
7 Post – 340 Comments
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Hopefully this will curb that weird conspiracy theory right wing pipeline that the algorithm pushes people into, but I fear given how mature youtube is that the damage may have already been done.

Also I always love seeing them push short form content, when youtube used to have LOTs of shortform content but they adjusted the algorithm like 10 years ago to punish it. It screwed over a lot of the animators and comedy troupes that used to make up a lot of the site back then and ushered in the era of the video essay(as well as youtubers slowing down their speech and repeating themselves in order to get to minute 10).

The shorts dont bother me as much but the media player does. Like theres no playback controls, its portrait only, an it doesnt even let you fullscreen if youre on browser.

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That's the point Tesla... next time dont lie about your range.

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Hopefully game developers stick to their guns and start migrating future projects and training to other engines like Godot. They played their hand once I wouldnt trust them to not screw you in the future

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he smashed the statues because he considered them “to be idolatrous and contrary to the Torah.”

followed by

The man’s lawyer, Nick Kaufman, denied that he had acted out of religious fanaticism.

If you say so! Its horrible that someone who isnt even from an area thinks they have the right to destroy another place's cultural heritage and history because they feel it goes against their religion.

Youtube is still the biggest video website on the world and there just isnt a viable competitor to it and nor is there financial incentive for anyone to jump into something like it given the overhead and cost. Hell even early on when youtube was lower resolution and ran worse on hardware it still beat out competitors like vimeo, dailymotion, and the various early internet content creator sites that spun off of youtubes early copyright purge.

At the end of the day they serve a tiny amount of ads which honestly is more of a minor inconvenience(especially when you remember what TV was like) and the algorithm is pretty hit and miss(personally on my feed it's not bad). Even worst case scenario if the adblockers stop working youtube will probably still not die.

It would take an antitrust hearing or something to really push youtube off of it's top spot and it would be interesting to see what that would look like for the site(though I suspect a google dismembering would leave youtube intact and just remove it form other alphabet brands which wouldnt entirely fix the issue).

Hell look at what happened on reddit. That was a very visible very big protest and there was a huge amount of outrage and reddit skews nerdy enough that the userbase actually pays attention and cares about whats going on. Weeks later and not a lot has changed. Lemmy and some other alternatives became viable but even then it And thats essentially just a big message board which links to content on other sites, in terms of design it should be easier to replicate compared to an open video site that anyone can upload to.

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It took them SO LONG to get back to this point. They gutted the extensions with the redesign a while back. Only allowed approved extensions(which I understand since a lot of desktop extension ui just doesnt work on android and many extensions are broken), but then they kinda just stopped. They added a convoluted method of creating an account and whitelisting extensions on the account if you use nightly, but it was a hassle to use and it's been years since even that was introduced.

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The thing that upsets me so much about the both sides argument is that while it's an absolute nonsense, the dems have done a good job of working hard at doing nothing and allowing people to maintain this illusion.

Neoliberalism adopted during the clinton era and their pull right and unwillingness to stand for or fight for anything outside a few token causes is what lead us to where we are. Like think of all the blue collar voters that would probably still be voting blue if the dems didnt spend 2 decades being indifferent or anti-union and enacting policies that helped line the pockets of big businesses

With what happened in Hong Kong recently I imagine it can't be too effective in the short term, but at the same time the slow trickle of disinformation and whataboutism and bots online preaching their BS can have a way of radicalizing and turning people.

And it's not like the US' trackrecord doesnt make it easy to show examples of us doing wrong around the world.

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I feel the same way. I understand that beehaw follows its own path and goals and it's genuinely what I like about this instance. I love the moderation and the fact that you all dont put up with BS from users trying to bait you into semantic wars or drama about free speech. I like that the main rule is just be(e) nice and that as a major instance on lemmy it does help set a tone.

That said I dont know if I'd follow beehaw off the fediverse.

6 weeks is effectively a ban. That's not even enough time to know you're pregnant.

Like I can comprehend their being upper limits to abortion if the mother's life isnt at risk when the fetus is viable. There dont seem to be many people protesting states with a 24+ week to third trimester abortion bans that do exist in a lot of northern states. This is so far and away from that.

6 weeks is hardly even pregnant. The fetus is the size of a lentil, and with aid of a microscope you can see it resembles a what you'd see inside of a fish egg more than a human. That's barely enough time to really know a person is late for their first period especially if there is spotting from the placenta attaching or a hematoma

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At the end of the day Florida is guaranteed 2 seats in the senate and due to their size it will be a long while before momentum moves to the point where their house numbers are low.

Republicans want this. They want people of opposing political beliefs to leave their state en mass. Lets not forget that up until recent conservative craziness florida was known as being the most infamous swingstate.

I dont blame people for leaving from an area where their kids will be more poorly educated, where local infrastructure is decentralized highway centric HOA built community hell, and where they may be actively persecuted. It's what the republicans want though.

I dont understand the obsession with grouping everything in one place. Like I know why companies do it because the current philosophy is to have you eternally in their ecosystem and to never leave their site/app or do anything else and continue to monitor.

I just dont understand why people would buy into such nonsense. Like why would I want to have my wallet and money tied into a damn chat app. Why would I want to use a chat app to hail a cab and go shopping? It'd be better to have multiple services that do the one thing well rather than 100.

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Yeah. Ubuntu has kind of taken a turn over the years but its still a super user friendly distro and they have done a lot to make linux more accessible for the masses. They also serve as a base for a number of other distros to build off of an as a result theyre an easy choice for a newbie to gravitate towards.

He's best left ignored. Every time somebody brings him up or makes fun of him it sustains him. May he be forgotten.

We've already got numerous examples of how these ai models and face recognition models tend to have biases or are fed data that accidentally has a racial bias. Its not a stretch of the imagination to see how this can go wrong.

I think the thing thats frustrating about the conservative baby shaming game is that they could probably easily get more people to have kids if they supported social programs that would make it easier. Thinks like universal childcare and student loan debt forgiveness.

And that's on top of the ludicrous cost of living in a lot of the country. But even if you move into a more affordable city you still have the cost of student loans and if both parents work the cost of childcare. And the cost of childcare is insanity. Like ten to twenty THOUSAND dollars extra a year.

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Wonder how long before these things start automatically mailing you a ticket because they calculated your speed between camera stops and determined you were going 3-5mph over the limit on the highway and if the "well it was used to catch a criminal" crowd will be as accepting of this technology then

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It makes sense. Nuggets arent exactly known for their strong fresh chicken flavor so I imagine a good coating and some oil would do a lot of heavy lifting in bridging the gap in flavor

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Authors profiteering from arcane copyright laws

I get this argument from the film, movie, television, videogame industry, and other more modern ones out there. But outside a handful of actual big name authors the average writer isnt exactly raking it in.

Also thanks to being a relic of the past we do still have libraries which offer books for free to read with a subscription and not only is this common, but its a celebrated thing among most authors and the reading community.

I won a bid on a house, finally WON a bid, and signed the paperwork and house went into pending.

But then because the seller realtor made a "mistake" and they managed to get another bid before we could get attorney approval letters filled out. So suddenly another offer came through and the seller realtor had a responsibility "in the interest of fairness" to present this offer even though contracts were already signed. In the interest of fairness they gave us the opportunity to outbid this offer, but of course they wouldnt tell us what that offer was to get an opportunity to potentially match it or just give up.

And in 3 fun days I got the ups and downs of anticipation of getting an answer, the emotional high of finally winning a bid and getting a house, the hype from planning inspection dates and imaging where I can go from house and how I can make it my own, the excitement and joy in telling the people, then the dread of not knowing if I'll be able to keep the house, and finally the anger and sadness from having this fucking shark take my house away right out of my hands.

I'm staying positive I know we'll find something, but this market is killing me.

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You know its kind of surprising it took this long for someone to challenge it, but then again in this case the defendant isnt a major entertainment or recording company.

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People constantly complain about the engine that they use but no other game engine is as flexible when it comes to modding and no other game engine has the same level of complexity when it comes to being able to pick stuff up and move it around. You can take items off a shelf or desk in skyrim and fallout and stack them somewhere else. You can if you want decide to hoard a bunch of garbage you stole and stack them into a pyramid in your home base area.

Are their quirks? Sure the physics tied to framerate in skyrim was a problem, the games are always buggy, and they arent usually the prettiest games out there(though skyrim looked decent when it first came out and the graphical fidelity mods can work magic).

As for the premise does it have to do with fidelity? Of course it does. Setting a framecap on consoles means theyre able to use higher resolution assets, better lighting effects, and more complex models. I understand the preference of giving up fidelity for some smoothness and frames but 30fps isnt totally uncommon in console spaces and this is a bethesda game not a twitch shooter or a 2d fighter.

Outside the PC space gamers hardly ever talk about or think about framer rate. Graphical effects and details and fisual fidelity are a higher priority and more important in a game where generally you mostly just walk around and explore.

It would be nice if they had an option for a lower res mode or less detailed mode and 60fps target, but I get why they made the choice they did and ideally Im sure it'll run at a normal framerate on pc.

Now if it runs poorly on PC then we can riot.

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It's easy to be skeptical of propaganda from the outside looking in, but once your immersed in it then it can be difficult to parse out reality from fiction.

Case in point look at shockingly large percentage of americans, many even from the north, who will argue the civil war was a matter of states rights. Hell the US went to war against Iraq and it initially had strong support because we were still reeling from 9/11.

It's important to always keep in mind that NOBODY is immune to propoganda or group think, nobody is above the narrative, and the people who think they are tend to be particularly vulnerable.

I looked at a house that in addition to still having some knob and tube wiring had an abomination of exposed wires going haphazardly to a plug, and that plug into a surge protector/power strip. Im not sure where the other end of this thing terminated but suffice to say I was not impressed enough by their craftsmanship to put an offer down.

I reduce my actual productivity and output so that I work about as fast as everyone else while still wasting time bopping around online, reading books, and etc.

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I dunno I find the JRPG tag akin to the anime tag. If you get down to it anime as a category covers a wide range of genres, art styles, animation styles , and so on. That said there is a DNA throughout that does unite a lot of anime. Series and creators are inspired by other older anime and manga and games and even the non japanese pop culture that influences the creators is filtered by the impact that thing had in Japan.

As a category JRPG used to refer to a very specific story heavy game with turn based combat and usually random battles and leveling up that originates in japan. There are many modern games that have evolved beyond that old school system and look, but the DNA is still there. FFXV despite being open world, having action based combat, and realistic graphics still feels more like a classic final fantasy than it does like Fallout or elders scroll.

I also feel like that there's a bit of revisionism towards bias against JRPGs. I was chronically online in the 00s on gaming message boards and RPGs were held up as a gold standard among a lot of gamers and I bet even today you'd find quite a few "BEST GAME EVER" lists that would put FFVII and VIII and chrono trigger up there as some of the best of all time.

In the console space at least in the US the default RPG was JRPG for the longest time. There were some western RPGs on consoles but they were few and far between and not nearly as popular. It wasnt until the xbox into the 360 and ps3 gen that C-RPG devs started releasing on consoles. After years of being low sellers on PC this subgenre hit the mainstream and felt like a breath of fresh air especially with this not being the best year for many landmark JRPGs like Final Fantasy.

It is at THIS point in the late 00s into the early to mid 10s that things start getting toxic because gamers are gamers and have abrasive and bad communication skills. I feel like even then these kinds of dickheads werent in a majority and sales of big name Japanese RPGs along side the slow trickle of formerly japan only RPGs like Dragon Quest show that the demand and success is still there. At most there was a brief dip as many Japanese "style" games in general fell out of fashion with western gamers as western devs started getting more and more of the console pie.

I dunno it feels more like there was a blip in sales and the dev is trying to rationalize it as racism based on toxic gamer culture. Which is a fair assumption to make towards gamers but they still sell millions.

glasses are for eyes not ears .

Hmmm sounds like you're asking a lot. What if instead they continue to sell off their valuable IP and media library while also dissolving brands that have served them well for about 30 years and then also remove all trace of already produced shows and movies so that nobody can ever watch them again?

  • and causing live updates to the site which many users dislike. *

This is quite the understatement. I'd be just about to click something and in the time it takes my brain to signal my finger the list would bump down with like 25 posts from some random instance and finding what I wanted would be tricky.

A lot of the caucasian centric discussion about race comes from the fact that a lot of english speaking websites are centered and focuses around the anglosphere.

What is and isnt white varies from location to location in parts of the world where that matters. So you have people who would be decidedly light skinned but black in the Caribbean argue their whiteness, but as soon as they immigrate to the US that's out the window. Likewise latin americans can create a racial hierarchy and given the literal european descent of many of them there is a case to have here, but put them in the united states and then they suddenly turn not white. In fact a puerto rican independence revolutionary leader got his first taste of 2nd hand citizenship when having to travel through the Jim Crow south and found that despite being an ivy league educated white boy back home, he was colored in the states.

But context matters more than anything else. Its why for example an american immigrant family may feel as if their culture is being appropriated when white people start stealing it, but members of that ethnicity living in their home country might find it endearing and cute to see.

Subs appearing on your front page is based on how often you visit them so going to them should fix it. There are other factors in the algorithm that I dont quite know or understand , but I do know there are some esoteric and weird subs that make my front page a lot but only do because I click them often.

I noticed during and after the big protest where subs shut down that it lead to my front page becoming totally different and some subs that I forgot I even subscribed to bubbled up to the surface and this remained the same after things started coming back online again.

This is more a lemmy thing. Tankie is an older word but like you dont usually run into stalinists in the wild too much. The Lemmy creators and one of the biggest instances when the site was still small was a communist one promoting not just like the ideal of communism but legit stalinism.

As a result there was a lot of weird very pro russia pro china pushback and whataboutisms on the platform in the early days before the number of non stalinist users drowned them out

A competing interest creating fake grass roots campaigns to point out how unhealthy the competition is doesnt surprise me in the least, but that said I think even without it some of the dip can likely be applied to the novelty wearing off and the expectations of infinite growth.

An impossible burger tastes fine for a veggie burger, but at the end of the day it isnt beef. Combine that with the unfortunate fact that plant based impossible style meat alternatives are more expensive, and inflation and you just have fewer people looking to splurge on something for the novelty.

Personally I dont think I'll ever stop eating meat all the way, but I do try to reduce my daily consumption so it isnt an all the time thing. When I do have a meatless day it's usually better served by having actual meatless(or vastly reduced) cuisine and not fake meat. So pizza, pasta with various cheeses, falafel, hummus dip snacks, rice and beans, bean burrito, arroz con gandules, vegetarian curry, veggy noodles, and etc. Likewise Ive talked to vegans and vegetarians who just no longer like meat and prefer their veggie burger taste like a bean patty instead of something that fake bleeds.

Dont get me wrong I agree that plant proteins and lab grown meats are important for eventually reducing meat consumption overall which is better for the environment. Meat eaters like myself would have an easier time eating less meat if there was an easy meat alternative. I just think that there are genuine organic reasons behind the drop in addition to the propoganda and I wonder how much of this now is the other side pulling their own astro turfing because they should be having the exponential and infinite growth that our market seems to demand and anything less than that is failure.

Initial adoption of "impossible" and alternatives was rapid and sudden so I wonder how much of this dip can be ascribed to the age old capitalist issue of expanding too rapidly and then falling off once the novelty wears off.

But yeah in short: Oh yeah big meat is definitely astroturfing, but I suspect there are more factors at play in the sales dips we're seeing.

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See I agree that it's good to be small, but I also feel like it would be nice to have more niche communities as well. Before reddit was a thing small message boards still filled with small niche communities that spoke and interacted with one another.

I agree we dont need to become a 100 million a day biggest site on the internet, but it would be nice to be a bit more active on some instances.

Ah damn. I was wondering why it was still working at all

More and more the chickens are coming to roost with the venture capitalist fueled modern internet.

So many services take the money and either reinvent a wheel or dont pretend to but offer the same service but for FREE. Then once they gain their audiences and cripple the competition they either drop all the customer first policies and start embracing anticonsumer monetization, or they raise prices so that essentially it's the same as the old industry it was "disrupting" (but like with an app so totally different).

If they dont do that, or fail at doing that, then they wind up freefalling into decline and possibly going out of business as the venture capitalists realize they waited too long before passing their investment onto someone else and got caught holding the bomb when it went boom.

That said I understand why people use discord. It's a feature rich free to use chat app that also does voice chat very well. It makes the barrier of entry for starting a group chat easy and free. It's mature software that also runs really well. I think for a lot of users they dont care if the business model is unsustainable because that model benefits them and if and when discord goes broke or starts making bad choices then they will jump onto alternatives.

Gotta love how the republicans try to make it seem like theyre giving you freedom of choice. If they really wanted to lift the burden of paid insurance companies and offer choice they would offer a public government option to people. Instead theyre offering something that's essentially just throwing your money away, unless you like get hit by a car and break every bone in your body(even then the likely high deductible and limited network and lack of hospitalization coverage will still bankrupt you).

It reminds me of the conversation I was having with my family recently about how the big bad NY dems are taking away their CHOICE to use fossil fuels and its like no theyre phasing it out and offering subsidies for people to use alternatives. Theyre requiring new construction to be all electric, and then eventually theyre phasing out being able to buy a new gas furnace over a heat pump(which will also use less energy to run most of the year than your gas stove and also double as central air in the summer). Even then you can still keep and repair what you have it's just a matter of when it's finally time to make that expensive replacement you'll have to replace it with something good.

Theres also fear mongering about them taking away smokers, grills, and firepits which I cant find anything other than right wing sites mentioning it cause "california did it" but then when I google california they didnt lose their grills either.

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Its chainsaw man fanart . Which doesnt necessarily negate this, just that its an homage to another artists' fetish first

This is a common thread and question that I've seen pop up all over the internet since I first joined message boards in the early 00s. It's you and I dont mean that in a judgmental way, but it sounds like you're probably burned out or being brought down by other factors in your life.

I said it in 2002 on gamefaqs, I said it in 2005 on my small local game message board, I said it in 2010 on reddit, and I'll say it again. The best time for gaming is now. Because there are still good games coming out regardless of the bad contemporary trends, and the indy revolution of the 10s has only made that more true. On top of that all the classics you know and love are still behind us and playable.

I think you need to take a step back and try to figure out exactly what it is about gaming that you used to enjoy and try to figure out why you may not be enjoying games anymore. It could be the type of game youre playing, it could be that you're just burned out, and it could be external factors in life.

Did you used to play games with friends and family that have drifted apart as you got older? Does work leave you drained and with little time and energy to play your long playsession single player experience? Is the game that you're playing one with a toxic community? Do you feel unfulfilled in other parts of your life and feel guilty that instead of working on that you're engaging in your hobby? Are you experiencing other mental health issues like depression or anxiety that might be tinting your enjoyment of things?

There are a number of reasons you might fall into and out of gaming. I'm in my 30s and I personally go through seasons and times when I play a lot of games and when I focus my hobbys on something else. Ive felt like "maybe I'll never get that immersive feeling again like I did at 18" a bunch of times in my life and then picked up games I couldnt put down. Once you find out the why you can try and tackle the problem.

Or alternatively they can add similar to the mediacodecs and such check a "install the office and other helpful stuff"