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Joined 1 years ago

Only on the desktop. PWAs still exist on the mobile version of it.

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To be fair, Trump would probably turn around and say that he was impeached more times than Joe.

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Nice one Volvo! Rishi should just have shut the fuck up on his EV back pedelling.

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eh? sue??? who??

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You look over there, and then you look at the comments in here. It's makes you wonder if the human race will ever live in peace. Shame on us all.

Wankers are gonna wank.

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The idea is it doesn't matter what points you give something. What matters is that you are consistent with how you do figure it out, as then over time you will be able to get a velocity that you can use to predict the amount of work you can turn over. That's how I see it anyway.

Well done Israel. You get the award for being the biggest dick.

Great... So my colleagues will be fucked for doing work tomorrow.

Yup! Would love to know what the issue was that caused the outage. Thanks!

Anyone got a link to the ad? Love to see how good it is or not.

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If it lets me run moonlight on my switch without having to mess with the offical OS of the device, then brilliant

I have a feeling the people of India should start buying window locks so they don't start falling out of them.

Can you actually put a pin on an adult account in the TV app though? They got shot of the kids app on TV, so now the kids use the main app, but their isn't away to stop them from just going into an adult profile.

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To be fair, chromebooks are great devices for kids, and the family link platform makes keeping them "secure", easier... a lot easier!!!

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How the fuck do you tailgate someone through security?

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If people really still wanted to use reddit and the communities that existed that are now closed, then wouldn't they just start a new community, like r/funnyv2 or something?

Isn't that RCS comment a problem because the networks are just lazy shits and didn't want RCS, so Google just went and covered for them?

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I'm pretty sure there is a joke here...

Understaffed... How does the 4 day week help resolve that?

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What are the best news aggregators that people use these days? I have fallen back to using news.google.com, which Im not that too happy about, but it does seem to work ok for me.

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Nukes? I'm sorry, but what?

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The guy was walking like John Wayne... Ready to bust into any bar and send the slap down in!

For a CCTV point of view, cheep Chinese ip cameras that have poe and are blocked from the internet (own vlan), having them run via frigate with a coral you should be more than enough for you.

You can the bundle this and all your other home smartness into a home assistant server.

Job done.

Oh yey. Thanks Israel.

Snap... being able to use my phone to pay for stuff, outweighs having a custom rom.

👍 I approve!

Just a shame that Firefox can be a bit shit at opening the installed pwa sometimes. I'm sure I stumbled across a bug on their bugzilla for the issue, but I can't find it now. The problem is highly annoying.

It should actually be an offence for someone to do this. That change from garden to hard standing will cause issues with any drains and probably cause flooding.

What would actually happen here though? India will just say it wasn't them regardless... Nothing will actually change, exactly like when the Russians got outted for poisioning those people in the UK.

Most probably... I don't know, but if we did, good shout and good memory 👍

Is there any site that allows you to browse for magazines across the fediverse and see the number of subscriber for them and where that mag is?

I have to agree on display ports. Best fit feedback ever.

I know what nuclear power is, I'm just confused as to why someone would use the word nukes, which is clearly associated with the ammunitions.

Nuclear power has its place in the energy generation system alongside natural energy sources.

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Ah, gotcha!

To be fair some of the chat bots are effectively just that. They have "scrapped" their data models and outputing it in a way that seems like you are having a conversation with the "bot".

This is interesting, and puts me on the fence. I can see that it's crap to be basically abused in some instances when it comes to blue collar jobs, but then if we things become financially impacting, then doesn't the other counties that also not give two shits on employment law, win out?

I didn't study economics, so am probably missing something massive here. Educate me please. Capitalism is a right shit really when you look at it.

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