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republican judges are probably okay with the bribe/ gratuity as long as they checks 10 commandments "do not bear false witness" about it.

🤡 marvelous

portable swamp cooler. it leaked and makes your carpet a swamp and maybe cooler. also luggable.

roller-type kitchen knife sharpener. the finer edge sharpener actually dulls the knife more.

tile tracker. it was so big, I didn't lose it. I also hate the concept because it works like insurance does.

in theory, I think you would also need a shared component that enforces the alternating "rules" that both OS understands.

that component also needs to be always awake so it will facilitate hand overs like an OS of OSes.

Apparently insects have fat cells too, like humans.

Except humans can amass a huge amount of these in certain areas (like belly fat) while in most insects it is more distributed.

Some insects are probably~ capable of "brown" fat too.

There's one in the Austin Powers movies with a funny scottish accent.

I don't think he's not a gamer tho. "Dead sexy" funny guy nonetheless.

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Finally some news about the first human trial.

The part about them not issuing regular progress reports since day 1 (a month or so ago) is, how these doctors put it, concerning.

Apart from that, I think jumping from monkeys to human experiments when the success rate is low feels either rush work or some high person in charge decided to go all-or-nothing.

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I feel the current AI crawling bots + "opt-out your data" tactic is ingeniously evil.

She knows it is serious boss battle mode so she needs that rgb for the extra performance boost.

Thank you, florida woman.

Florida man has been dominating the eccentric-wild news segment but I see you have stepped up for the cause.

Hey Sugar, which of these pics have traffic lights on them?

bots gotta help each other

facebook's reach.

Cambridge Analytica has used it for elections.

some android phones have fb factory-installed (and not easily removable).

in some countries fb data consumption is totally free~

there were reports of [publicized?] fb experiments manipulating user's feed to elicit feelings of sadness, despair and hope.

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not american.

but echo chambers are cool in a way that goes beyond politics. it provides perceptible feelings of unity, belongingness, and validity to those that seek them. apes together strong kind of deal.

and since politics is about social issues, I don't see why not.

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When you click "buy" or "purchase" on a video on Amazon Prime, you're not actually coming into ownership of that movie of TV show. Instead, you're merely paying for a limited license for “on-demand viewing over an indefinite period of time", as warned in the very small print on the company's website.

-- GamesRadar

they can get away apparently because of this very small print.

yarr-har-fiddle-dee-dee/ if you love to sail the seeries of tubes

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"sorry guys, some technical mistake. it was supposed to be a full screen pop under. won't hapen again. ^promise.^"

I am sure we already got a budget version of this called the jpeg.

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still amuses me how yt "algo face" ended up being like that.

I wonder how the future would try to explain massively showing 3(or 5) face holes correlated to being clickbait.

not in any specific order:

SPI, the foundation supporting debian and arch projects.

boeing whistleblowers, and anybody willing to step up against these kinds of corpo shenanigans.

people who wear masks.

stephen colbert, john oliver and their news team

lemmy posters

Companies like BlueKai collect and aggregate these to form ...err aggregates, or groupings.

If one company wanted to sell their ads to "lonely", "adult", "men", "needing hot milfs" and in "their area", they'll batch some groupings and sell it to that company to target.

People move all the time and so the hottest, most recent info pays the highest.

party of family values indeed

With all Curl versions of the past few years being impacted...

oooof. Now I agree it is the worst. At first I really thought it was just something introduced in the past update... or the past major update.

not seeing your money is a factor.

if people can always see how fat or malnourished their wallet at the time of purchase, I am sure they'll double think.

but no, we solved that overthinking by means of credit cards.

or better yet, touchless payments. Just wave your magic cellphone and stuff is yours!

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imo, I think they're playing the plausible deniability card.

They can always say they don't know what is happening in the lower ranks. Once the other side raises arms, suddenly they're going to play the self-defense card.

On the other side, they preach about how asians should support each other against the power and influences of the west.

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One of the kids in elementary school is very kind giving away paper when the teacher does surprise quizzes. May fortune always bless that person's soul.

On the opposite end, there's a lot of kids that play with their food/ snacks and chuck it around other kids and they consider that fun. My kid brain couldn't get it that time, all I thought was it is sacrilege to food and I can't do it because it's already hard to get by with enough food to eat.

All of it clicked in 4rth or 5th grade when you start to see more, sometimes subtle, variations of these privileges happening all around.

it's not bad. it's actually cute!

Data recovery firm CBL reports that memory chips in the most recent microSD cards and USB sticks are perhaps the most unreliable.

Homer: "the most unreliable so far"

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play golf

reading this, I don't really know what is supposed to be protected here to be deemed possible of protections in the first place.

closest reasonable one is the girl's "identity", so it could be fraud. but it's not used to fool people. more likely, those getting the pics already consented this is ai generated.

so might be defamation?

the image generation tech is already easily accessible so the girl's picture being easily accessible might be the weakest link?

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  • salt

    table salt, iodized salt, himalayan... they're all the same for me. I don't think my taste buds are adapted to the subtle differences so cheaper ones are better.

  • show-off jewelry, wallet, purses

    showing off jewelry is an invitation to be mugged (again, imo. ymmv) so the cheaper ones are the better options.

  • coffee

    if only you're fine with cheaper ways to wake yourself.

  • wax-based lip balm

    anything beeswax is good. then again ymmv since people can be allergic

  • pure or as-is things like land, electricity, internet, water, oxygen cans, gas/ heating, alcohol (disinfectant)

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individuals who produced or possessed the forgery with intent to distribute it

this is going to be a wild ride.

there's a scenario where the creator is not the leaker but angry people with forks won't even care of the distinction.

As with all Jungian forms of practice, contacting your website administrator may help reveal your true catastrophic failure self.

While the proposed bill's goals are great, I am not so sure about how it would be tested and enforced.

It's cool that on current LLMs, the LLM can generate a 'no' response like those clips where people ask if the LLM has access to their location -- but then promptly gives advices to a closest restaurant as soon as the topic of location isn't on the spotlight.

There's also the part about trying to contain 'AI' to follow once it has ingested a lot of training data. Even goog doesn't know how to curb it once they are done with initial training.

I am all up for the bill. It's a good precedent but a more defined and enforce-able one would be great as well.

the overflowing rizz of this one.

Ahhh yes, the 34 counts convicted felon rapist Donald Von ShitzInPantz Trump?

I think we're all wholesome humans/ bros/ sis/ y'alls.


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Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake


most are in the past year kind of recent:

... that there's a group of people who pronounce "gif" with a "soft g" sound like "jif"

... that Taylor Swift is that popular, she is seen as a political threat for her influence

... also armor bags for kids and shooter drills like it is some kind of natural disaster

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I think Mr. "20 minutes of action" belongs here.

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ultrasound basin. you know those small things with water and vibration you dip your jewelry to wash all the gunk off?

now maybe it's big enough to dunk jeans and shirts.

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I'll call it the "hustle mullet".

business on the side, party every where else.

I read some senator or congress-person suggested before about doing medical tourism instead. Like you go visit Spain or Norway to get your knee or spine fixed for cheap.

This is the most Patrick Starrâ„¢ solutions I've ever heard for medical care.