7 Post – 48 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

C'mon! Let's get this shizz started, I've been workin' out my smoke grenade kickin' leg!

Late edit, because I got triggered, apparently: I swear this would be the dream. Like, just to see something else, at this point friggin' anything, other than what we've been seeing pretty much since humans first decided they wanted to have more than the other guy. I'm so fucking tired of seeing people stepping over other people's throats just to get an inch higher up the ladder, a ladder which is purpose-built to serve the exact opposite effect by those who already own the grand majority of us.

It's not even for us at this point, speaking of those of us who are alive on this planet. I, for one, can feel that fucking ideological corruption still clinging to my moral fibre like a rancid mold no matter how much I try to scrub myself of it. God damn it, I wanted to have kids at one point, but I sure as shit won't bring'em into this mess!

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Uuu, that's fiendishly clever, thank you!

This. Most people listening to the bullshit already wanted to believe in the bullshit.

Eggy farts. Eggy farts aaall day long! Especially during the company meeting!

It puts the "cool" in gherkin!

According to what I managed to find, Bieber put out his cigarette on Post Malone, so Malone choked him.

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Every time I see this guy's face I think: lobster social hierarchies. And then I laugh my ass off.

I tell myself that it's not less hair, it's more forehead! It doesn't really help!

The jokes are becoming reality, I swear...

At this point, in my completely layman's opinion, I believe they're a cult. Or at least they meet a lot of the common criteria, even down to isolation/alienation and the threat of rejection/retribution as a result of refusal to participate.

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This is why I never read my emails.

Seems to reinforce the rule that most good things which come out of Capitalism are either by accident or out of spite.

Samsung Galaxy Ring, or How To Sell eWaste For 500 Bucks Apiece.

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Honestly, this is pretty much the opposite of what civil construction looks like in our neck of the woods. The roles are inversed, the veterans sit around, not even pretending to look busy, while the Junior works.

Would very much like to get paid to catch sparks. How cool does that sound for a job description!

Wow, what a healthy relationship. Also, thank you!

Sheer class.


Which end of it, the putting cigarettes out, or the choking?

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This just raises so many more questions...

Ritualistic masturbation on top of a grave. The Greeks never disappoint, I swear!

Oh, wow, this is an actual thing! Thank you kindly!


Fight! Fight! Fight!

I think size is the wrong point of comparison, considering this is literally pointless tech. I'm not opposed to wearables, but we're just not at the point where we have small and relevant enough tech to make a ring more advantageous than a fitness band.

Plus we really need to prioritise repairability in all cases, regardless of the tech's application. I'd say we shouldn't even produce something we couldn't then subsequently fix if the need should arise.

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Why smile when you can OH, GOD, ANOTHER 30 YEARS OF THIS?!

Shit will get REALLY real when we reach five-fold! Or better yet, touch-papyrus! Just roll that meter-long flab of screen up, and you're good to go!

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Y'know... If I were just a liiittle bit more paranoid, this would start looking like it's all planned out. Make the other guy so bad that people will basically have to choose between 'mild' genocide and a complete lunatic who wants to create a Theo-Fascistic Middle Ages kingdom.

I'm honestly not chipping into the debate, firstly because this particular moral quandary is a Kobayashi Maru type deal, secondly because I'm not American so it's not my place. Just random thoughts...

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Heeey, I genuinely forgot about this option! Thank you!

Thank you! I've had the immense fortune of landing into some horizontal movement potential, so I can fully quit my job for a while and just do life.

Volunteer work sounds good, thank you! And, yeah, if nothing else, think I could do with the change in social context as well.

Hope the skies open up above you and you'll one day manage to turn that laptop into a fine powder!

I'm mostly getting product ads on YouTube, but they're so poorly planned and low-effort that they annoy the everloving spit out of me... In all regards, streaming services have officially become at least as bad as cable tv used to be...

Francis Ford Kofola

This triggered my arachnophobia.

This was an almost creepy read, because you seem to have highlighted the very reason why I want out of IT and a desire I had swimming in the back of my mind for a while now!=))

Point one, it's because I feel that the time I invest in my work ends up nowhere - especially in QA and given the tendency to not do actual QA during dev time anymore because more profits.

Point two, my physical labour background actually stems from several years spent at the countryside and doing honest to goodness agriculture. I miss those activities, from managing a rural household, to sewing and reaping significant amounts of grain, corn and potatoes. It never fully left me, and especially in the past several years it's as though it started forming into a sort of desire. Maybe it's time to actually look into it.

Thank you so much for these insights, you helped me figure out a bit of myself!

Because that would, at one point, imply a full process audit, which will inevitably lead to some shit-stirring, especially in terms of management's contribution to said output, making it much easier for the worker to see just how underpaid they are and probably hurting some manager's feewings. We can't have the truth! Better to Love Big Brother and blame the Drone!

Both interesting suggestions, didn't get to do auditing for long because... abstract management drove things into the ground, come to think of it, will definitely keep it on the list! Thank you!

Although, to be perfectly honest, I think I'll prioritise jobs where the most complex thing being done with a spreadsheet is keeping track of shelf stock=))

Y'know, construction was my initially desired career path in high-school, but mum was a construction engineer as well and told me she'd kill me if she caught me sniffing around. Guess it's as good a time as any to defy unhealthy parental 'advice'!

Mechanical engineer does not sound bad, either, a lotta figuring stuff out and working with my hands, both of which I enjoy!

Blitz that shit.

I played around with the idea of trying my hand at a Psych or Philosophy degree, but these specialisations are... malnourished over here. Could try looking for stuff abroad, though. Thank you, on the list it goes!

In this point we disagree, and this being the internet, I feel the need to specify that I'm not being combative, nor mean any disrespect toward your preferences or beliefs.

In my opinion, we're at the point where we have other, bigger things to prioritise over creature comforts.

Was it intentionally named after the Italian word for "desert" (deserto) because he expects it to be a dried up wasteland, or was it just a coincidence?

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