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points taken, but what I meant was that they of all people should be able to make the best possible game on their engine. if they were making the game on a new engine it'd be easier to understand if their eyes were bigger than their stomach due to their inexperience

and this fact makes things worse because it's their in-house engine and if they can't make their ideas and execution work on their own framework that's an even bigger failure. It's not like they were trying to learn Unreal while making their game

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Yeah, I was gonna say. I'm sure it'll meet my expectations, and I'll be disappointed.

Binary data is almost always more compact than text data

What this person is proposing is functionally similar to forms of anarchism and anarchist theory has some answers to these kinds of questions.

For example the communes could have a federation where representatives are sent to settle disputes. Likewise instead of a fixed 2000 people with walls between you could have people in several smaller overlapping communities which act as bridges across a network of communities. Similar to how a person can be a family member and a company employee and a resident of an apartment building etc.

Though I don't completely buy in to everything it says, https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/peter-gelderloos-anarchy-works goes into how anarchist communities can and have worked

He might have even had some dangerous written materials they should have searched his whole house. Or maybe dangerous chemicals hidden in his closet. Or maybe dangerous weapons stuffed in the couch cushions. They should have ransacked the whole place.

Why even endanger themselves going in with just cuffs? Flashbang the guy before he can react with a possibly deadly weapon. Drive a battering ram through his front door it only takes a second to open fire.

Put him under surveillance for a few weeks and collect his whole schedule so you can hit him when it's safe.

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we can just gently smooch the boots

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you really can't tell that they're the same thing?

Taliban are the conservatives of the region. This is what conservatives do.

Wealth is always a weapon, this is why we need economic change. No individuals should wield so much power

there are third party candidates and there's abstaining

fighting straw men only tires yourself out

Tradition is just intergenerational peer pressure

what a weird hill to die on

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it's possible we're facing a future in which meat is not sustainable and we won't want to spare any for cats, it's something worth studying