2 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I play Minecraft.

I was planning on filtering local and external IP's, like technotim explains in one of his videos by using cloudflare as an external reverse proxy

Thanks for the reply! I think I get it now.

Will also take a look at the router DNS, thanks a lot!

Spotify is a good example of this imo, I can listen everything, so it's not necessary to pirate music. I do have some issues, but never had the problem of not being able to listen what I want

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If you don't feel the need, don't do it. But linux can give you extra privacy, customizability or a way to tinker with everything on your system. Distros like fedora, linux mint and pop os are great distros to start if you feel the urge some day.

I would think so, in the example videos there are players called "sh", which isn't possible with microsofts account names.

dnf and apt are both package managers, they function a bit different. The ppa is a personal repository set up for apt, so it qon't work in combination with dnf. You could try and set up quickgui through the build instructions with the tarball on their github page, but as far as I can read right now quickemu does work on fedora through dnf

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how would you do that with a large media library?

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afaik, doas is a bit more minimal than sudo, so less bloatware. Sudo has a lot of CVE's every year and because doas is way smaller, it has a lot less security issues.

I'm using debian, so sftp would be an option, do you use a graphical client?

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I mostly want some sort of graphical way, I'm often moving a bunch of loose files and seeing them is a lot easier for me when transferring

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You can get more updated packages by running debian testing, which is quite stable. Debian also is more stable. Security patches are still brought to the main release, making it secure. The stability comes from the lack of a lot of new updates which come with a lot of new bugs.

I found their gh, here are the dots

Googled around a bit, seems like this is the official guide

sorry, should've clarified: secure copy, it's an ssh kind of way of copying files to a server

pterodactyl looks really neat, will definitely look into that. I have a manual system for my media library, so I want to add the directories with artwork and movies manually to the directory which jellyfin reads.

I'm now considering syncing my minecraft world with syncthing, I already use it for some things but don't know why I didn't think of doing that.

On the other hand, if I have a 100+ gb media library, it seems kinda over the top to also have it fully copied on my local machine. Do you do this?

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so you basically have a copy of your media library on a local machine?

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sounds good, do you have any docs on how to do that?

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Great! Thanks a lot, this will help

Do you only use floating windows on hyprland? I like floating windows more than tiling, so would like to know how you did it.

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Thanks a lot!

I'm mostly looking for something graphical

I'll also take a look at this

Okay, I'll start with configuring pihole for DNS. If I get it, I can just use that DNS and if I need to access a service external I need to register the domain with my registrar?

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I mostly want to upload to a media server from my desktop, as that is where I download and manage the files before they go on the server

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will do, thanks a lot

I'm not losing them, I have a lot of single files. For example during a Minecraft update, I have to move ~20 jar files and other things to the server. I also try to make frequent backups and I upload new movies somewhat frequently to my jellyfin server, so I want to have an easy way to transfer files.

Do you automate your backups in some way? And can you also use samba remotely

sounds like a good option, will definitely try this out

I'm considering this, as I can see by your example, you can add a domain name to the server. How would you go over doing this?

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I'm aware of this. There are a few services I expose, but most of them are local. I just wanted to make accessing local services a bit cleaner.

I have an Asus vivobook flip, which also has a touchscreen. I daily drive pop OS, which works great with my touchscreen, altough the mouse sometimes dissapears and you need to drag it to the top bar to make it reappear. Screen rotation also works quite good by the way.

I will take a look, thank you very much!