1 Post – 146 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Brandon Eich was fired because he was constantly giving money to politicians and groups that were advocating for the banning of same sex marriage. Also funding the campaign of congressman Tom McClintock, a certified piece of shit, Who denies climate change, is against LGBTQ rights, and was among the republicans trying to overturn the 2020 election.

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So she is in a Gazan Hospital. The same Gazan hospitals that Israeli bombing has now overwhelmed and whose blockade is preventing humanitarian aid from entering. Hey maybe the UN was right in calling out that a total siege is illegal.

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Why nobody has made an open source ink jet printer design like reprap, I will never understand. The printer industry seems primed for disruption with all their bullshit and their half century old technology.

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The more transgender related posts are mostly because 196 a very large queer and especially trans friendly subreddit closed permanently and migrated wholesale to a instance called blahajzone. If you look at r/place right now you can tell the absence of 196 by the fact there are very few queer symbols on r/place compared to last year where 196 and associated subs had coordinated artworks and defense campaigns for their flags. I'm pretty sure last time they managed to take over the American flag and force it to move to another spot on the canvas. Now there are two small flags and nothing else.

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Let's be real about this. It's a pretty obvious inference that he's done sexist and gross shit before. Just that this time, there isn't no he said she said to hide behind. No wonder he thinks it's social assassination, he's been getting away with this shit, why shouldn't he now?

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Ooops, Plex just banned the server provider you were using, guess you'll have to migrate it all at the drop of a hat.

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All the Great Apes (probably, definitely), including us, have an instinct and built in skill at identifying snakes.

Researchers did experiments with both humans and other apes where they were shown progressively less obscured images of different predators and without fault we and our relatives were able to identify the snakes faster than any other creature.

This means that the instinct to find, and kill snakes goes back millions of years. Yet now when I encounter a snake my instinct is to move it to a safer spot so it doesn't get hurt or hurt me.

I think that if we can get over such a deep rooted instinct, we can get over the 'Us Vs Them' instinct too.

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Comment by someone who hasn't used Windows in an age. When was the last time you rebooted because you had installed new software? When was the last time you ran random code from a forum post to make software work? Because this windows user doesn't remember ever doing that.

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I guess the takeaway is that Empress is deranged weird and Skidrow are creepy weird.

It's usually done to basically pay to increase companies own stock price. They often do it because CEO and executive pay is based on achieving certain goals such as stock price. However, every penny thrown at investors in a buy back is money that could have been used to weather a downturn, or increase employee pay or simply reinvested in the company itself. This often leads to companies then requiring government bailouts to continue functioning when say a global pandemic hits. The Plain Bagel has more detailed video on the ups and downs of stock buybacks on YouTube.

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Bruh, you think race riots ever went away. They've just been gone for the Jews. There was literally a race war between Hindus and Christians in Manipur, India earlier this year. Muslims have been actively cleansed in Burma for a half decade now. There was a decades long war between the Sinhalese and Tamil people in Sri Lanka. There were the 2002 Gujrat Riots where 2000 Muslims were killed where the government condoned the violence and actively refused to intervene. The same man is in charge of India now with the largest mandate ever.

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Nope. The raffa crossing into Egypt was open yesterday. In fact the IDF instructed people to leave via that crossing, then they bombed it today.

This is 100% a nationalism thing. They want to be able to say we make our own operating system. That's it. It's going to be a disaster when they inevitably fuck up because they are doing g it for the wrong reasons.

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Have you like looked at Japan or any communist country. Japan is 62% non-religious and is highly social conservative. Czechia is the least religious country in the world but they also obviously have a conservative politics.

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Copyright, Patent Laws, holding back human progress for a century.

Yeah but the piracy subreddit also had those rules and various companies still sent notices to reddit. Sure they were bullshit, but copyright law puts the burden of proof on the alleged infringers not the copyright holders.

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There are also 400,000 illegally enslaved people in the US too. It's one of the 13 countries with 98% percent of the modern illegally enslaved populations. India is number one by total amount of slaves if anyone was wondering. North Korea was Number one by percentage population, unsurprisingly.

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This isnt even the first time this has happened in the UK. A group of officers held fake relationships with a climate protester group too.

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Basically as long as you don't link your bank account with your social media accounts in any way, you'll be fine. Basically don't put your real name on your social media accounts, which no doubt you don't do anyways. Don't for example add bank information to say a Google account linked to that social media account.

The bank only sees the information you provide it, which is where you send your money and where it comes from. A bank cannot rat you out unless you are sending or receiving money from something illegal in your country.

A government investigating you on say social media might try to obtain information about your account to eventually tie said account to a real person. For example, you might use a Gmail to sign up to a queer site, and that google account might have bank information if you have Google bank information. Then the government will use said bank information to identify you. Just don't put your bank information on anything linked to your social media accounts.

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In October 2018, Associated Press reported that two Citizen Lab researchers were being pursued by undercover operatives with false identities. The undercover agents had been inquiring about their work involving NSO Group, and also appeared to be trying to goad the researchers into making anti-Semitic or otherwise damaging remarks. After growing suspicious, one researcher contacted AP reporters. Together, they managed to arrange a sting during a meeting with a suspected undercover operative at a hotel luncheon with AP journalists secretly awaiting nearby; after the journalists approached the operative to question him, the operative fled, bumping into chairs and circling the room as he tried to get away. There also appeared to be two additional undercover operatives in the room. The operative that met the researcher appeared to be filming the researcher with a hidden camera during the meeting, and one of the operatives standing nearby appeared to be recording the meeting as well. The operative was later identified as a former Israeli security official. Responding to the AP report, NSO denied any involvement. It was later also uncovered that the identified undercover agent had previously worked on a case linked to the Israeli private intelligence agency Black Cube; NSO Group subsequently denied contracting Black Cube, and Black Cube denied involvement as well.[74]

In February 2019, Associated Press reported that at least four more individuals - three lawyers involved in lawsuits against NSO Group for alleged sales of NSO spyware to governments with poor human rights records, and one journalist who had been covering said litigation - were being pursued by undercover operatives for their work on NSO. Undercover agents again tried to goad the individuals into making racist or anti-Israel remarks. Two of the individuals were surreptitiously recorded by the undercover operatives. Channel 12, an Israeli television channel, obtained and aired the secret recordings made by the undercover operatives shortly before the AP published the revelations.[75] Channel 12 claimed the two individuals were attempting to smear NSO Group on behalf of Qatar.[76] Channel 12 also confirmed that Black Cube undercover investigators were involved.[76][75].

From Wikipedia. Using allegations of anti-Semitism to target critics and investigators.

It's much easier to be a recluse in a city of 20 million than a village of 2000, ironically enough.

Duck is considered red meat essentially. It's certainly cooked medium rare and such.

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Could've been a TA, masters or PhD student, researcher, anything really lol.

They really don't grow your food most of the time. Corn and Soy are the most grown crops, and 70+ % of either are ground up to feed animals or make biofuels. Biofuels don't even make economic or environmental sense at all, it's only created because the government mandates its addition to gasoline and diesel, making both more expensive. That's 40% of all corn grown literally going up in flames for absolutely no reason other than to subsidize farmers who are overproducing corn.

American farmers also massively overproduce milk too, mostly because they can feed cows the unlimited soy and feed corn available and because the US government will literally buy up all the excess milk (and turn it to cheese and stockpile it) or pay farmers to dump it down the drain to keep the prices up.

And it's not just milk, soy, and corn that's overproduced, it's everything. The amount of agricultural subsidy is insane, and most of it is to keep farmers in business who are growing stuff nobody wants or are growing stuff in areas where the land is so poor that without massive subsidy, there would be no profit, in the first place.

And all of this overproduction is absolutely destroying the environment. Actual cities and towns filled with people doing actually productive things are running short of water because the government insists on keep Joe farmer's irrigation dependant farm in the goddamn desert in business producing soy beans that are then exported to feed pigs in China. Hell half the time it isn't even Joe Farmer, it's Joe Farmer Corp owned by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia who realized growing that same crop in their desert was unsustainable.

A major problem with longterminism is that it presumes to speak for future people who are entirely theoretical, who's needs are entirely impossible to accurately predict. It also depriorites immediate problems.

So Elon Musk is associated with Longterminism (self proclaimed). He might consider that interplanetary travel is in best interest of mankind in the future (Reasonable). As a longtermist he would then feel a moral responsibility to advance interplanetary travel technology. So far, so good.

But the sitch is that he might feel that the moral responsibility to advance space travel via funding his rocket company is far more important that his moral responsibility to safeguard the well being of his employees by not overworking them.

I mean after all yeah it might ruin the personal lives and of a hundred, two hundred, even a thousand people, but what's that compared to the benefit advancing this technology will bring to all mankind? There are going to be billions of people befitting from this in the future!

But that's not really true. Because we can't be certain that those billions of people will even exist let alone benefit. But the people suffering at his rocket company absolutely do exist and their suffering is not theoretical.

The greatest criticism of this line of thought is that it gives people, or at the moment, billionaires permission to do whatever the fuck they want.

Sure flying on a private jet is ruinous to the environment but I need to do it so I can manage my company which will create an AI that will make everything better...

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You always get this kind of outrage when you tell people to do anything less. Eat less meat: How dare you tell me I cannot eat meat! I work hard every day at the blue collar job and all I want to do is to come home to a nice steak!

Making a lithography machine that's on par with ASML is just an engineering challenge. One that's been solved once already by ASML, whose to say it can't be solved again by someone else, especially if they can copy bits of the design.

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Because it gives powerful people permission to do whatever they want, everyone else be damned.

Both of the two major Longtermist philophers casually dismiss climate change in their books for example (I have Toby Ord's book which is apparently basically the same as William Mckaskils book but first and better, supposedly). As if it's something that can be just solved by technology in the near future. But what if it isn't?

What if we don't come up with fusion power or something and solving climate change requires actual sacrifices that had to be made 50 years before we figured out fusion isn't going to work out. What if the biosphere actually collapses and we can't stop it. That's a solid threat to humanity.

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Oh it's even more blatant. She bought it from a friend, who then used the money to go on vacation. It's a blatant kick back.

In Canada a guy randomly went in and stabbed a gender studies professor and two students in class at uWaterloo. Broad daylight, two knives random people in a classroom of 40. Was a previous graduate.

That census just confirms the stereotype of the average burner being the most annoying person ever. Overwhelmingly non-religious but also overwhelmingly 'spiritual'.

The second largest political group behind democrats (~50%) are non-politicals (only double digit percentage), aka people who are disinterested in politics cause it doesn't affect them, so they don't care (let's be real cause they are overwhelmingly rich, college-educated, white, cis, and straight).

It's definitely the group easiest to judge negatively, and being stuck at burning man is likely the greatest challenge they've encountered in their life and the cherry on top is that they've paid thousands for it.

Honestly, for a while on Reddit, downvote was the only action other than posting comments that I engaged with on Reddit, mostly because I never felt strongly enough to upvote or block or save. And then I went in and seriously prunes Subreddits and basically cut all the Subreddits that I would ever downvote in and the ones that were negativity based like all the Subreddits dedicated to showcasing trashy, racist or otherwise shitty people. Also, any subs generally based in being down on something, even if it was something that everyone should be down on. Also nixed subs like latestagecapitalism because while I broadly agreed with the sentiment, they very vitriolic about everything. Reddit really improved for me since then. Highly recommended, I then spent a lot more time upvoting and commenting. Obviously don't have that problem on Lemmy.

This is not that hospital.

Why? For punishment?

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But friction burns are so hot 🥵🔥

Easy. 80f is 80% hot. 90f is 90% hot. 110f is 110% hot and so on.

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I can't wait for their patent to expire. 1000+ dollars for what is essentially a hub motor and some microcontrollers is nuts.

It's only difficult for some. On one hand the Israeli government purposely equates Jews as people with Israel as a nation to deflect criticism. Hell even shady Israeli spy companies like the ones behind the pegasus exploit followed about the reporters from uToronto to try to get them to make anti-Semitic or anti-zionist remarks so as to discredit their reporting on a government sanctioned hacker group that sells to dictators. On the other hand actual anti-semites hide their anti-semitism in criticism of Zionism. Which is how you get gas the Jews chants at pro-palestine rallies.

There is less kerosene burned in all aviation in the world than is used in lamps and cookstoves in Africa and Asia. Aviation is really not the driver of climate change. Of all transport emissions aviation is 8% (in the US). 80% is cars and trucks.

Moreover, the aviation industry has a profit motive to reduce emissions because ever gallon of jet fuel saved is money saved.

The same applies to shipping (11% of global emissions), modern container ships are so fucking massive and slower than some wooden sailing ships from the 19th century because efficiency is the only real way they can make more money.

Theres actually another. The Red Crystal, used in countries that are neither Christian or Muslim, though it really only exists because IRCCM didn't want another religious symbol, i.e. the Star of David, especially since Judaism is a tiny religion (Voodoo is 4 times larger for example). So they compromised with a crystal and let the Palestinian and Israeli chapters in. In Hindu majority India for example basically only the crescent and cross are used.