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Joined 1 years ago

I'd be willing to bet that their anti-corruption police are just as corrupt as their normal police.

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This will be great advice in a couple days when everyone else sees it.

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You just sent electric data forward in time.

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These are worldwide numbers. Your data is counted in here.

When I was shopping for a new house I told the agent if it couldn't hold up to the Tunguska event I wasn't interested.

Those "better jobs" likely just pay more. The answer is to pay people what they're worth when they're worth it or your competitors will.

Hard to shoot someone who's made an honest mistake when you don't have a gun...

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Pretty sure they were waiting for the results of the ethics investigation.

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My six year old thinks it looks cool. If you adjust for hot wheels demographics I think they're golden

It already was. Ivf isn't cheap.

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The problem, as it almost always is, is greed. Those at the top are trying to keep the value derived from the additional efficiency that ai is going to bring for themselves.

Some of those that work forces...

So basically do the thing most likely to give trump a shot? Nah I'm good.

Didn't know Rahm went from mayor of Chicago to Ambassador to Japan.

... He murdered his brother and framed his nephew.

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They're also waiting for their trans porn to download.

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It's common sense though that us weapons manufacture happens in the US... It's kinda in the name.

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It's the cell plan not the server costs unfortunately. When they moved to app based starting from anywhere you need to start paying the cell carrier for that wireless connection.

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A smarter bot might check the url it's using to correct people before posting.

What are you talking about? The grass burns from dog pee because urine has nitrogen in it and the grass is over fertilized.

Isn't the pinecil cheaper? Why would you get this instead of the pinecil itself?

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The people that were near that X/Millennial transition are the best at adapting to new tech in my experience. Enough access to have a computer in their formative years but not far enough along for that computer to actually worked well.

By all accounts he thought he was entering his own home, thought he was breaking his own windows, etc. Seems to me like a little more dialog and this kid's still alive and a broken window is the worst part of the event. With castle doctrine laws the way they are mistakes and misunderstandings are much more likely to become fatal.

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I honestly think Kia has the best ev lineup at the moment.

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Clearly people want it. Who are you to say what's a good product?

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It's basically elder-abuse IMO.

Yes and I trust neither side. IDF is historically untrustworthy.

Let's start with sleep mode not actually sleeping about 50% of the time and turning my backpack into an oven and killing the battery whenever it does?

I wish Mac laptops were crap but they function so much better than windows laptops in so many little ways I find myself having a hard time justifying fighting windows laptops anymore.

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I've always thought that about religious youth programs. How is that not indoctrination of the youth?

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That's not why they did it, it's just why they did it now

Also garage doors for that matter. That spring can be lethal when it breaks.

When I read it earlier they implied the employee was coming off fmla leave for clinical anxiety. It's super illegal to fire someone for taking fmla leave.

Especially since in the summer every watt you use has to be cooled with your AC. In the winter the temp is on your side a little, but still probably going to be hard to break even.

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The lg Prada was the first smartphone without a keyboard.

... I know Joe Rogan from The Man Show

Yep, you poll citizens when you want to know if something is politically popular.

Kinda? Though they need a better discovery page for live streams.

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This has what to do with Ukraine exactly?

Belarus and NK basically