
1 Post – 74 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Remember that Microsoft offers a nicely packaged version of openjdk for download

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Microsoft Edge submits the following data to Microsoft cloud services using a HTTPS connection:

The text of the webpage.

Interesting , this has implications for pages that are not on public internet. Viewing confidential/secret company documents in edge?

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But thanks for keeping my phone up to date, it is appreciated ♥

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Got this:

Hello, Dell Technologies takes the privacy and confidentiality of your information seriously. We are currently investigating an incident involving a Dell portal, which contains a database with limited types of customer information related to purchases from Dell. We believe there is not a significant risk to our customers given the type of information involved.

What data was accessed? At this time, our investigation indicates limited types of customer information was accessed, including:

  • Name
  • Physical address
  • Dell hardware and order information, including service tag, item description, date of order and related warranty information
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Some explain these people that climate chance is going to cause a lot more migration if not addressed

Great! When will this be included in teams? So that I can deepfake all meetings

Please consider moisture (=mold) depending on humidity levels where you are. For example if you have one warm room the air will cool on the uninsulated interior walls to the next room, cooler air can not contain the same amount of humidity so this will condensate on (or in!) your walls. This is a good way to grow mold and get all kinds of expensive health issues.

since I wanted a BLT and someone misunderstood my order.

Ah I see you ordered the famous Bacon-Less Toast

Or B12 deficiency?

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Teslas were plugged in at six of eight charging stations Wednesday as the wind howled ...

Oh no , that is terrible , better write an anti EV article

At least one driver was nearly out of juice.

Nooo ... give that poor person some juice

Interesting, thanks for explaining. Like someone else was saying it is already in AOSP not introduced in lineage which makes sense since it is just a cherrypick

Not so crazy as it looks

Because each tire transmits a unique identifier, vehicles may be easily tracked using existing sensors along the roadway.[19] This concern could be addressed by encrypting the radio communications from the sensors but such privacy provisions were not stipulated by the NHTSA.


Denmark -> Dane

I guess that actually the other way around, Denmark : Dane's field/farm(there is a better English word for mark but can't remember)

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Plus the trauma of being dismissed, not taking seriously by parents, teachers, doctors, etc becuase your reality doesn't match theirs. (You're too sensitive/ it is for your own good/etc)

Fdroid has a no internet option:

Here in Germany, fluoride is mandated by law to be added to table salt, so I assume it is good to have in general.

Isn't that iodine?

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Does gerrit have a draft state? In azure devops you can mark PR as draft , won't trigger any builds but you can still start them manually

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I've seen the theory that autistic traits are just PTSD from the constant sensory overload trauma.

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At some, long ago, the Ubuntu installer was offering to use zfs for the boot and root partitions. That sounded like a good idea and worked great for a long time, automatic snapshots, options to restore state at boot etc.

Until my generous boot partition started to run out if space with all the snapshots (which were setup automatically and no obvious way to configure) OK no big deal, write a bash script that finds the old snapshots and delete them manually whenever boot is full again.

Then one day recently my laptop wouldn't boot anymore, Grub could no longer read the zfs on boot. Managed to boot with USB installation image, read zsf and chroot. Tried alot of things but in the end killed zfs and replace with ext4. Then made it boot again.

Apparently I'm not the only one with this issue.

Keep in mind you should still ventilate when cooking on induction, even when not actively burning your food, it still generates lots of nasty stuff

Yeah but isn't that what the whole article is about? And is it enabled by default or opt in?

smbios-token-ctl pick one of the "dangerous - permanent write once" tokens

Yeh looks like my team's burnchart

That would need to be a lot of lead in the cinnamon with the little bit of cinnamon that is in the fruit juices

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Well they are not wearing their helmets..

A bottle off rum for the morning standup?

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Use ddrescue to copy to a working disk, if I remember it will try a number of times and eventually skip the broken sectors so that at least you have a working filesystem on the copy.

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It is also an incentive to shift demand when there is plenty of renewable power: charge your car , do the laundry and so on

Yeah but to get from here to a 99.99% reliability is a very very long way

Yes you're right , the Danes are Danish

For the old Slashdot experience you should try https://soylentnews.org/

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Could you submit it to fdroid too since it is GPL now ;)

Did you say Scrum master?

I have one and pressure is OK (at least if the gauge isn't stuck). Is there anything else that you can check yourself instead of having it professionally inspected once a year? Does anyone know what they inspect?

SMS - scented message service

But wouldn't a moderate speaker supported by the majority from both parties easily survive a vote like that?

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Interesting! Thanks

Lots of people have already tried to answer this but I've not seen the correct answer: in bed