
0 Post – 127 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Game devs: "No thanks, we're waiving the fees by using a different engine."

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There are no good code bases, only less bad ones.

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My Linux from Scratch install. It was built by a moron.

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If you don't understand, start walking further away from the cities.

If you still don't understand, you're not done walking.

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I didn't leave to make the service worse.

The service got worse, and so I left.

Use Firefox.

Support Firefox.

Using alternative Chromium based browsers is not it.

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Linus criticizing Steve on “proper journalistic practices” shows an incredible lack of self-awareness.

YouTube Music is the enshitttified version of Google Play Music.

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People tend to overrate the harms from potential changes, while simultaneously vastly underrating the harms that already exist that they’ve gotten used to.

Anyone still on Twitter at this point is getting what they asked for. It's like you drove past every "last restroom for X miles" sign, and now you're in the middle of nowhere and have to piss.

Assuming we're talking about our reality, this device is getting made by a corporation who will release it as soon as the potential profit exceeds the cost from its non-zero error rate.

No, I'm not getting into some Musk 2.0's shoddy body disintegrator.

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You can just click Follow and start following someone. You don’t have to perform a copy-paste dance to bring the username back to your instance and do the following there.

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As someone that was a late teenager during the run of Infinity Engine games, and then witnessed the subsequent consolization and decline of CRPGs... seeing Baldur's Gate as a CRPG again and having it be a marquee AAA-caliber release is kinda mind-blowing.

The 2000s were a mistake, and so much of modern indie development is about undoing those mistakes. "Boomer" shooters, immersive sims, CRPGs, point and click adventures? All back on the menu, baby.

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Lemmy has enough user activity to fulfill my time-wasting needs.

There doesn't need to be one website that EVERYONE is at. The Web didn't used to be so damn consolidated.

I don't give one shit about "Lemmy vs. Reddit". I care about Lemmy having active communities to engage in, regardless of what is happening on some other website.

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HEAVY use of "Don't Recommend Channel" is essential to make YouTube tolerable. Clobber all the garbage.

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Thier only issue was with not telling him about it.

That was a legal tactic. It doesn't mean that was their actual concern. It means it was the best counterargument they could come up with.

Taking a glance at Hexbear, it looks ridiculously juvenile.

Doesn't feel like it merits pre-emptive defederation, though.

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For the last X number of years, I've listened to people proclaim how Microsoft has changed, they're not the '90s Microsoft anymore. They make things open source! They're putting Linux in Windows now instead of trying to murder Linux! They're not doing Internet Explorer things anymore! You old Slashdot readers are stuck in the past!

'90s Microsoft sends their regards.

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“Own” your community, but if you blackout or post John Oliver, we’ll take it away from you.

It wasn't McDonald's themselves that were scamming, it's more like the trusted 3rd party they engaged to run the promotion had a bad actor that used his position to fix the game.

But this isn't the formula for all games. While we might agree that games from 2000 or even 2010 are "showing their age", at this point 5 to 8-year-old games are less and less likely to be seen as 'too old' by comparison to hot releases.

As someone that grew up in the '80s and '90s, it's wild how much different the pace of change in games was then compared to now.

In 1991 I was playing NES games and 256-color VGA MS-DOS games, in 1998 I was playing Half-Life. Every single thing about the experience of video games changed in that span.

In 2017 I was playing Breath of the Wild, in 2024 I'm playing more or less the same game in Tears of the Kingdom.

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Sugar is this generation's nicotine.

It’s ridiculous how much Mastodon advocates downplay this.

I strongly prefer Mastodon over the alternatives, but the onboarding experience is BAD for the average user.

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How has it been like 20 years since Slashdot was relevant, and we're still getting the same, "LOL install Linux instead" comments?

Like, I've been using and loving Linux since the late '90. But damn, I'm expecting to see "Micro$oft" in these comments any moment.

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Submissions have to be related to games - Video games, tabletop, or otherwise. Posts not related to games will be deleted.

Sports are games. Not sure that's the kind of traffic this community is envisioning, though.

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The discussions here about how "today's tech is so dumbed down" kinda makes me laugh, because it's what I was saying when Windows 95 released.

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Following the XKCD rules and keeping it in the 2000s and later makes it a lot harder. I could make an entire list of '90s movies that qualify.

But my answer is: Pitch Black.

Bonus answer, which doesn't quite qualify because it has an exact 60% rating: Love (2011, the space one)

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Far Cry before it became Generic Ubisoft Open World Game.

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Bidet standing up. Making it brown rain.

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You can feel it on YouTube when you try to access an old video that no one has watched in a long time.

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Never left. Never would leave. Chrome was always a trap.

God heals, but always within the exact parameters of what is possible by the modern medicine of that exact era.

Amputees unfortunately can still go fuck themselves.

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At what age do you tell boomer parents the truth about Christmas? That their daughter who moved away to the "bIg CiTy" so she could get an "eDuCaTiOn" and pursue a "CaReEr" and "dRiNk LaTtEs" is actually happy there, is not going to come home from Christmas, fall in love with the blue collar boy who never left town, and magically discover the rural housewife life is what she actually wanted all along?

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So much for all the "oh, it's not hurting our revenue" dismissals.

Mozilla's not going to undermine the thing that's going to drive the largest adoption of Firefox in years.

Time to leave it all. They might not be taking over the small ones, but the writing is on the wall: this is not the place to host a community.

Exhibit number I-lost-count in why my 50/50 PC/console split a decade or two ago is now a 100/0 split.

Steam Deck killed off the last console gaming I was doing.

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and buy up so much property it drives housing even higher

It's easier to blame Californians than the investment firms that are the ones actually buying up the housing inventory.

Even if you fix Gollum, all you're gonna get is a generic 3rd person action-adventure game. We got this game about a hundred times in the Xbox/PS2 era.

No Man's Sky was worth salvaging because it did something mechanically different. Gollum is like if you took one of those PS2 Harry Potter games, dropped it into UE4, and changed which licensed property the game uses.