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Joined 1 years ago

So they all went in one plane...

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4D move by Spain; even better than Bb5, aka the "Spanish opening" or Ruy Lopez.

Microsoft IS the malware

Do they do the same if you download Firefox? I remember using IE exclusively to download FF immediately after installing XP, Win 7, 10 or whatever it was.

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Being pro Russia because 'own the left' and 'our guy has autocratic dreams' is even weirder

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For “contempt of the institutions.”

Over a dozen years on Reddit. Earlier this year, when looking through & deleting my old posts, I saw one saying how if Reddit ever did anything crazy to it's users, I'd leave, just as quickly as I'd done with Digg, G+, FB. So I did without even reading any further. Present self could not just ignore a message from Past self.

Universities used to have students involved in publishing magazines as journalists, editors etc. This is the evolution. I'm sure a decent sized uni could find or create a student group who can be responsible for moderation under an official administrator.

Bluetooth provides another vector of attack for the convenience. There is already quite a list of known vulnerabilities. Yes, many of these get patched but as the open standard evolves, so do the hackers. You could turn it off entirely, plug in a cable & forget all that if all you wanted to do was use audio/video.

According to their FAQ: https://wiremin.org/#/FAQ

"We will release the design and/or reference code to the public when the initial version is stabilized."

EDIT: After having fully read the FAQ, I must admit, their DHT (distributed hash table) protocol sounds very neat. Being something of a protocol geek, I'll be the 1st to admit that I may be biased, so if a 2nd pair of knowledgeable eyes could try burst my bubble, just in case I'm missing something. I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
According to them, albeit with no documentation, source plus a firstname.lastname@gmail address as a contact. The lead developer seems to be an O’Reilly publisher of MySQL books but I can’t confirm that until I hear back from the developer.
Basically, these are some features:

  • "Wiremin is a protocol, not a service" - so no Terms Of Service

  • No registration - the app cryptographically adds users by device, so no email, phone numbers or contact reading to recommend contacts.

  • No data privacy concerns as the app is incapable of storing or collecting data,

  • No ads by default; therefore none of all the related drag that comes with that.

  • No central storage or processing servers - all done 'on device', E2EE,

  • Community driven, (I've asked for elaboration of how this is achieved)

  • No metadata tracking or leakage,

  • PoW (Proof Of Work) to stop DDoS,

  • Mnemonic backup of account info,

  • opt-out diagnostics after crashes

  • Unsend within 5 minutes...

  • "Information we share" ... We don't have user information of any sort, so nothing will be shared." They go on to disclose needing to share with law enforcement info about third-party services you interact with though, like Google, Firebase or Apple push notification ids - which you can turn off

It really is quite impressive, technically & they seem to have coded themselves out of the equation as they can't even see your password or recovery passphrase.

Be that as it may - as you rightly point out, all we need now is the source, without which, I doubt I could back it.
I've reached out requesting info on whether it will be full or partial source, roadmaps, transparency, funding for devs etc before downloading & trying this but it sounds fantastic - too much so, when compared to, say Discord or X.

PS: My interest in this mostly academic intrigue, I don't work for them or know them, I just found out about this a few hours ago. Most of the wording here is copypasta. I once wrote commercial protocols in the IoT space that were loosely based around early XMPP - until Google killed it. Which is why I'm so happy about the fedi existing despite the best efforts of Google.
Anyway, this protocol seems to resemble the functionality of the FOSS app Syncthing, at least on the surface. Of course with the addition of other tech. I'd love to see one or two features like this in Lemmy or Mastodon, even if I had no interest in the code. The cost of infrastructure & the need to administer it, for example, would disappear overnight.

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Good for you! Children are only children once, jobs will always be jobs. I definitely am not going back to the office & will freelance if I have to. (software)

Please make this a post of its own somewhere. I've long suspected that the intent was to ruin Twitter for political motives rather than do anything socially constructive with it. Finally, this is undeniable proof from a court of law.

As the modern heroine & profound intellectual Philomena Cunk noted, "1 in 20 people has been a victim of crime, which means that 19 out of 20 people are criminals."

I read a theory about why Ukraine has not completely destroyed the bridge to Crimea, even if they were able to, was to leave a way out & not fight the occupying troops into a corner, at which point their destructive unpredictability is worse than just letting them leave . This could be similar

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The fact that the Italian military & it's leaders were spared from the Nuremberg Trials made this all the easier.

Reddit had no bluetick businesses, journalists, authors, government reps, entire countries used it for emergency news etc . . . he wanted to destroy those, while shit-posting at the same time.

Russia know they can't fight NATO. So they make like-minded autocratic friends like Erdogan, Orban, Trump & try to soften NATO members' stance towards Russia. The hope is that some, if not all the major NATO member countries will self-radicalise & see nothing wrong with what Russia or China does. Clever & obviously working.

They do fail - upward. Everyone else gets to bounce off the ground & climb up again, they just move on to something better.

The moment I fully knew he was a fraud was when I heard him talk about ai.

Firefox's 'Play in VLC' https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/play-in-vlc/ is brilliant for this - it does entire playlists too. It works with smpalyer, which is even better player than VLC, IMO.


F /u/spez is only following Twitter who've already banned user profiles & comments from containing links to Mastadon, Post, Instagram & others.

Do they even allow niceness over there?

Even at it's longest, that's about $2000 a year - that is still crazy.

Someone was probably already lined up before he accidentally fell out of the sky

Why is anyone still listening to this guy after he 'advised' the PM of Samoa to be sceptical of vaccines - leading to the death of nearly 100 children from measles.

It looks like he went for a thorough de-brand more than a catchy rebrand.

Has Germany ceased to exist? Are their WW2 adversaries oppressing them to this day? Are they confined to an ever-smaller part of their own country? On the contrary, they tore down the physical & ideological walls dividing their country & were welcomed into a union with freedom of movement.

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The current movement is spent & any traction gained has been lost due to bad messaging. The best thing would be to abandon it altogether, start with a coherent message & go with what you said.

The back-forth here reminds me of The Resistance of WW2. That movement was basically in every European nation that resisted German occupation/expansion. Those nations, by necessity, coalesced into one movement because Germany was the aggressor. The moment WW2 ended, so too ended the various resistance movements as there was nothing left to resist.

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Wow that is just extortionate. How long is the vaccine valid for?

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That's what he wanted everyone to believe - offering 420 jokes as a share price he was willing to pay. He was ready to pay anything & even said so in an interview - that X is not about money, it's more than that. Though he complained about how much he paid for it, he got a bargain for the ability to centralise, control, monitor & distort the dissemination of knowledge, perception of culture, international wars, to prolong or incite culture wars.
Imagine one guy deciding which governments could use it as an emergency response tool, tracking millions of accounts; many of whom were in positions of influence ie politicians, law enforcement, judiciary, reporters, authors, financial types, companies of all sizes, government agencies, local councils & everything in between.
I remember thinking what a bargain he got that ability for. How much would any dictator pay for this sort of ability?

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Start with an idea of something you'd like to make.
Start with a simple idea.
The clearer you describe the idea,
the easier it will be to code it.
Learn Python.

It will be fixed in the next update says a developer, here

Cool. A friend had one in a fireplace that played a fire video in the evenings - with the crackling sounds too.

The Lemmy homepage could do a random "Community Focus" where one random community is pinned for a day or 2 - or something like that. Just so people notice some of the tinier communities. I joined many when I 1st signed up but now my feed is full, so I hardly look for new ones anymore.

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" Wealthy residents raise $60,000 to stop homeless shelter being built in San Francisco", was a headline last week.

It's not just an 'industry" thing. It's a "people"thing

You'll turn into a pile of salty salt if you look back. Don't do it 😀

XFCE on mobile + physical keyboard is the bees knees. May the kudos be with you.

Try Tab Suspender. With it you can open as many tabs as you care to, it will auto-suspend tabs unless you choose tabs not to suspend. This way you can open as many tabs in as many windows as you want, even suspend all the tabs in one window or many windows.
One Tab is even better, it puts all open tabs into 1 tab as a long list, then you can open those as needed in new tabs or windows.

And now, when the law is finally catching up to them, do we get to the part where a higher power, God, is on their side.