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Joined 12 months ago

And everyone is afraid of immigration. It's bizarre.

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I got the game for free, and I've been playing it since every three months for a few days, just driving around. I bought the sequel, but it sucked.

I never used the multiplayer component, I treated it like a single player game. And now it's going to vanish? This whole world? They can't be serious. This isn't a multiplayer only title, it's single player with an optional mp stacked upon it. At least put an offline patch out... Assholes!

But that's the crux with only buying licenses. Or games with always online requirements. I hope fans find a way to crack the online code!!

I sadly don't have the time nor the nerves to fight my PC, but I sincerely hope that intel GPUs become a force on the market to consider in the future, prices from the big two are way too high, competition might change that.

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"Bullshit. Lies! That guy's sister heard from her hair stylist's cousin that he read an article on Facebook that they implant Alien Neonazi microchips with every vaccine that make you gay and dumb!"

Those people are lost to science, let's face it.

After the last elections the EU should be terrified of Nazis. Every bit of surveillance they get through now means less work for the fuckers later if they are able to grasp power.

May I kindly remind everyone of the Jew registers? The Nazis came and all the paper work was already done, good for them.

The EU is such a fantastic idea, but with shit like this they shoot themselves regularly in the foot.

The creepy thing is there is a possibility you can loose everything you bought in the worst case, maybe forever, without you being at fault. This time it ended ok, but who knows what's on the horizon.

With GOG I have all my games backed up thanks to DRM free policy, but with Steam...

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I bought it on gog, yay for DRM free purchases.

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I fucking remember. Had been the last time I bought a CD from a major label!

Edit: Spelling

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Farmers and Nazis protesting - well, alright. Let's give them what they want.

Protests for climate - everybody goes insane. Over my dead body!

This time line is fucked up, Germany is fucked up. I'm ashamed for my country.

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That is just sick...

Dead Space. Ammunition is displayed on your weapon, health and stasis on your suit.

Prey 2016 also displayed your ammo on your gun, but had traditional health bars (it was an fpp game after all).

But I like a good HUD if it's implemented in the story, like Cyberpunk where it's a part of your augmented eyes, like an advanced Google lens. Doom did the same with the helmet.

Regarding GTA V, I never got to know the city well enough to play without a map. That fucking town was just to big for me. But I remember Vice City, I knew the map in and out, and playing without a map was fun!

And now a serious response: it ran, just before the Add-on dropped, on my 4790k and a RX6600 on 1920x1200 flawlessly with no bugs, at 60 fps on high settings. This game is now well optimized, and a fantastic experience. It took a while, but the wait was worth it!

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I replayed Mirror's Edge a few days ago, with modern hardware in 4k, it still feels stunning! It has aged exceptionally well, thanks to the art style.

The only thing I did not like were the fights. They slow the gameplay and just felt tacked on as an afterthought, thankfully many fights can be avoided by simply running past the enemy.

Highly recommended!

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I'm playing Toonstruck at the moment. Christopher Lloyd was one of the early pioneers acting in computer games, and he gives everything! The game is so much fun!

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They make The Crew unplayable in a month, without any chance to ever play it again.

And they expect me to pay 70 € for this? What?

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, oh, no, you won't!

I never forgot the woman who asked me to look for her husband, I found him, dead, killed by bandits. She was in tears, saying life would never be the same.

Five minutes later I sold her stuff, and she was like "Nice weather today, isn't it?".

That killed every immersion at that moment.

It was Skyrim. It has fantastic moments, but there are lots of moments that kill every immersion it built up on a grand scale.

It's also free on gog if you own the original.

Rated PG. It can work (The old Mortal Kombat movie), but this looks like crap.

You have to understand, this modern internet thing is an undiscovered country to our society.

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I lowered the difficulty, and I were able to kill bigger enemies with the weapon of my choice. But they became bullet sponges. There's no fun in that. I too prefer 2016, I like my shotgun.

I watched "The man who knew too much" from the 50s yesterday. Doris Day might be the female role he likes. Obedient. Her husband tells her what to do, she is on a nervous breakdown constantly. Good times?

I prefer modern women anytime!!

Well, they will kill the servers sooner or later, and you won't be able to play it ever again.

Except you look for other ways, maybe you're in luck.

So it's possible to download the installer through steam, store it somewhere and ten years later I can just start the installer without having steam on my system?

Asking out of curiosity, I don't use steam, I never thought that would be possible?

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May I ask out of curiosity what led to the decision that this was a good idea?

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I have this on my to do list for years now, I guess this is a good time to start. This mod looks impressive!

Where were you when the other hundred genocides around the world happened?

Frees? Releases. A subtle difference.

System Shock 2 or Thief: Dark Project. Those two were the games that impressed me most in my 40 years of playing games.

Honourable mention: Minecraft. The first few weeks playing that come very close.

I sometimes forget I'm a dying breed. I wanted to write "Thank you Mr. Obvious", but you are right, I guess not many know this studio name anymore.


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It was the same for me with the guy with the hamster in Baldur's Gate 1 and 2. He's a favourite to everyone, to me he was just an annoying idiot.

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Absolutely, remember when reddit killed itself with a shitty step?

It's Retro Man Cave! I had no idea he had a new name, no wonder I have not seen him in such a long time!

Days Gone, since it just released on gog and I wanted to give a triple a title another shot. It turned out to be pretty good, fun driving and gameplay, and the hordes were terrifying.

Also I was amazed how well this game was running, 4k 144hz butter smooth on a 4070. Kudos to the developers!

So no installer then? Or can you download that separately?

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Air. Pfff. That's so yesterday. I don't need that. I want my big SUV, I want fossil fuels, and I want my coal power plant. And while we're at it, dump some radioactive waste in my garden, the glow is nice.

Air. What's next, water?? Bunch of Pussys!

Asimov's Foundation. That got me back into reading after around twenty years. Now I read one book a month, mostly sci fi, for nine years now.

Thank you Isaac Asimov, I could not imagine a life without reading anymore.

Could be worse. Could be Paklet poetry.

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I miss cheats, there are times I just want to be in god mode without having to download dubious trainers.

Besides that I agree with everyone, micro transactions, loot boxes, games as a service, always online are an instant "no buy". Also DRM. If it's not on gog I don't buy it.