the more likely case is that it becomes something like a social network version of Fox.

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Pure evil. Holy shit.

Remote is something I'd only enable while using it. Once found my ubuntu (I use arch btw) with the setting on for some reason. Might be worth checking even if you never turned it on.

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Reddit was a lot more about getting in early than anything else.

That's not to say other things didn't matter but how often did we see newer replies get to the top?

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