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It's a lemmy premium exclusive

When he says that on a fringe social media platform it's "lil extreme"

When Trump says that 5 thugs need to be put to death, who were found Innocent, it's just an opinion everyone is allowed to.

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Used to be called "install disks" that you would have to preorder for the convenience of having it available at your local game store

The American hero, Mitch McConnell, can have a stroke live on air and still make it to donor and lobby events!

It's also not about unfit. Being old means you don't have to care what happens to future generations- you'll be dead by then and you can leave a wealthy inheritance for your brats to squander after you're gone. Making decisions that you'll never have to face the consequences of.

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It's a nascent stage technology that reflects the world's words back at you in statistical order by way parsing user generated prompts. It's a reactive system with no autonomy to deviate from a template upon reset. It's no Rokos Basilisk inherently, just because

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Number theory suggests that by whatever metric it's determined, there's bound to be an infinitesimal difference between two measurements. Observation leads to significant figures, not reality

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The original function of any dress code is always maintained by the aristocracy and adopted by the people to put on the same airs, never the other way around.

Dissolve the court, arrest reverendsteveii

Is chaos bad inherently? Not really

Is chaos in the government bad? Yes. Your job is order. (notably the opposite of chaos)

The cause for internal conflict? Absolutely The cause of international interest? Absolutely not

Because they felt like sitting should be enough. Fuck that stand for the pledge nonsense shoehorned into everything

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Those are decades of being wildly off course not just in labor but in environment, regulation, infrastructure, and innovation.

Objectively speaking, any group that goes against a larger power is a resistance no matter the moral assignment of their actions. In engineering, any element that drains power from a circuit is resistance to the flow of thatpower. This claim as such is a non statement.

Hey OP, Jimmy Dore and Bill Maher are curmudgeons who are resting on progressive laurels they no longer have a right to. Never trust what they do is in good faith anymore, they are simply ex hippies who have come full circle on their opinions that because now that they're old, new things beyond their comprehension or talent frighten them.

They are not lefties in much the same way China is not communist.

Modern Quality of Life settings, novel features, styled to look seamless with itself, optimal usage of resources so the experience is only about the content and not the settings.

Better to do it than live with the fear of it, I always say

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Surveys have been published about the effect of MDMA has been shown to give Libertarians empathy

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Avogaybros constant

Most electrical panels use Robertson from my experience

I don't think there's such a thing as a discrete gay.. number and the sofar unmentioned bi spectrum implies a distributed or Cartesian system of expression

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I live here, and I agree wholeheartedly. All the worst conservatives from every blue state moved here and have made it, and will continue to make it, worse

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It's the common denominator phenomena of all systems though. Mobile is literally the easiest point of entry to games and content in the entire world and it's not even close with all other platforms combined. The ENTIRE spectrum of intelligence and discipline have phones ("do you all not have phones?" -blizzard DI launch). It's in your pocket, it has all your information, access to your funds, and the majority of people probably get interrupted too frequently to scrutinize the quality of game design. It's a cigarette hit waiting for the bus kind of vice that the rest of the majority know that the game is garbage but just don't care- they need that dopamine hit.

You're also not accounting for the principle of uncertainty with bi and homo curious and the collapsing of the gay wave function

Listen bro/sis thanks for everything, I will stay sitting during all that bs in your honor. Your id is truly unique in this day

Weyland disagrees

For a good example of how "extra policing and security" can go too far, go no further than the TSA and all the "terrorism" they protect us from

Am against fascism in Argentina, but this guy has nothing to do with the peso decaying for as long as it's been going down. That being said, the one country that did fascism but scary after Germany is Argentina

Boot licks that believe Republicans still

This is Hunter Biden's America, smh

I'm sorry I'm maybe spoiled with the horror stories and familial PTSD of their right wing junta governments indiscriminately popping protesters in the street, curfews, and torture of the innocents.

I'm sorry that your current reality is an aggression into your homeland and that they're calling on you against your will. That sure sucks. But even if goes against your wishes, peace doesn't exist there (presumably you're talking from the Ukraine) and liberties are the first thing to go when shit gets real. No one pretended during the world war that they were a free and fair democracy with all cards on the table, every country has a wartime powers act if they modeled it after Greco-Roman representative democracy.

Good luck with the ruskies, hope they die 2 per 1 shot at your country's hands for what they're doing. Stay tough or whatever bro, or sorry you feel that way, whichever works for you.

It's from the first law trilogy of books, which I highly recommend if that made you chuckle

go team favorite color and whoever can paint everything that color

We can be clearer if you like, American people of the Democratic Republic of the United States vs. Republicans of the Autocratic Republic of Private Industry.

Absolutely not, it's been circled plenty outside of the brosphere plenty.

It even helped a white supremacist challenge and abandon his beliefs

Yeah, they unilaterally raised the prices of homes by having new York/California purchasing power, South Florida specifically was trying to cater to them by trying to invest in crypto speculation (whoopsies), and a lot of them are remote workers making double six figures in a region that has historically suppressed wages

In my experience, windows store server apps (like Plex) are sometimes broken if your os updates are due. It causes some interesting headaches. When in doubt exe it from the trusted site

When the left punishes you, it's social ostracism, which can be brutal in its own right. But.

When the right punishes you, it's your time they take away, not your opportunities. Labor prisons, monopolies you're stuck paying for, lower quality larger profit less oversight (for the loyal, the disloyal are taken for helicopter rides or foreign treatment.

At least with a loss of opportunities, you still have your life and other guaranteed freedoms to find a different opportunity.

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How to disincentivize a motorist public is to make driving a stressful affair- currently, it's other people. Soon, it'll be catalogs of minor infractions caught, at the millisecond intervals they occur in, forever and the bill to pay it showing up every single week for the rest of your driving lives. Odds are it's going to be scrapped, made a Boogeyman for a while, and then come back every time people get testy about gas prices